Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92753 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @k8lynclements

    Week 8 Daily Creatings

    We only had to do 2 Daily Creates this week! This are the 2 that I did: The first one was about unlucky uncliché. Is Friday the 13th really unlucky? I would have to say no! I used to think so until I met my boyfriend and then I realized that that day is a great day. He was born on Friday Oct 13 in 1995. That was a great day that an amazing, selfless, caring man was born, so...

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  2. @k8lynclements

    Summary of Radio Part 1

    This week was quite stressful! I do not like audio at all so mixing it with a group project had my anxiety up. Luckily my group is wonderful and have allowed my worries about this week to almost go away. We have gotten a lot done with our radio show this week and I look forward to what else we will come up with. Check out our progress below: Progress of Sweet n Sour I enjoyed making a promotional poster...

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  3. @k8lynclements

    Progress of Sweet n Sour

    My radio group, Sweet n Sour, is coming along greatly! It was very nerve racking at first to think of having to work in a group online on a big collaborative project like this one. Once my group formed and we got started, I started to feel much better because we all got right to work organizing things on a Google Doc. We all gave ideas and started to do our part, everyone has been working great together and nobody...

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  4. @k8lynclements

    Sweet n Sour Promo Poster

    My group for the radio show is ‘Sweet n Sour’. We are named this because we consist of 3 superheroes (Merciful Mise en Place, Morph Shadow, and Charlie Sass) and 1 villain (Jester). I made this promotional poster using photoshop. I used all of our characters and made them reflect on the floor to give it a shiny look. I added in the shining background to make the poster look more dramatic. I used to download superhero looking font (I believe...

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  5. @k8lynclements

    Sweet n Sour Bumper

    Create a Radio Bumper – 4 Stars This is a radio bumper for my group Sweet n Sour on DS106 Radio. I created this by using Garage Band. I used the Voxal app to alter my voice while recording. I found some upbeat music for the background in this. I enjoyed finding the best voice for this bumper. I am not very familiar with audio so I feel like it could be better but for my beginner level, I am proud...

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  6. @k8lynclements

    Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars Remix

    A Story of Lyrics – 4.5 Stars For this audio assignment I had to pick a speech, poem, or nursery rhyme and then use other songs to make it. I thought this would be easy but as I started working on it, I quickly realized why it was worth so many stars. I love music and know so many lyrics, but when you want to think of words in a song on the spot, my mind goes blank. I ended up...

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  7. @k8lynclements

    Designed Week 6

    These week was harder than I thought it would be! I never realized that there are a lot of factors that go into designing things professionally. I have always loved designing things but I just liked to make things look nice, I didn’t get all technical. I liked this week because I got to design a lot! Below is my reflection on the readings: Reflection on Design The Design Blitz was not as easy as I thought! I thought I...

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  8. @k8lynclements

    Reflection on Design

    I had read the Strip Panel Naked reading a few weeks ago because I am in the Design group. It was really interesting to me because I never realized the importance of designing comics. The placement of the comic images and text really are what make the comic, the comic. If comics are not put together in the right way, the story may not be taken the same way. I never realized this because I have never really read a...

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  9. @k8lynclements

    Downtown Design Blitz

    For this assignment I decided to take a walk downtown. I knew there would be signs everywhere. When I got there I realized that the assignment was a bit harder than I thought it would be because there were so many signs!! I didn’t even know which to pick to go along with design themes. Here are the few I found: Rhythm: I am using the VA BBQ sign as a not so great design. I think the rhythm of...

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  10. @k8lynclements

    Screen to page

    From Screen to Page – 4 Stars For this assignment I had to take a movie scene and design it into a comic. I am not a big movie fan and I wanted to stick with the superhero theme. I decided to choose Suicide Squad. Out of the whole movie, this scene from the bar is my favorite. I found the bar scene on Youtube and screen shot the parts that I needed. I then took the screenshots and used Online Photo...

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  11. @k8lynclements

    Super Tattoo

    Super Tattoo For this assignment I had to create a tattoo that reflects my superhero. I am not big on tattoos nor do I have one but this assignment seemed like something neat to do. Since my superhero is a super chef I had to incorporate chef stuff into her tattoo. I decided to do that tattoo because I used to have a shirt that was similar with a skull wearing a chef hat and a knife and whisk under...

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  12. @k8lynclements

    Wishing you were here

    Destination Post Card – 3 Stars I decided to incorporate my superhero into this design assignment. Merciful Mise en Place is always on the go. Even though she is a superhero she still gets to have fun every once and awhile! She loves to vacation in places that she can learn more about cooking. This summer she took a trip the the Caribbean. She met with locals and learned some neats things about Caribbean cooking and hopes to use these flavors...

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  13. @k8lynclements

    Meet Mericful Mise en Place

    Design Your Superhero – 4 Stars This design assignment had me create my super hero that I have been referring to throughout the semester. I used the Hero Machine website to make her. This took a lot of time because the website can be sort of tricky but once I got used to the website I started having a lot of fun! So below is Merciful Mise en Place! She is a super chef that follows all culinary safety rules. She...

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  14. @k8lynclements

    Listening Through the Week (5)

    This week was audio week. My first impression was not great. I hate hearing my voice on recording because to me I sound like a 4 year old little girl. Even though I was dreading this week of audio assignments, I went in with my head up high. The only way I can learn audio story telling is by doing so. We had to listen to the Mood Graffiti audio and reflect on it. It was very interesting and it...

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  15. @k8lynclements

    Sounds only a super chef would love

    Sound Effects – 3.5 Stars For this audio assignment I had to create my own sound effect. I decided to incorporate my super hero into this. Since she is a super chef I decided to create a sound effect of Merciful Mise en Place’s 2 favorite sounds. Dishing being washed and put into the dishwasher because this means that she completed her job and ready to move onto help a new person in need. The other sound would be someone cutting...

