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June 30, 2024. Some birds frolicking in a tree not far from the walkway in Warwick Forest. We went for a nice walk, my heel hurt again, but we still went to the football game in the evening.
January 7, 2023. It took a few days, but the birds have discovered we put food in the feeder again. We had stopped over the summer because of avian flu, and we didn't want them gathering all together. This is a female cardinal; we haven't seen the male...
March 30, 2021. The robins are avoiding the cluster of birds in our back yard so I photographed this one on a neighbour's lawn. Another indoor day today even though it was nice outside as I rest my strained muscle. I spent the day wrestling with a clus...
March 23, 2021. Our local blue jay paid us a visit today; here it is with a beak full of seeds from the feeder. We had an an abundance of different birds in the back yard today: woodpeckers, cardinals, grackles, sparrows, red-winged blackbirds, and mor...
This is a bonus daily photo featuring the antics of the birds at the back yard feeder (whihc has attained a new popularity with yesterday's snowfall).
July 18, 2019. We saw these cedar waxwings in our back yard - it was a bit hard to get a decent photo because of the morning lighting. They were lined up for the blackcaps (black raspberries) lining the deck. Today was a rest day as my late night earli...