Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92753 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. sgillis

    Tutorial Summary

    Here is my Tutorial for my Congratulations! It’s A… Err… assignment an buy cheap cialis online d here is my Tutorial for my Budding Entrepreneur assignment I figured I could contribute the most to the ds106 universe by creating tutorials … Continue reading
  2. sgillis

    Upselling an Ibex

    I saw the “Buffalax!” assignment and thought of one of my favorite foreign youtube videos “Arguing with an Ibex” and, using my best Windows Movie Maker caption skills, tried to portray the man attempting to sell the ibex an extended … Continue reading
  3. sgillis

    Sir Remixalot

    I watched “Everything is a Remix” Part 1 and Part 3. The author presented an interesting argument about “remix” and how common it is, being the basis of most recent innovations. I guess the real issue for would-be remixers is … Continue reading
  4. sgillis

    Weekly Summary#9

    Radio Show Evaluation: SpiritXpress- Autumn Quality of audio sound  -e.g. is the volume appropriate? are the levels even? Is the sound clear, and free of noises not needed (e.g. mouse clicks, background)? A: I found myself adjusting my volume a couple … Continue reading
  5. sgillis

    Weekly Summary#7/8

    Audio Storytelling Assignments: Nutella in a Winter Wonderland (3/5) Sam-I-Am (3/5) Leave a Message You Will (3/5) Johnny Chipmunk (3/5) Total: 12 stars Unused Media: shout: this was going to be the basis for my DS106 radio ad polarbear: this … Continue reading
  6. sgillis

    Johnny Chipmunk

    For my Mainstream Chipmunk’d assignment, I decided to commit sacrilege and chipmunk the late Johnny Cash (I wondered how it would sound on a deeper voice) and the results don’t disappoint. I pulled the song into Audacity and upped the … Continue reading

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