Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94983 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @FCMaisano

    From the Sun-Everything

    “It’s the circle of life!” Using the website, I created this abstract art. Since I cannot do anything without thoroughly thinking it through, this picture does have meaning. It starts with the yellow-the sun-which gives energy through photosynthesis to plants and provides warmth to the world. It is the most circular shape of any […]
  2. @FCMaisano

    A Photography Noob

    I have to admit-I am not very skilled at photography! I don’t have much photography experience, not even an elective class in middle or high school. Back in late elementary school into early middle school, I used this little red Canon digital camera to take photos and videos. I really enjoyed using it too! However, […]
  3. @FCMaisano

    My Character-Maria Segreti

    A phone rings, cutting into the quiet air. A woman looks up from reading, closing the worn, yellow-paged book with care before looking at the name on the screen. She smiles and holds the phone to her ear. “Hello, Thiago! How are you?” “I’m doing well, too. I’ve just been reading more about the bunyip […]
  4. @FCMaisano

    Random Wikipedia Writing

    Here’s the URL for this assignment- and here’s the link for the Wikipedia page- There is a page on Wikipedia, called Wikipedia:Random, where you can click the link and get brought to a random page on Wikipedia. I thought it would be fun to try to combine this feature with folklore, myth, and legend. So, […]
  5. @FCMaisano

    My (far-off) Dream Vacation!

    This is my Pinterest board for this assignment   Pinterest is fun! Before this assignment, I didn’t have a Pinterest. Sure, I’d been on it, but I just never created one before. I will say: it’s addicting and so easy to use! I love all of the pictures, and how it links out to […]
  6. @FCMaisano

    The legendary ds106

    Let me start this by saying that I adore legends, myths and folklore. It is an interest of mine. In my mind, the older the better! I have spent many, many hours on the internet, particularly on Wikipedia, reading about this topic. I even took the Holy Grail FSEM last year here at UMW. I wish […]
  7. @FCMaisano

    All of my Social Medias

    Hello! This is my first post to this subdomain and to WordPress. Here are all of my first posts to my Social Media accounts. Hello DS106 classmates! I'm excited for this class and to get to know all of you! #ds106 — Francesca Maisano (@FCMaisano) August 28, 2018 Hello! This is my first photo on […]

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