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  1. @amick_hailey

    A moment in time from my iphone camera.

    Currently, on my phone, my camera roll consists of 11,140 photos. I take photos of everything in my life of myself, food, friends, my furry animals, and so much more. I also take a lot of videos of myself as a musician, because I want to listen to myself, or share my content with others. They are not always good, but sometimes they can be beautiful! I know that just one photo can tell a story, but when reading up on some of the material from lots of different resources I learned there is a lot of small things I can do to make these moments in my life look have a little bit of clarity. (get it? clarity!!) I donā€™t necessarily ever have an approach when taking photos except to center the object that I am wanting to make the point of the photo such as a person, or the sun? I also ALWAYS change the brightness of the photo to darker or lighter depending on where or when the photo is being taken. I feel as if when I am taking photos that have meaning or catch a particular feeling that they end up turning out better because the emotion of the photo that I am capturing turns the photo into art. After viewing all the sources for class I feel a lot better about taking pictures, but I honestly always have a lot of creativity and love for all the photos I have taken or currently take. To end my blog post here is a photo from the sky I took the other night when on a run.
  2. @wade_764

    ā€œA picture is worth a thousand wordsā€

    I have some experience taking photos, but it has been a long time since I have tried to perfect my technique. I remember in high school a photography class, and my favorite part was developing the film. I thought the process had a magical quality (minus the smell). Now I rarely take photos, my reasons for this are two things. I do not have a nice camera to take pictures with, I prefer to use SLR cameras, and two, having the convenience of a camera built into the smartphone has taken away some of the fun aspects that photography asā€¦
  3. @JHolburd

    Dā€™Juneau?? 2022-02-01 00:24:12

    Iā€™ve been shooting since the Kodak Pocket Instamatic in high school. By the time I enlisted in the Marine Corps, I got my first SLR camera, an Olympus OM-1 with a fixed, 50mm lens. You could adjust the aperture and focus, and could add a flash with its hot shoe. I wish I still had [ā€¦]
  4. @skyler0455

    photo reflection

    I like taking photos to document what is going on in my life and the things that I am doing. I like being able to look back on memories through pictures. I usually take pictures with other people, like friends or family when we go out or have events. Itā€™s a good way to remember [ā€¦]
  5. @PabloMccrimmon


    I take a lot of photos. I think of myself as one of many who have been fortunate enough to live in a time where taking a picture, of anything, is easier than ever before. And not just one. You could max out the storage on your phone taking thousands of photos. This is yet [ā€¦]
  6. @HumIsDum

    Moments of Light: My Experience with Photography

    by Thomas Pulsifer Photography has always been something Iā€™ve had a passing interest in. The first photos I ever remember taking were done using my Nintendo 3DS camera in 2011. Back then, Iā€™d mainly take photos of my toys, posing them dynamically for fun shots. Nowadays, I typically only partake in photography if something particularlyContinue reading "Moments of Light: My Experience withĀ Photography"
  7. @Marie-Lynn

