Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92753 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Marcey

    Class Participation Post

    “It is very important to us that you take time to reflect upon your contributions to the course and the work you’ve done. To that end, if you are unsure about where you stand in the class, and would like confirmation, the first step is for you to write your own summary of your work ...
  2. Marcey

    Week 9

    This letter was lost in the mail and is just now being sent.  Dear Mom, Dad, and sissies, This week, we are studying remix. Here is a video message of me talking about my time at camp this week. Love- Marcey  
  3. Marcey

    Weeks 7 & 8

    This letter was lost in the mail and is just now being sent.  Dear Mom and Dad, Here’s a video message from Camp Magic Macguffin. We are working on video and movies this week. Miss you! xoxo Marcey
  4. Marcey

    “Troll Quotes” Tutorial

    For the “Troll Quotes” Visual Assignment, you must first start with three famous people in mind. Next, you need to find a photo of one of these people. You could get this image by Googling the person’s name. I chose three people that were somewhat similar, so it would confuse my blog viewers, hence the ...
  5. Marcey

    Weeks 3 & 4

    This letter was lost in the mail and is just now being sent.  Dear Mom and Dad, Sorry I haven’t written in so long. Camp has been really busy. I have learned a lot these last two weeks at camp. I am learning about Creative Commons Licenses. I’ve been learning about being a better photographer ...
  6. Marcey

    Week 10: Interview with DS106 student, marcey109

    -What did you expect this class to be like? What did it end up being like? At first, I was extremely overwhelmed with the course material presented. I was scared it would be too much when I looked at the syllabus and introduction videos. I was worried that I would not “be good at” the ...
  7. Marcey

    Overedit Yourself!

    For this assignment, I was inspired initially by Tiffany’s “Create a New You” assignment. My main inspiration came from the comment posted on my blog post after I had completed Tiffany’s original assignment. leelzeebub said it would be interesting to place extreme edits on the photo. For Tiffany’s assignment, I tried to make myself look ...
  8. Marcey

    Go to a happier place! (Write-up and Tutorial)

    Design Assignment 625: Go to a happier place! Ever wanted to be somewhere else? Take a photo of yourself in your current location, crop your body out of the photo and paste on an image where you would prefer to be. Put together the two photos for a before and after effect! For this assignment, ...
  9. Marcey

    Mashup Those Movies

    Cady talking about Regina in Mean Girls: “I have this theory that if you cut off all her hair she’d look like a British man.” For my first Mashup Assignment, I chose Mashup Those Movies. Naturally, I chose a movie poster for Mean Girls and edited on Aviary. I Google Imaged Mean Girls movie posters, and ...
  10. Marcey

    Remix This

    REMIX: To combine or edit existing materials to produce something new. For this write-up assignment, I watched Everything is a Remix, Part 1: The Song Remains the Same by Kirby Ferguson. Remix originally began in music. Now, remix happens everywhere. It’s easy to do and anyone can do it. The video shows examples of Led Zeppelin ...
  11. Marcey

    Remix Assignment

    For my remix assignment, I chose the “Re-brand ‘Em” Design Assignment paired with the Remix card, “Pollock Style.” I chose one of my favorite “Re-brand ‘Em” submissions, “America Runs on DS106″ by Stephanie and remixed it as a Jackson Pollock painting. A little while back, I wrote a blog post and designed my own Jackson Pollock painting, so ...
  12. Marcey

    Return to the Silent Era: Mean Girls

    Please view my Pre-Production post to see how I first set up this video. After completing the tasks mentioned, I then changed the video to black and white. The hardest part for me was figuring out how to slow down and fast forward the clips. They were both options under “Clip” in iMovie, but for ...
  13. Marcey

    How to Read a Movie: The Sound of Music

    For the Week 7 “Reading Movies” assignment, I chose The Sound of Music from AFI’s 100 Years…100 Movies, a list of the 100 best American movies determined by The American Film Institute (Where is Mean Girls on the list? Kidding…). The Sound of Music was one of my favorite movies as a child, and continues to be. ...
  14. Marcey

