Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92753 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. rowan_peter (Rowan Peter)

    DS106RADIO bumper – spoken by Dr Oblivion

    When I say I’m in love with #DS106RADIO, you better believeI mean I’m in love with #DS106RADIO. L-U-V. You know, #DS106RADIO is the radio station I’m going to marry. I hope. Because of this giant-sized love, I’m super stoked to learn that #DS106RADIO features as part of Week Four: The sound of science activities for […]
  2. @aliboo1432

    Radio Bumper

    I enjoyed doing this assignment because I have had experience with audacity before. I wanted to pick up a new hobby during the pandemic and decided to start a podcast a little while back. I posted a couple of episodes and enjoyed creating different ...
  3. @Bendire Thrasher

    Disco Siri Takes One For The Team

    “Now that we have a #ds106 radio up and running creating a 15 to 30 second bumper for the station. What is a bumper? It is a short recording that identifies the radio station with signature music or an expression that makes sure the listeners know what they are tuned into (see So for ds106 […]
  4. @wade_764

    Good Morning @ds106 !!!

    So it should be very apparent where I drew my inspiration for this assignment. If it is not, please watch this movie, Good Morning, Vietnam! I had fun making this intro, although to say it put me outside my comfort would be an understatement.I hope that this brought some laughter and helped to add some extra enthusiasm to the listening audience!This week ought to be a lot of fun! Here is the actual quote from the movie as well. “Good morning, Vietnam! Hey, this is not a test. This is rock and roll. Time to rock it from the delta to the DMZ! Is…
  5. @jwcpsc

    Radio Bumper

    This was super awkward and embarrassing as I don’t like recording myself in any form but I tried to go for a soothing but energetic voice. I don’t know if it worked. The sound is kind of choppy where I edited it and I don’t know how to fix that but I did my best …
  6. @MasonOberle

    Radio Bumper

    One of the assignments this week was to create a radio bumper for DS106 Radio. For mine, I decided to try end go for a style similar to those of the fictional Mr. New Vegas from the video game Fallout: New Vegas. I wanted to do something with an easygoing attitude that wasn’t too jarring […]
  7. @Egon2688


    I love music, I consider it my safe haven honestly. It is an outlet for me on many days. Therefore, I will try to incorporate it in my audio work as much as possible. This was my first time using Audacity and I am still getting use to it. I need to figure out how… Continue reading Unusual
  8. @mgedney

    radio bumper

    To make my radio bumper, I downloaded audio from ccMixter and put it into Audacity. I chose this music because it was upbeat yet relaxing. Then, I came up with a short little phrase to remind the potential listeners that they are tuned into ds106 radio. I recorded it into

ds106 in[SPIRE]