Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92705 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Andrew Forgrave

    Depth of a Field with Skeleton

    Now that the Anaglyph-A-GIF has been a little more clearly defined, I’ve decided to add it (along with the simpler, static 3D Anaglyph to the ds106 Assignment Bank. I did a search for anaglyph and 3D, and didn’t really turn anything up that is similar aside from Bill Genereux’s Wiggle Stereoscopy (Visual Assignment 352),  the similar 2-frame […]
  2. Andrew Forgrave

    A Newly Improved Boo

    Interesting. In revisiting the “George Wither, page 8, ‘Boo’“ GIF in order to update the misspelling in the “view with Cyan-Magenta 3D glasses” text, I have uncovered another issue and made another little improvement. I had originally provided a transparent background for the full image. My thinking was that a uniform, white background might telegraph to […]
  3. Andrew Forgrave

    Badges, and Properly Spelled

    In the depths of meticulous attention that supported the exploration of my initial Anaglyph-a-GIF process this week, I managed to publish several pieces (to three different sites) with a glaring error in spelling in all of them. Introduced in an original source file and then copied across several versions, an incorrect spelling of Magenta smiled out at me […]
  4. Andrew Forgrave

    A Different View to Car 106

    Yesterday Jim Groom (@jimgroom, on Twitter) was writing about Silicon Valley (End the Domination of Silicon Valley) and the 1985 Bond film, “A View to a Kill,” when he came across Car 106. Having long sought an image of a police car bearing the 106 number, he captured the image and posted it. Now I see […]
  5. Andrew Forgrave

    Thought Vectors in Concept Space

    Well, I’ll be arriving a bit late to this party, but the summer break brings a bit of extra time to participate in a variety of online learning experiences, and so I’m going to jump into the Thoughtvectors in Concept Space course as an open, online participant. There are a lot of great folks already engaged in […]
  6. Andrew Forgrave

    The DS106 Workplace Office Pen

    Well, a quick check of the Twitter following my last post showed that the conversation regarding a DS106 Workspace pen has continued since Todd Conaway (@Todd_Conaway) introduced it last night. Todd has since put forward an official un-organization chart (distinct from a dis-organization chart, I’m sure), identifying the pen recipients (below the red line). While […]
  7. Andrew Forgrave

    The DS106 Workplace

    A new iteration of the DS106 Digital Storytelling course started up this week. Although I’ll have limited time to participate this time, I am intrigued by the backstory that exists whenever the course re-appears. This time, the “context” for the course is the setting of the workplace — motivated in part by the fact that […]
  8. Andrew Forgrave

    … because it’s #4life !!!

    Yesterday, MBS (@mbransons, on Twitter) tagged an earlier post here from a year ago with his post, “Hey, DS106radio, Just because …“, noting that he had re-created Andrew Allingham‘s epic logo design for #ds106radio in Illustrator so that the art could be used for higher resolution projects. Michael encouraged me to revisit the second-year anniversary […]
  9. Andrew Forgrave

    Travel With

    It was too good an opportunity to pass up! Mugs are on sale today (Sunday, January 26th) at 50% off on Zazzle, and it was easy to put the DS106RAD.IO Radical In Radical Out 3rd Anniversary design on a travel mug — heck, it happened via an iOS device before breakfast! The travel mug is […]
  10. Andrew Forgrave

    Celebrating 3 Years of

    As I write this, we are moments away from the 3rd anniversary of our beloved As I have noted before, shortly after Grant Potter introduced the Voice of DS106 Digital Storytelling, the Internet-based ds106radio station, it suddenly seemed that every single tweet coming out of @jimgroom had the #ds106radio tag. It was almost spammish in it’s […]
  11. Andrew Forgrave

    Brother, I Made This For You

    For The Daily Create, January 10th, 2014: tdc733 “Design an album cover using a portrait of brothers @timmmmyboy @jonathan0wens” The font is called LoveNessThree by bythebutterfly, sourced at – free for personal use.  I wish the font didn’t disappear into the stars in the lower half (song titles) due to the thin lines, but I couldn’t find […]
  12. Andrew Forgrave

    Bring IT, Together!