    My Own Experiences With Photography

    Photography has been a big part of my creative process in life for the past five years. When I was in high school it was required we take at least one art class, though we were allowed to chose. I had originally tried to take the fundamental art class but found I couldnā€™t handle the coursework alongside everything else I was doing at the time, mainly due to stress and poor time management skills. It wasnā€™t until a few years after that I decided to take the introductory photography course my high school offered. It was there I found my passion for art. My first real experience with photography involved a 1984 Canon T70 SLR film camera. I actually bought this camera from a commercial photographer in Fredericksburg who was updating his equipment, choosing to sell his old cameras instead of merely throwing them away. Though I cannot remember his name, I talked to this man for two hours about different types of cameras and photography techniques. He actually gave me a choice between three cameras, two of which took the old mercury batteries you can no longer find, and the third being the Canon. Iā€™ll admit, I mainly chose this camera since it took AA batteries, which are much easier to find than the substitute mercury batteries they make that can fry a camera in a single shot. Since Iā€™d never used a camera before, I wanted to play it safe. Safe turned out to be a really good option. I was taught the basics of my camera, learning how to properly use aperture, shutter speed, depth of field, flash, and light balance. From there we only used Tri-X black and white 35mm film, which we shot whole roles of and developed by hand. Afterwards we were invited to experiment in the darkroom, where we stumbled around in the dark until our eyes grew accustomed to the red-light, using enlargers to create contact sheets, and finally prints. Photography became the artistic medium that I had sought after for most of my life. Since then Iā€™ve used many different types of cameras, both film and digital, to create new and interesting pictures. While I donā€™t take as many pictures now due to college and my job, I still go out in my free time and take pictures. Often times I like to buy a roll of film and think of a theme for that roll. Since 35mm only allows you to take between 35 and 36 shots, you have to be very particular about your shots. And film isnā€™t that cheap, so you must you want to make sure you donā€™t overexpose or underexpose too many of your shots, or else your film will look like it was washed out, being too light or dark. Iā€™ll admit to having ruined an entire roll of film before. I was mad, but I got over it and carried on. I did keep those negative though, wanting to use them for future projects to combine images the old fashioned way. The one camera I use more often now is my Canon EOS Rebel T7 DSLR camera. This is a digital camera that was given to me as a gift and has many different shooting modes to capture a wide variety of shots. I mainly use the manual modes though, since I was taught the old fashioned way and am very critical about the pictures I take. I normally donā€™t have a particular type of photography, theme, or feeling, I like to capture. Instead I like to take whatever picture captures my attention in the heat of the moment. This means I tend to do street photography, however I also enjoy studio shots in a controlled setting. Iā€™ve also been experimenting with night photography, but since the rules that govern those shots are totally different than shots taken in the daytime, itā€™s been hard. However, nature and landscape photography has also been a favorite of mine. Ansel Adams has been a huge inspiration for me, as well as many others in the Group F/64. One thing Iā€™ve learned about photography is that an image can tell a story all on itā€™s own. Using methods like the Rule of Thirds, S-Curves, and Leading Lines can draw the eyeā€™s attention and tell a story. The same can be said for action shots, which capture an action or figure in motion. One of the things we used to do in my photography classes was pick two or three images and discuss our creative process, why we took that shot, and our reasoning behind it. The narrative of an image isnā€™t merely about the content, though that is a huge part of it. You can take images of things as simple as random objects and derive meaning from it. To me, itā€™s more about the meaning the viewer gets from an image and what you can take away from it. This is why you can use a series of images to tell a story, and why a photography portfolio can have a much larger meaning. I actually have a photography portfolio available on Flickr that I won an award for in high school. I invite others to look at it and see what you take away from it without reading the description. I think after reviewing the readings that Iā€™m going to try my hand at photography more often. I want to try and create more digital photographs with as much meaning as my black and white prints. I also want to learn more about photo editing. While Iā€™m not going to purchase Photoshop, I do know Photopea, a free clone of Photoshop. I want to see if I can use it and generate some truly amazing images sometime in the near future.
  8. @Egon2688


    I would not consider myself a photographer, but I do take a lot of photos with my phone. I also use Snapchat very often when I share certain pictures with my family and friends. I love capturing memories of my family, events, and new adventures. I do focus on lighting and make sure unwanted itemsā€¦ Continue reading Amateur
  9. @mgedney

    my past photography

    My previous experience with photography is limited. I would call myself an amateur. As of now, my camera roll is dominated with pictures of me with my friends, boyfriend, family, and/or dogs. A lot of my photos also come from snapchat. This is one of the apps I use most
  10. @KendraB999

    Photo Reflection

    After reviewing the photography and visual elements material, I realized that I do take a lot of photos now and I did a lot in the past too. Most of the time it was at some special event I wanted memories of, myself (because I liked an outfit I had worn), or just pictures of [ā€¦]

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