Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @k8lynclements

    Advice for the future…

    You will not regret taking DS106. Do not drop this class! It may seem like it is going to be too much work at first, but it is fun. When I first received the email from Professor Bond warning us about the class, I will admit, I almost dropped it since it is my last semester. I read the advice from past students and it made me feel a little bit better about this class. The first week was intimidating...

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  2. @k8lynclements

    Mericful found her sidekick!

    Merciful Mise en Place is in need of a sidekick! She is so busy helping people and tending to her food truck that she needs some help. She needs culinary help and someone that can protect her from villains when she is in the zone. She posted this hiring ad to find the perfect sidekick. A few days after posted the hiring ad, she received a phone call… She is a very busy lady so she decided to interview...

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  3. @k8lynclements

    Merciful Mise en Place needs some help!

    For this week I brainstormed and partly began my final project. Even though we knew about this project last week, I was way to busy getting things done for other classes so this one was on the back burner. This was also one of the last things I have done this week because I couldn’t think of what to do. At first I really loved the idea of how my superhero represents myself but I could not think of how...

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  4. @k8lynclements

    Week 12 Summary

    I did some mashup assignments the first week of class and really enjoyed it so I was excited for this week. I did some photo, audio, and video combinations! I had never used the Remix button but it was actually fun to do. Check out what I have done this week! Tutorial: We had to do a tutorial for this week on an assignment. I chose to use this combination video as an example. iMovie is very simple to work...

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  5. @k8lynclements

    Combining Clips Tutorial

    I am going to do a tutorial for the mashup assignment, 2 Movies, 1 Line. This is only really for Mac users with iMovie. After spending a lot of time struggling to learn other video makers, I discovered that I could do a lot with iMovie and it is simple. So this tutorial is for a easy combining of 2 videos into 1. Find the 2 clips you would like to use. In my case, I found a video of Suicide...

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  6. @k8lynclements

    Guess the song?

    10 Second Song Mashup – 3.5 Stars For this assignment I had to chose some songs and do a mashup of just 2 seconds of each song to see if you can guess the songs. I chose all pop/upbeat songs for this assignment. I also chose songs that I feel like sound kind of similar. Try and see how many you can get right! I made this song mashup using GarageBand. Some reason when you convert from Garageband to iTunes it...

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  7. @k8lynclements

    Jokers meet Pollack

    Photo Mash-Remixed Pollack Style – 6 Stars This assignment is one that I did awhile back where I had to take 2 people from different movies and make them look like they are in the same scene. Since we had to use one art piece that we had done earlier this semester and remix it, I chose this one because it was my favorite. The remix button told me to make it have the visual of Jackson Pollack art. At first...

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  8. @k8lynclements

    Dr. Suess at UMW Remix

    Bring your pet to school remixed- Dr. Suess it! – 4 Stars For this assignment I did a remix of a visual assignment. The original assignment was to take my pet to UMW but the remix asked me to use a Dr. Suess character and add a quote from him. My pet is this fuzzy little orange creature that I call the Lorax. He has always wanted to come check out UMW with me and I decided to take him one...

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  9. @k8lynclements

    Delorean with Millennium Falcon Remix

    This Doesn’t Belong Here – Mustache Remix – 5 Stars For this assignment I had to take 2 images from 2 different movies and mash them into 1 scene. I chose the Delorean from Back to the Future and the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars. I chose these 2 images because in Back to the Future they have traveled to different places and different universes so I figured it would be cool to pair these 2 together to show that the...

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  10. @k8lynclements

    2 in 1 Line

    Two Movies, One Line – 3.5 Stars For this assignment I had to take 2 scenes from different movies and mash them up into one line. I chose the scene in Suicide Squad where Rick Flag and lecturing the squad about not going against him. He is being intense and not coming across very nice in this scene. I then took a clip from Men in Black where Agent J is telling Agent K to be more polite if he wanted...

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  11. @k8lynclements

    Week 11 Videos

    I was really excited coming into this week of videos again. I have taken a liking to doing them! All the assignments I did this week were really fun and I enjoyed spending time editing them all. This is what I did this week:   I was not too sure on what exactly we looking for in the final crisis but here are my ideas below: Superhero Crisis The 2 minute silent documentary was really fun to do! I don’t...

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  12. @k8lynclements

    1 Sec Video

    1 Second Video – 3.5 Stars For this assignment I had to make a 1 second video that tells a story. I decided to incorporate my superhero into this assignment. Since she is a super chef, I decided to tell a story with her favorite appliance. A convection oven. It is small but heats up quickly so that she can complete her dishes without having to wait for a big over to heat up. In the 1 second video the oven...

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  13. @k8lynclements

    Superhero Crisis

    For the final crisis I am not sure exactly what you are looking for but I have a couple ideas: Make a side kick for our superhero and use one of the medias we learned about to introduce them. Do the same thing above but with your superheroes arch enem...
  14. @k8lynclements

    Two Minute Cookies with Merciful Mise en Place

    2 Minute Silent Documentary – 4.5 Stars For this assignment I had to make a 2 minute silent documentary about something. I chose to wrap my superhero into this assignment. This is Merciful Mise en Place and her double chocolate chip cookies. This assignment works great for her because of her fast baking skills. She can whip up a meal in no time, or 2 minutes in this case. Her clips were not sped up! That is just how fast she...

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  15. @k8lynclements

    Suicide Squad Music Change

    Video Crack – 4.5 Stars For this assignment I had to take clips from a movie and place music over it to change the scene feeling. I decided to use Suicide Squad again because I had already downloaded clips from my video essay. I watched the clips and thought about what songs would change the feeling of them. The first clips I did was with Harley and The Joker out running Batman in their car. I overlapped this scene with the...

