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  1. Downes

    Canada Goose

    March 17, 2024. We went out to the Upper Canada Migratory Bird Sanctuary today for a short walk in the rain and snow pellets to take photos of birds. Even with the big lens, it's still pretty hard to do. Other than that, today was a work day. https://...
  2. Downes


    March 13, 2024. This is a decoration inside Feleena's, a Mexican restaurant across from the bike shop. They had to drill out the broken bit of extender in order to fit my bike pedals back in. I also paid a visit to an accountant to get started on taxe...
  3. Downes


    March 12, 2024. This is a spot alongside a road a shade under 10 km away from home. It's where I was stranded when the pedal on my bicycle broke off and went flying. It wasn't the pedal that broke, it was just an extender. Took a taxi home. Still - ev...
  4. Downes


    March 11, 2024. A stack of mini batting helmets that were filled with ice cream at a Blue Jays game. Watching or listening to spring training games is one of my favourite parts of the season. Today was another day with struggling productivity, but in ...
  5. Downes


    March 10, 2024. Snow. Even worse than the day before. We didn't even hike because of the weather. I did a little bit of work. But still spent most of it playing video games. No cycling, obviously. The cardinals were nice though.
  6. Downes


    March 9, 2024. Rain. No biking today. A quick photo of a woodpecker on the feeder, that's my creativity for the day. Spent the Saturday playing video games even though I should be fixing a website. Not that people are actually using the website. Despa...
  7. Downes

    Crab Apple

    March 8, 2024. The crab apple tree in the evening light in the back yard. This time of year it doesn't take much to send my emotions spinning; in this case it was an issue with a website that sent me into despair. So here I ham now uploading this phot...
  8. Downes


    March 6, 2024. I bought this in a hotel in Bogota in 2008 or so. Now it sits in my office and I enjoy the memories. It was kind of a down day today, so I put aside anything that resembles work and wrote an article 'On the Sentiment of Rationality'. ht...
  9. Downes

    Kona Sutra

    March 5, 2024. This is the new bicycle; I've been out on it a couple of times now. Though it was a beautiful day today I had to skip a day because of an abrasion caused by the leather Brooks saddle. It needs to be oiled and broken in, maybe not the th...
  10. Downes


    March 3, 2024. Our walk today took us to Pine Grove forest. It's still showing the effects of the derecho a couple years ago, and it looks like they removed a lot of the downed trees over the winter. We listened to the Blue Jays lose another spring tr...
  11. Downes

    Dow’s Lake

    March 2, 2024. The frozen surface of Dow's lake with a sheen of meltwater on it. This was a view as I took an 11 km ride on my new bicycle today. First ride of the year, first ride on the new bike. The bike exceeded my expectations, and though it was ...
  12. Downes


    March 1, 2024. This is CN6200, a train (obviously) on display in front of the Museum of Science and Technology in Ottawa, now for some reason called Ingenium. It was my absolute favourite museum when I was a kid, though I haven't been back since it wa...
  13. Downes

    Dart Trophy

    February 29, 2024. This is from the Edmonton Interpub Dart League (South Central Division), winter 92-93. We finished in 4th place. The trophy has been broken several times and repaired (you can see the tape holding it together). It's from a time when...
  14. Downes


    February 28, 2024. This is artwork on the front of Feleena's, a Mexican restaurant on Bank Street. It's across the street from the bike shop. I was there in the afternoon after spending the morning and lunch hour preparing then delivering my seminar o...
  15. Downes


    February 27, 2024. This is the illustration on a wooden box of smoked salmon I bought ages ago and which now decorates my office. Honestly, I bought it for thr artwork, not the fish. It's as distinctive as it gets. Today was a work at-home day with a ...
  16. Downes


    February 26, 2024. I saw this out the window first thing this morning and snapped a photo before it went away. And it did go away, and there was no snow after 7:45. Tough day today, lots of work to do, especially on the Agora project before work and i...
  17. Downes

    Larose Forest

    February 25, 2024. Some very tall spruce trees in Larose Forest west, just north of Limoges. We were there for a 5 km snowshoe hike this afternoon. Probably the last snowshoeing of the year. Ball game was on. Fixed an emergency issue on the Agora webs...
  18. Downes


    February 23, 2024. This is a chocolate easter bunny, I know, I'm jumping the gun on the holiday a bit, but, chocolate. Meetings today, and I wrote a blog post rebutting the objections to AI in education.
  19. Downes


    February 22, 2024. These fish decorate the parking garage in the Glebe, which is where I went over lunch to look at a bicycle, a 56 cm that will fit me properly. I was pretty happy with the fit and put down the money. Also, I finally finished my liter...
  20. Downes


    February 21, 2024. Wen t to the dentist this morning and while it was all OK it sort of set me off for the rest of the day. I got a little work in but nothing like what I wanted to do. It's like I'm passing time waiting for winter to be over. I see so...
  21. Downes


    February 19, 2024. This is a close-up of some wall art we bought at an auction a number of years ago. But mostly it's me testing how closely I can shoot using my 50mm lens. Worked from the home office today, mostly on the lit review, partially on some...
  22. Downes


    February 17, 2024. This guy worked itself into the cage and spent a long time working on the feed cylinder, enough time to allow me to take this shot with the telephoto. It could be better; I shot at an angle through the hazy window by hand, but it's ...
  23. Downes

    Reaching for the Sun

    February 15, 2024. But the Sun isn't there. There's just this faint glow behind the clouds. It's cold. It's snowing this evening. And the plants are dead. It must be the middle of February. Spent the day working on my literature review, started a new ...
  24. Downes


    February 14, 2024. Butterfly decorations on the front of a house in my neighbourhood. I've always liked the way people put butterflies on their houses; there's no real incentive for them to do so, but they do it anyway. Today was much more productive ...
  25. Downes


    February 13, 2024. This is a tree at the office in the city. Seeing this tree is one of the few benefits of driving in to the city. Today was a zero-productivity day; I got my meds wrong in the morning and was off all day. Wrote a short bl;og post; th...
  26. Downes


    February 12, 2024. A sparrow snags a seed from the feeder. Shot with the telephoto but the camera decided to take the photos in lower-resolution JPG format. Still learning this new gear. Anyhow, I spent most of the day trying to write a script to post...
  27. Downes


    February 11, 2024. Spotted this squirrel in the bird feeder along the Mer Bleue trail on our walk today. I was trying to photograph birds (without a lot of success) with the telephoto. Puttering on some projects otherwise, maybe watching football this...

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