1. Abir Ibrahim


    I am the kind of person who chases the sun just to see it set (literally). My life’s goal is to watch the sunset in all seven continents. So far I chased sunsets in four different continents; North America, Europe, Asia … Continue reading
  2. Abir Ibrahim


    I have always been taught to never begin anything with an apology. However lately I always feel the need to apologize. When I registered for this class I was excited beyond human capacity. I was really looking forward to learn … Continue reading
  3. Chanda Cowger

    Zombies, Zombies…Everywhere!

    One of the requirements for ds106 was to create a new assignment for the DS106 Assignment Repository. I’ve been thinking about the possibilities for the past 9 weeks, keeping in mind that I don’t want to closely duplicate an already existing assignment AND I must be able to do it myself. That was the real ...
  4. Chanda Cowger

    Remixing with Dr. Suess

    The remix assignment this week was to use the remix generator to produce a remix card paired with another assignment from the ds106 assignment repository. The task was to then interpret this as a new assignment and do it. We were instructed to look at the examples that were done for the original assignment, and ...
  5. Chanda Cowger

    Remix: Imitation is the Highest Form of Flattery

    After watching all four Everything is a Remix videos created by Kirby Ferguson and his blog, I think one of the most profound things he said that really drove home the reasons for remixes was “Nobody starts out original. We need copying to build a foundation of knowledge and understanding. And after that, things can ...
  6. Kavon Johnson

    Remix, ximeR, Rmiex

    Remixes are everywhere and they are unavoidable. Some remixes are easier to do and others are simple. While watching some of these videos, I got a understanding how HOW TO do some things I never thought of before. It is even more interesting to know just how creative some people are to come up with remix ...
  7. Kavon Johnson

    Mashing Up Movies Underwater

    Sadly, I don’t really watch too many movies, but the few movies I watch are mainly animated. Why? I am a big kid at heart and animated movies has a way of keeping me young. Well, that is my story and I’m sticking to it. The assignment that allowed me to mash up movies, was ...
  8. Chanda Cowger

    Lethal Weapon Series: 4 Movies, 1 Trailer

    Mashup Assignment 135 (4 stars) called for making a movie trailer by taking a trilogy, or any series of movies, and combining scenes from all the trailers to make one trailer. This was an easier assignment, and considering all my problem with video editing, I figured I could probably handle this one with a minimum ...
  9. Chanda Cowger

    Mashing Up Daily Creates

    I accepted cogdog’s challenge last week to do daily creates every day for seven days. As of today, I’m going on 8, but I haven’t done today’s yet. Anyway, since issuing his challenge there has been more consistent participation on The Daily Create site, so the timing was good to do Mashup Assignment 609 (5 ...
  10. Abir Ibrahim

    Radio Bumper

    Let’s just say I had no idea what the heck I was doing with this assignment. Not because it was difficult, but because my mind was all over the place with this one. While I was in Tanzania, I fell … Continue reading
  11. Kavon Johnson

    REMIX; Creating a NEW assignment

    This week we are doing a lot of remixes. When I got my Remix assignment, I was a little afraid. I didn’t know how exactly to remix a “5 seconds of fame” video. After thinking and thinking a thinking, I finally came up with a remix assignment. This assignment is called “IDENTIFY THIS SOUND” The ...
  12. Kavon Johnson

    Remixed Album Cover

    Rihanna is my favorite artist(if you all haven’t noticed by now) and I know every single one of her songs. When I saw the album cover assignment, I knew exactly what to do. Rihanna has a song called “S&M” which in reference to sexual acts. It stands for Sadism and Masochism-The practice of using pain ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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