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  16. @k8lynclements

    Week 10 – Videos

    This week was not what I had expected! I expected this to be one of the worst weeks because I do not like making videos but so far I feel like it was the best. It was great to learn about the cinematic effects that film makers use. I will now not be able to watch a movie without thinking about these concepts. I know the assignment you said would be more videos next week if we don’t do the...

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  17. @k8lynclements

    Suicide Squad Video Essay

    For my video essay assignment I chose to use a scene from Suicide Squad that really stood out to me. It stood out the most because of the use of cinematic effects that are presented in it. At first I was worried about this assignment because I know nothing about film but after reading the articles and watching the clips, I felt a bit more comfortable. I learned a lot about: Reverse shots and how to film dialogue inside the...

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  18. @k8lynclements

    6 Second Butterfly

    Six Second Art – 4 stars For this assignment I had to make some art in 6 seconds. I thought it would be easy but quickly realized that I was wrong. I am not good at art and it is really hard to do something in 6 seconds. Time flies!! I did this about 15 times with different drawings but I was taking too long. I finally ended up drawing a butterfly. I did not enjoy this assignment at all!...

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  19. @k8lynclements

    Clothing Life Hack

    One assignment that we could do was Life Hacks . It was actually really fun to do! It took awhile to think of a good hack to show but my boyfriend told me about this one! When traveling and have limited space to pack things, combine clothes, fold them like below, and pack a bunch more! He recorded the folding from above me to make sure I got everything in the shot clearly. I uploaded it to iMovie, added music,...

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  20. @k8lynclements

    Vine Dinner

    The Healthy Vine Challenge – 4 Stars For this assignment I had to great a vine of making healthy food for dinner. I winged this because I don’t make dinner every night so I had to go with what I had in my fridge. I had chicken so I decided to cook them in a pan and make some broccoli mac and cheese. I am a picky eater so to me this is healthy. I rolled the chicken in seasoned flour,...

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  21. @k8lynclements

    Walk With Me

    Where do your shoes take you? – 4 stars For this assignment I had to video my life showing where I go. It was kind of strange at first just videoing my legs/feet but then it got neat because I would go different places and change my clothes/shoes. I did this on Sunday when I visited family members in Glen Allen, VA. My goal was to video every hour but I kept forgetting. I chose to use snapchat to video through because...

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  22. @k8lynclements

    Web Week 9

    This week was web week! While reading the assignment post, I got worried. I saw we had to change code of websites and I got super nervous. I am currently in a programming class and it is not easy so when I saw that we were going to do that I was not excited. But then I kept reading and tried out the X-Ray Goggles. I then realized that this is not what I was thinking it would be. I...

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  23. @k8lynclements

    iSpy Puzzle

    Photo through different lenses We had to choose between this assignment and the other web creating one and I thought the other one seemed harder so I chose this one. As soon as I started thinking, it ended up harder than I thought it would be. I had some ideas but then I didn’t have 10 of that item. I think 10 is too many but eventually I figured out what to do. I chose 10 different colors and designs...

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  24. @k8lynclements

    Birthday Cat

    Daily Create Story: There once was an overweight cat that had no home. He was did not have any friends and it was his birthday. Nobody had acknowledged that it was even his birthday. He loves to run when he gets upset, it helps take his mind off of things. Some say he runs so fast you can’t tell if it is a cat or a car go by! #tdc2112 Hmmm… which one was it? — Katelyn Clements (@k8lynclements)...

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  25. @k8lynclements

    Super Chef Jacket for Sale

    For this web story telling assignment I decided to use my super hero. She loves her chef jacket and wanted to share it with the world at an affordable (for what you get) price. She sells the chef jacket that she wears on This is a fashionable yet safe piece of clothing. It doesn’t burn, it is quick dry, cools fast, and can’t be cut through. The kitchen can be a dangerous place so this is a must have...

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  26. @k8lynclements

    Reflection on Radio Shows

    I have class Tuesday nights so I tuned into DS106 Radio Monday night. I got to hear my group’s show, Sweet n Sour, and SCARR Network. It was really different listening to these on the radio. I edited my group’s show so I heard it many of times, but it seemed so much better on the actual radio. SCARR Network was really interesting to listen to. There were parts that were hard to hear even with my sound all the...

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  27. @k8lynclements

    YouTube Throwback

    Way Back Time Machine – 2.5 Stars This assignment asked me to find a website and see how it has changed over time for better or for worse. I chose to use YouTube for my example. I knew YouTube has been around for awhile, but I never knew it was around in 2005. I used a screenshot from 2005 and from 2017. They are completely different! The only thing that hasn’t changed would be the YouTube Logo. I definitely like the...

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  28. @k8lynclements

    Super Chef on Social Media

    Socialize Your Media – 3.5 Stars For this assignment I had to make different social media accounts for someone else. I saw this as the perfect opportunity to put my superhero, Merciful Mise en Place, on some social media sites. She uses the top sites right now like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. She uses them to promote herself, give cooking tips, and update friends/family/fans on what she has been up to! Twitter- She uses Twitter to attract the younger generation. This...

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  29. @k8lynclements

    Week 8 Summary

    Well it is already week 8! Half-way through the semester and all the way complete with our radio project! I am very excited to be done with our radio show. It was definitely not easy but overall I really enjoyed it and my great group made it so much better. I am glad that we had 2 weeks to do it and that you helped us by making the small things due the first week and then the individual stories...

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  30. @k8lynclements

    Sweet n Sour Progress

    The progress of Sweet n Sour is now complete! We finished it on Thursday night and I am very happy with it! We worked on all the in-between products for the radio show last week. The beginning of this week we began to organize the order of our radio show. It was hard to do this over Fall Break but we all got our individual character stories in on Wednesday. By Thursday, everything was ready and I put all the...

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