    Return to the Silent Era: Pre-Production

    For this assignment, I chose to use a trailer from one of my favorite (trashy) movies, Mean Girls! I found the trailer on YouTube and used the tutorial (from the Magic Macguffin website) “How to Download YouTube videos” for help with downloading the MP4 file. I used PwnYouTube. I did not have the correct updated ...
  15. Marcey

    Support Creative Commons With a Poster

    For the Creative Commons design assignment, I used Aviary as my photo editor. I found the original photo on Flickr. Then, I added the attribution by just adding text at the bottom. I saved the Creative Commons symbol as a file and imported it and added it to my project. Then, I added the line ...
  16. Marcey

    Triangle Dog

    I chose to complete the Triangle Animal Assignment. Of course, I decided to make a dog out of triangles. My favorite animal is really a turtle, dogs are second best, although I wasn’t really sure how to go about making a turtle out of triangles! With the help of the camp packing list, I chose ...
  17. Marcey

    Jackson Pollock Ă  la Marcey

    For my first design assignment, I chose to make my own Jackson Pollock painting! I started off by looking Jackson Pollock via Google Images so I could get a better feel for his style. I decided I wanted to use a program like told-school Paint that I used to spend lots of time on back in ...
  18. Marcey

    Create A New You

    For this assignment, I went back to the handy dandy camp packing list, per usual! When I used PicMonkey for my first visual assignment, I noticed that there were many photo editing tools which could potentially be used to “improve” one’s appearance. I started off with a photo of myself and uploaded it to the ...
  19. Marcey

    Common Everyday Object

    For the Common Everyday Object Visual Assignment, I started off by taking a bunch of pictures around my house. I had a hard time choosing between a photo of a clock and one of a fork and a spoon. As you will see below, I went with the fork and spoon photo! I chose to ...
  20. Marcey

    Draw It.

    For the “Draw It” assignment, I used the free web-based image editing site, Photoshop Express. It was one of the only sites on the packing list that had a drawing transformation feature. The sites on the packing list have all been very helpful and have liked each of them for different reasons. As I continue to ...
  21. Marcey

    Warhol Something

    For this second visual assignment, I “Warholed Something” using the photo editing site called Aviary, mentioned on our camp packing list. Aviary actually provided a tutorial on “Warholizing” an image using their photo editing tools. I chose a picture of my dog, Tux, to “Warhol.” I followed the instructions step-by-step in the tutorial and I think I ...
  22. Marcey

    Troll Quotes

    For this assignment, I found an image of a (fairly) well known figure, Coco Chanel. Then, I added a quote by Marilyn Monroe, one that I find mildly amusing, and attributed the quote to Audrey Hepburn. I knew I wanted to use these three women. Marilyn Monroe has a pretty distinct image, so I decided ...
  23. Marcey

    Bryan Alexander’s Book and Website

    I really enjoyed the chapter we read from Bryan Alexander’s book. His writing style was easy to follow and contained interesting information. It also wasn’t too complicated for someone like me, who is not very advanced in the particular field of digital storytelling. I wasn’t familiar with many of the sites and such mentioned in ...
  24. Marcey

    Week 2

    Dear Mom, Dad, and sissies, This week at camp was really busy! I was assigned to Bunkhouse number 3. We are working on picking out a name for the bunkhouse. The campers and counselors in my bunkhouse all seem pretty cool. I am now following them all on Twitter, so I can see their updates. ...
  25. Marcey

    Reaction to Michael Wesch Video

    After watching internet culture expert, Dr. Wesch’s, talk, I realized that I am not as technologically savvy as I had thought. I’d like to think I have some skills on the internet, definitely in the social networking aspect, as I grew up with AIM/instant messaging and MySpace in middle school, which warped into the creation ...
  26. Marcey

    Week 1

    Dear Mom, Dad, and family, During my first week at Camp Magic MacGuffin, I’ve been helping the camp directors set up my activities! I’ve also been doing lots of unpacking. You remember how long it took me to pack up everything I needed for camp! I already had a Google account, but now I also ...

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