Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92710 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Andrew Forgrave

    One Step

    “One step, by proxy, For all humanity. You show us the way.” Neil Alden Armstrong, 1930 – 2012 First step by a human on the lunar surface, on July 20th, 1969. Footprint image: NASA Portrait: Neil Armstrong Pose, Wikipedia in … Continue reading
  2. Jeffrey McClurken

    Movie Poster for My DS106 Website

    This design assignment to make a movie poster for your website appealed to me on many levels (not least of which is the many years I spent working in movie theatres and collecting movie posters). Having titled my site a DS106 Odyssey, I started looking for sailing ships, thinking of the original tale by Homer. ...
  3. Jeffrey McClurken

    Slide Guy Visits the Sphinx

    This is another Visual Assignment.  I couldn’t resist the opportunity to join in on the fun of placing the image of DTLT’s own Tim Owens in an unlikely spot. I immediately thought of the pyramids, though I’m not sure why.  But then I found this great image from Flickr User wilhemja of the pyramids and ...
  4. Jeffrey McClurken

    Daily Create Updates

    Catching up from a long DS106 absence…. TDC 153 — Take a picture of an old building and make it look older with filters. This is Parson Weems’s house (of Washington and cherry tree fame). We visited this house, originally built in the 1740s, in March when it was up for auction. [More about the ...
  5. Jeffrey McClurken

    Creative Commons Poster

    I found the assignment to create a CC poster more difficult than I imagined, especially after struggling a bit with the Postcard assignment. The assignment here was: Use creative commons licensed images to design a poster about how groovy Creative Commons is! Use a tool like Compfight to find creative commons licensed images in flickr (be sure ...
  6. Jeffrey McClurken

    Postcards–A Legoland/Minecraft Mashup

    So, after nearly three weeks away for a conference (and panel comment), a new talk for a Civil War Round Table, and a family trip to California, I’ve finally returned to DS106 work.  These means that I’m woefully behind as the rest of the class has moved into audio assignments.  I’ll catch up as I ...
  7. Andrew Forgrave

    Bending Time

    “Making night time work, A convenient answer, Bending the space-time.” FlickrHaiku, TwHaiku, InstagramHaiku I came across this solution, while seeking answers. While still not the long-promised DayDoubler**, it’s nonetheless a start. – At the Petro-Can, 10:10 pm.  June 11th, 2012. … Continue reading
  8. Jeffrey McClurken

    Visual Assignment 1 — An Album Cover

    An Album Cover — DS106 Assignment here So here’s something fun for everyone to do, should be quick and easy, but try to make it pretty. First, go here: title of the article is now the name of your band. Swiss Emigration to Russia is my band name   Next, go here: Go to ...

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