Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92710 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Andrew Forgrave

    Julia Child is “The Cookist”

    On Wednesday, January 23rd, the prompt for The Daily Create was just too good to ignore. Ideas started flowing even before I went seeking an image to use for the assignment. tdc381 – Design a poster of an action movie starring Julia Child. (!!!) See — how could you not want to try that? This ...
  2. Andrew Forgrave

    Since Inception, DS106 Radio Is TOPS! #2years #4life

    Are you listening? Well, ARE you listening?  You better be! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DS106RADIO !!!! YOU ROCK !!! #ds106radio is celebrating its second birthday this weekend. Of course you’ve listened to the open, online, free-form internet radio offshoot of the University of Mary Washington’s Digital Storytelling course, DS106, RIGHT?? I’m sure that DS106Radio’s stickiness comes directly ...
  3. Andrew Forgrave


    From HItchcock‘s 1964 film of the same name. Here, Marnie (played by Tippi Hedren) waits quietly in the washroom stall at work at the end of the day while waiting for everyone else to leave. The camera focuses on her for the duration of the scene, while she listens and waits to hear the other ...
  4. Andrew Forgrave

    It’s Not All Purrs and Naps 

    You all think I have such an easy life, Endless days of napping on comfy sunlit carpet, Free tasty fish food, Fresh water, Attention when I allow it, And independence and own-time all the rest. You only see me when I want. And maybe you see me as spoiled. It’s not all purrs and naps ...
  5. Andrew Forgrave

    Jim Groom, Edupunk, REMIXED

    Jim Groom (@jimgroom, on Twitter), the dynamic energy behind the ds106 open online digital storytelling course (as well as in-person sections at University of Mary Washington), is listed on Wikipedia in conjunction with the term, EduPunk. The original photo for this GIF comes from that entry, along with the ds106radio Twitter icon. Jim was on ...
  6. Andrew Forgrave

    The New Ontario Education Dictionary of Words

    I started drafting a response here this morning to the recent announcements by the Ontario Liberal Government and Minister of Education Laurel Broten. As it would turn out, I wound up posting the item on my blog, “Broten: Oxymorons, Verbs, and Grammar.”  Feel free to follow the full story there. However, it seemed appropriate ...
  7. Andrew Forgrave

    Advancing Storm

    In support of my renewed commitment to the Photo-A-Day Project 365 endeavour, I’ve been transferring images off of memory cards, and started sorting and cataloging photos from as far back as the summer of 2011. It’s actually been that long since I took a disciplined approach to managing my images! Some may recall (Giulia, so ...
  8. Andrew Forgrave

    Infinite Dash of Rainbow

    I’ve had this GIFestivus2012 GIF done for a few days. It’s for Ben Rimes’ Animated GIF Assignment 871: My Little Pony, Friendship is GIFtastic. Rainbow Dash and the other pony look like they’ll be flying for some time now. Check back later to see if they’re on a break. It took quite a bit of fiddling ...
  9. Andrew Forgrave

    Cybernating the Scansion

    The Daily Create today called for a Haiku. And that was just fine by me. But when it came time for my 2013/365 picture, I was looking for a subject. Revisiting the Haiku provided the subject, and I added the poem to make an art print. Unfortunately, the original image was cropped, and so it ...
  10. Andrew Forgrave

    Wishing You the Best for 2013 !!

    Wishing you the very best for the coming year!! This animated GIF is made from a series of screen captures from MineCraft, where the sign for 2013 was built during the last two hours of 2012. Rather than using Lego this year (I’ve kept my previous builds for 2010, 2011, 2012 — I’m running out ...
  11. Andrew Forgrave

    OSS117?s Bedhead

    Prior to the two recent film parodies of OSS117 (Cairo, Nest of Spies, and Rio Doesn’t Answer) starring Jean Dujardin, I’d not heard of the original character, secret agent Hubert Bonisseur de La Bath, who pre-dates Ian Fleming’s James Bond by four years. Appearing first in 1948, OSS 117 was a creation of French author Jean Bruce, who ...
  12. Andrew Forgrave

    The Slooooow Wait & The Top 89%

    Remember dial-up? Remember when your 14.4 modem just screamed in comparison to the earlier one? Remember when you used to watch the status bar as a small file downloaded? I still remember the magic of the first file arrival, as it came into my computer over the local Datapac dial-up phone connection. Truly amazing at ...
  13. Andrew Forgrave

    Rolling Rick St. Nick

    This contribution for GIFestivus2012 belongs in the category of Animated GIF Assignment 859: Riff A GIF. This one truly did fall into place quickly — the idea came as soon as I saw Giulia‘s recent post, “Never Gonna GIF You Up,” for HB. This is the seasonal Riff on her GIF to accompany her original. I quickly ...
  14. Andrew Forgrave

    Waiting for “Waiting for Groomot”

    This post contains a link to my GIFestivus2012 submission for Ben Rimes’ “Hurry Up and Wait” Animated GIF Assignment 864. As soon as I read the description of his assignment, I knew I couldn’t wait to do it. However, completing the GIF turned out to be an exercise in waiting. Getting the GIF out of Photoshop turned out ...
  15. Andrew Forgrave

    Multi Frame GIF Story: Beaker’s Hair

    The ds106 Digital Storytelling GIFfest (known as GIFestivus2012 around here) continues, this time with a two-fer. As well as providing another submission for the Animated GIF Assignment 856: Muppet GIF assignment, it’s also going to reflect a new Animated GIF Assignment 880: Multi-Frame GIF Story. Thanks to Jim Groom for pointing me at the multi-framed ...
  16. Andrew Forgrave

    PöpcÞrn, anyone?

    The Swedish Chef has always been one of my favourite Muppet characters, and so when MBS (@mbransons) posted Animated GIF Assignment 856: Muppet GIFs, I was quick to start with The Chef. This source video is posted on YouTube by MuppetsStudio. In it, the Chef seems to be making both popcorn shrimp (?), and regular popcorn, all to ...
  17. Andrew Forgrave

    GIF the ds106

    Last night as I was reviewing my process for making animated GIFs using Photoshop, I ran out of time and had to stop in mid-project. While I was happy with the basic GIF (CogDog has used it as the basis for a new assignment called GIF Me Again About My Eyes), I had bigger plans ...
  18. Andrew Forgrave

    GIFestivus 2012

    And so it begins. GIFestivus 2012 is underway. At least that’s what I’m calling it.  Grant Potter is also using GIFestivus, and he’s already at the 6th Day of GIFestivus, but Alan Levine said the official announcement would go out today (Wednesday the 18th) and he might be calling it the ds106 GIFest. Regardless of ...
  19. Andrew Forgrave

    Corporate Preparations for the Zombie Apocalypse

    I came across an intriguing blog post recently, “10 Famous Logos Redesigned for the Zombie Apocalypse” on Business Insider, which, as it would turn out, was re-posting the article from (original) by Ben Fellowes. For Hallowe’en, Ben “celebrated some of his favorite logos of all time by re-imagining them, post zombie outbreak.” The originals, along with other ...
  20. Bryan Alexander

    On Cowbird

    Transom has a nice piece explaining Cowbird. It’s a good introduction.  The article also gives us a good sense of how far Cowbird has come.  Now it has a library.  Now it’s a multimedia storytelling first-step tool.

ds106 in[SPIRE]