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  1. @justzaying7

    *Chewing bubble gum sounds*

    Hay, I did this mashup assignment, number 1871. Pretty fun assignment except my Mac started updating in the middle which was super inconvenient because I had to restart. Anyway I just youtubed one liners, for inspiration. Following that I just watched the video and found two lines that jived to me. No real backstory behind … Continue reading *Chewing bubble gum sounds*
  2. @k8lynclements

    2 in 1 Line

    Two Movies, One Line – 3.5 Stars For this assignment I had to take 2 scenes from different movies and mash them up into one line. I chose the scene in Suicide Squad where Rick Flag and lecturing the squad about not going against him. He is being intense and not coming across very nice in this scene. I then took a clip from Men in Black where Agent J is telling Agent K to be more polite if he wanted...

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