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  16. @k8lynclements

    Merciful Mise en Place Soundtrack

    Here is the soundtrack for Merciful Mise en Place. This was really hard to do. I am not too creative when it comes to wording so this was especially hard to do. I ended up googling chef quotes that I could mash together to get my soundtrack to describe a chef. I used Garageband for this recording. I recorded my voice and altered it to sound a little bit less like a 4 year old little girl. I then added...

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  17. @k8lynclements

    Tweeting Along With The Radio

    I listened to DS106 radio Wednesday night. I did not know what to expect the first time listening so I was a but nervous. This night of radio ended up being an episode of Jessica Jones. I have never heard of the show before but I assume it is from Netflix because I recognized the Netflix sound at the beginning. It was really hard at times in the episode to understand what was actually going on. There would be music...

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  18. @k8lynclements

    Super Radio Ideas

    For a super radio show I have a few ideas: I think it would be neat to have a superhero radio station where you get to talk to the superhero. There would be an interviewer interviewing a superhero. They would ask all the hows, whys, whats of being a superhero. Another idea would be to get a superhero to tell a story from one of the times they saved the day. They would give us all the juicy details! My...

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  19. @k8lynclements

    My Radio Bumper

    This week we had to come up with a radio bumper for DS106 radio. Since this semester is Super DS106 I said Super DS106 Radio in my bumper. It was easy coming up with what to say but I with it was more original that just my name and radio name but I am not a creative audio person. I didn’t want just my voice so I added the Incredibles theme song to the background. I was not looking forward...

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  20. @k8lynclements

    Who’s There?

    Sound Effects Story – 3.5 Stars For this assignment I had to make a story with only sound effects. This took me awhile to think about what I should do. I ultimately decided to do a scary story. I used iMovie to make this audio. I used some of their sound effects but also used some from online ( I uploaded the sounds one at a time as I got more ideas on how the story should go. After listening to...

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  21. @k8lynclements

    Moon Reflection

    The Moon Graffiti audio was very interesting. Even though there were no images I could use the sounds to create an image in my head. The sounds of this really brought the whole thing together. The tones of the voices, background music, and then sounds of the space craft were all what helped to make this audio so great. Sounds bring emotion and I could feel emotions just listening to it. Sound most definitely drives stories. It drives them by...

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  22. @k8lynclements

    2 in 1 Song

    Instrumentals vs. Vocals 3.5 Stars For this audio assignment I had to pick 1 instrumental song and 1 song with just vocals. This assignment was actually way harder than I thought it would be. I wanted to do 2 country songs but it just was not working out. I needed to find a song that had a beat that did not drastically change through the song. Once I found one (Jealous by Nick Jonas) I had to find a song...

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  23. @k8lynclements

    Photographing Week 4

    This week was so far my favorite. I love to take pictures, even though they may not always be the best. I did try this week to take my time, focus on lighting, and paying attention to the moment. I have always enjoyed photography but never went any farther to take classes in it. Taking a picture in a certain way can really make the photo turn out better. A great photo can tell a story with no words. Watching...

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  24. @k8lynclements

    Mericful’s Peaceful Places

    Place of Peace – 3 Stars For this assignment I had to take pictures of where I find peace. Since we have to incorporate our superhero into one of these assignments I decided to do the peaceful places that Merciful Mise en Place finds relaxing. She finds it peaceful to take walks during the day. She also finds peace in throwing away Betty Croc-ker products when she sees them. She finds that cutting foods brings peace into her life. Finally, when...

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  25. @k8lynclements

    Wonder Woman Reading

    The Life of a Superhero What do superheroes do when they aren’t out saving the world? Well, they don’t call Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman because she is a superhero. She also got her name for how she loves to help out her community. When duty does not call she is at the local elementary school reading to the children. I made this by finding the Wonder Woman image with a plain white background and an image of children sitting around...

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  26. @k8lynclements

    Reflecting on Photography

    I do not have much experience with in depth photography. As a kid I always loved to be the one that took pictures but I never got any farther into it than that. I had opportunities to take photography classes but never took them. Currently I take a lot of photos. Photos are such great ways to capture memories so I never miss a chance to capture moments.All my photos are taken on my phone. I don’t think digital cameras...

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  27. @k8lynclements

    Photo Mania

    Photoblitzer Make an artistic closeup photo of an ear- human, animal, whatever. A photograph of something old or aged today. An interesting shadow. Challenge: Silhouettes are an interesting way to abstract a subject. Someone else’s artwork in an interesting way to make it yours. Animals takes patience. Make a photo of an animal: pet, domesticated, or wild Make a photo of a thing is not like the other two in the picture (e.g. 2 dogs and a cat) For this...

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  28. @k8lynclements

    Selfie with my bestie

    Selfie with your pet – 2.5 Stars For this visual assignment I had to take a seflie with my pet. This assignment was very easy for me because I have about 1 million selfies of me and my cat, Kisses. The hardest part about this assignment was which one I should pick. As I looked through them all I happened upon this one. This is one of my favorites pictures of my cat and I. She was not feeling good that...

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  29. @k8lynclements

    The Crazy Bunch

    We are the real life Brady Bunch! – 4 Stars For this visual assignment I had to showcase my family in the Brady Bunch format. I decided to call mine, “The Crazy Bunch” because we are a crazy family! Although they are crazy, I wouldn’t change it for the world. Everyone in my family would do anything for one another. I have a very large family, but I decided to choose the family members that I am closest to. My grandma,...

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