Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92741 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Johnathan Blake

    There’s Only One Way

    I’ve been fighting Each and every day Just to keep my mind And not let it fade away I know that tomorrow brings a better day If I could just hold on I could make it through (and make this go away) It’s the same thing As each and every time before Except my head ...
  2. Johnathan Blake

    Half way through May!!

    Man, I’m pumped! I need to finish my senior year at UMW! So I updated my blog’s theme, picture sync with Flickr, and various other elements to the site. It has transformed from a DS106 only blog to a more personal blog using the tools I learned in DS106. Dr. James Groom really taught me ...
  3. Johnathan Blake


    It’s May…yay! All my classes are over, all of my stress and worry is gone away. I just got off of the antibiotics…all is seemingly well. Since class is over, I’m going to make some changes to my blog. First of them will be a change in the theme. I thought it was appropriate for ...
  4. Johnathan Blake

    DS106 Final

    Hey guys! I spent a lot of time considering my options for the final. I had a really good idea using FireBug to alter the story of a twitter feed, and using the links that people post to link to digital storytelling creations…but I realized it’s almost an exact copy of what I did before. ...
  5. Johnathan Blake

    Fandom Assignment

    Hey guys! I was really sick last week and I tried to distract myself by remixing a lot of different music to make a linear song that works. Sometimes I find myself irritated with avid music listeners who only listen to one style of music. I combined pieces and elements from a lot of different ...
  6. Johnathan Blake

    Future DS106ers

    Hey guys, This is just some friendly advice for future DS106 users. I don’t know what it’s like to be in-class for this course, but I do know that being online is pretty awesome. Dr. Groom is a really laid back guy, but is also very informative and detailed. The course is really what you ...
  7. Johnathan Blake

    El Mashup

    Not too long ago, my best friend went missing. The story is pretty bad, so I won’t go into specifics. I had a lot of emotions about it, and I used music as a way to express and work through them. This song is new in the sense that I made it specifically for this ...
  8. Johnathan Blake

    Final Project — Update

    Hey DS106 mates, I’m taking some time here to update you guys on my final project status. I would have done this sooner but these past few weeks have been so crazy for me. One of my professors is assigning homework/assignments left and right so much so that I feel like I’m Neo from the ...
  9. Johnathan Blake

    El Mashup — Progress Report

    I love music. So I’m going to remix a few songs that shouldn’t be together on the same track and I’m going to make it sound like it works. Theoretically, I’m offering up a challenge to artists who never take risks on their music...
  10. Johnathan Blake

    Video Essay!!

    This was awesome. Another great example of how I can expand the ways I use the internet by having fun with different forms of story telling. For this assignment I choose The Sunset Limited. It’s a very inspiring movie in the sense that you will be prompted to think about some things a little differently. ...
  11. Johnathan Blake

    Remix Essays

    I had the pleasure of reading a couple great articles about the art of remixing different forms of art to create a more personal story for the author. I want to discuss both of those articles at length. The first article I read was titled “Praxis 2.0: Escaping the edu-travelogue.” This article addressed the role ...
  12. Johnathan Blake

    Making Progress With Video Essay & Essays

    Hey! Quick update! I’m making a lot of progress with my “Video Essay” assignment, and I even thoroughly read the essays Dr. Groom asked us to read, but I’m stuck on my blackberry tonight so I won’t be able to upload my responses until tomorrow. My video essay should be done on Saturday…my comcast internet ...
  13. Johnathan Blake

    Final Project – Proposal

    Wow! Only 4 more weeks left of class! I’ve had a great time this semester and have learned a lot of neat things about the internet that I wasn’t aware of before. The web stories thing just blew me away. I was so engulfed in the neatness of changing web page elements to create a ...
  14. Johnathan Blake

    Web Stories Assignment

    This was an awesome assignment. The basic gist of it is that we were to find a website and alter the coding of it to develop our own story. Of course to have a story, it has to be interesting. The idea of a comet hitting earth sounded like an attention-grabber to me. I didn’t ...
  15. Johnathan Blake

    Haven’t Posted In A While

    Hey guys. What’s up? I have not posted on my blog in a while because I have been so busy with the radio project work and it is too big to post here. But you can find it on DS106 radio at 10am on Sunday, March 13th. I’m pretty excited with my progress and this ...
  16. Johnathan Blake

    DS106 Radio Show Segment

    So below you can listen to my ds106 group Sun radio show segment. There are three main components to it. The first component is a sound effects story that transitions into a song. The second component is a song narrative. The third component is involves an autotuned piece from a movie. Hope you enjoy! Ds106showfinal ...
  17. Johnathan Blake

    First 5 Minutes of Digital Radio Segment

    I had to begin late on this so these first 5 minutes aren’t exactly what I wanted them to be. I wanted to break away from the conventional way of doing a radio bit. I wanted to use more audio to create a vibe rather than verbally communicate that to the audience. Hopefully you all ...
  18. Johnathan Blake

    Short Sound Effects Story

    Recently I started playing around with official #ds106 assignments in Audacity. I loved how this one turned out! This is my short sound effects story using only sounds from DS106 Audio Assignment 70 by twothousandsuns
  19. Johnathan Blake

    Visual/Design Features

    I’ve had the opportunity to see a lot of work done by other students in DS106 these past 2 weeks. Some of the work has inspired my own, and others have inspired my imagination. I choose 5 of them to share with everyone here, per our assignment.   My favorites that I have taken are ...
  20. Johnathan Blake

    Just A Reflection

    Just taking some time here to do and update on my course progress in a reflection-style post. This is not to be confused with my visual design reflection coming later this week. I really like this course. But, at first I was a little misguided — a fault of my own — regarding how this ...
  21. Johnathan Blake

    5Card Flickr Story

    I find the experience of things very rewarding. On special occasions, I like to remember every part of my day and the things that happened in-between the parts of it. The shots I took here reflected my day from my house to the Jimmy Eat World concert at UMW. I had more pictures of some ...
  22. Johnathan Blake

    New Feature Added!

    I have just added a new feature to my blog. On the top right section of the page, a widget is now installed…showing my previous pictures on Flickr! Way cool! Have fun checking them all out. If you click on any one of them, you will be directed to...
  23. Johnathan Blake

    This is pretty cool

    Go to Wikipedia and hit random. The first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band. 2 – Go to and hit random. The last four or five words of the Very Last quote of the page is the title of your first album. 3 – Go to flickr and click ...
  24. Johnathan Blake

    Web 2.0 Readings

    This was certainly an interesting read for me. I think I sort of understand the concepts behind “Digital Storytelling” now. I consider it to be a form of sharing history from a person-centered perspective. This reminds of of what it’s like to study history from the viewpoint of literature. Instead of history books vs literature, ...
  25. Johnathan Blake

    Personal Cyber-infrastructure

    I began this assignment by reading Gardner Campbell’s essay A Personal Infrastructure. I immediately watched the presentation afterwards, and then listened to the dialogue with #ds106. I appreciated Campbell’s views on the fact that digital storytelling can help students create a digital identity that appropriately addresses the changes in technology around us. For example, Campbell ...
  26. Johnathan Blake

    Blog Experimenting

    So week 1 is completed and I am almost completed with week 2. It has become more difficult this week to balance my classes but I think that is primarily due to a change in my schedule and finally getting my textbooks from Amazon and having to read a couple hundred pages of text in ...

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