    After many months of planning, preparation, and hard work, the 34th annual conference of the Educational Computing Organization of Ontario (ECOO) is underway. Following regular increases in yearly attendance in recent years, the decision was made to move the conference to a larger venue, resulting in our hosting of #ecoo13  in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Arriving […]
  13. Andrew Forgrave

    tdc618 John and Me and Tina

    The Daily Create for September 17th tdc618 prompts us to “create a Face Swap image of yourself swapped with Talky Tina’s face!” Since John Johnston (@johnjohnston, on Twitter) had done such a masterful face swap already with iamTalkyTina (@iamTalkyTina, on Twitter), I decided that I would riff on his image and swap my face with […]
  14. Andrew Forgrave

    EduPunks’ Animated Atlas 3D Animated GIF

    Success! Oh Happy Day!! The flat original animated GIF layers, after being Grouped and Duplicated into the 3D Book template .psd, managed to hold their alignment as a group while the scale, rotate, and skew tranforms were applied. After that, it was necessary to create 42 frames to re-make the animation (copying GIF layers to another […]
  15. Andrew Forgrave

    tdc604 #headless13 #ds106

    tdc604 Headless cc licensed ( BY NC SA ) flickr photo shared by aforgrave And, for those looking for a little more, here’s a GIF version: The instructions on assignment page for The Daily Create tdc604 provide just enough simple direction to make this a great little task. Here some hints- take your own photo, […]
  16. Andrew Forgrave

    tdc595: Kitchen Monster

    The Daily Create tdc 595 for August 25th asks us to “build a monster out of items in your kitchen and post of photo of it.” I posted a static image of my monster to Flickr, but this Wigglegram version is perhaps a bit more animated. The #headless13 fall session of #ds106 Digital Storytelling course […]
  17. Andrew Forgrave

    Wiggle the PUSH Button

    So I pulled out the 3D Camera app today on the train when I saw some discussion on Twitter about making Wigglegrams using mobile applications in response to the August 2013 Animated GIF Challenge #11. I’ve always enjoyed making wigglegrams using the 3D Camera app, and found a quick subject on the train that I […]
  18. Andrew Forgrave

    Monster Chiller Horror Theatre 3D Groom

    What a great fortune that I just happened to be watching Jim Groom (@jimgroom) and Paul Bond (pbond ) talking about Mario Bava‘s Kill, Baby, Kill yesterday and had this little moment of Jim fresh in my mind when I read about @iamTalkyTina‘s Animated GIF Assignment: Monster Chiller Horror Theatre 3D GIF challenge. It’s not […]
  19. Andrew Forgrave

    Creating the Conditions for Potential

    Alan Levine (@cogdog) put out a great post today, “You Don’t Get DS106 In a Box”, and a couple words just jumped right out at me. When you dream of “ds106 in a box”, what you will get is actually just an empty box, a potential. – Alan Levine You really should read Alan’s post […]
  20. Andrew Forgrave

    tdc548: Way Forward Wayback Archive

    The Daily Create for July 9th, tdc548: It is your 100th Birthday. Tell us a story of a crazy thing you did when you turned 90. I accessed the Way Forward Wayback Archive, a little-know alpha project offshoot of the Wayback Machine, to get at this little recollection of future events. Sounds like it was […]
  21. Andrew Forgrave

    GIFestivus 2012: Is the Learning Fun Over?

    Wow! Has GIFestivus2012 been a blast, or what? As I write this (originally dated January 18, 2013, but only published July 8th, 2013), I have something on the order of 14 posts on de•tri•tis that are tagged with GIFestivus2012 and couple of those have several GIFs on them, putting me at about 20 completed and posted GIFS. (As […]

ds106 in[SPIRE]