1. aambroise


    This is Leora. Leora loves applying make up and wants to be a make-up artist. Only problem is, she cant get any clients? She has no idea why. She doesn’t leave her tree without a full face of makeup. From her long lashes to her favorite red lipstick, her face is always beat. Leora wants … Continue reading "Leora"
  2. fferrer

    GIF Portrait

    This week, I really enjoyed creating an animated GIF through using photoshop.  I decided to use a portrait of Kevin Garnett, because he is one of my favorite all-time basketball players.  Since Kevin Garnett played for my favorite team, the Celtics, for a while, I decided to use change his face in the different frames … Continue reading "GIF Portrait"
  3. ryanseslow

    GIF the Portrait – Collab Submission Process

    This past week in CT101 we began the collaborative GIF the Portrait Project. Working with the digital version of the project, students continue learning the basics of adobe photoshop and generated their individual portrait animations. Students that were present in class during week #5 left our class session with their first GIF created from scratch … Continue reading "GIF the Portrait – Collab Submission Process"
  4. Jasmine

    Animate me

    For my first Photoshop picture animation, I chose one of chuck close Mosaics called Sienna. If you live in New York, you have most likely seen the original on the wall of the MTA Q train station at 86th street.  He has a full collection there. click here to see it.  He has an interesting … Continue reading "Animate me"
  5. Nikeeta

    Project Ideas

    My first project idea was easy to choose. My number one pick will be fan fiction. I love reading fan fiction on tumblr, some of the people writing this stuff are very talented. I have read some written work that is better than the original. My second choice didn’t come as easy to me but … Continue reading "Project Ideas"
  6. alisa.smith

    Project Ideas.

    In the DS106 Assignment Bank, there are so many different categories to choose from. There are categories that fall in writing, visual, audio and plenty more. I love how there are so many options from me to choose from so I can eventually learn how to master them all! Well okay, not all but a … Continue reading "Project Ideas."
  7. ryanseslow

    Wally Sutton’s Internet Art Making Creative Blogging Project

    Wally Sutton’s Internet Art Making Creative Blogging Project. Who is Wally Sutton and why is he here? Simply put, Wally Sutton is a fictional character. He’s a Walrus, however, he doesn’t know that Walrus’s aren’t supposed to wear human clothing or sell things like motherboards and other computer hardware… That is what makes Wally, Wally. He is … Continue reading "Wally Sutton’s Internet Art Making Creative Blogging Project"
  8. perkins

    Animated Gif’s

    This animated gif project is definitely a little bit weird but I think that’s what makes it a great project. It’s a new and unexpected way of doing a portrait.  I like the fact that we can manipulate the picture anyway we see fit to create these scary yet cool looking images. This project could be used to show how … Continue reading "Animated Gif’s"

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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