1. Sakamoto

    peace and relaxation

    This video is a great way to express how I?feel in my own opinion of a peaceful and relaxing time. To me there is nothing better to relax with the the smell of tire smoke while sliding your car around a corner. its the easiest way for me to relax and...
  2. Arianna Griffith

    A Chance Encounter

    Tell Me A Story:I came from a small city in Aomori Prefecture known as Misawa. Being a fan of Japanese Drama's and Music I quickly learned that you don't come across many artists or actors from Aomori. Of my favourites, however, was a hybrid band known...
  3. Arianna Griffith

    Spubble Bubble

    My very own Spubble.At the time of the picture I was enjoying a long awaited cup of my most favourite purin parfait, sold only at ministop. I was so absorbed in the deliciousness of my treat that I hadn't realized that my friend was takingsnap shots of...
  4. Sakamoto

    Say what?

    Sometimes we all encounter something that we dont quite understand but we dont have time to ask for some help in figuring out what it could mean. For those times we look to some form of online translation help. Be it a program or online tool, it will e...
  5. Sakamoto

    Quote me

    If you don't know where your going, you'll never get there. -#### #####One of my favorite qoutes, and its something I look to from time to time. Most of the things that I?consider to be accomplishments in my life I?usually look at this to motivate ...
  6. Sakamoto

    coffee please!

    Before seeing the video try to guess the name of this band just for fun. This band happens to be one of my favorite bands. They are a Speaking band, but they do not really have one style of music. They are a punk/pop/soft rock type of band. They are kn...
  7. Arianna Griffith

    The ‘Crow’ in ‘Yokrow’

    Being that my online identity, username,  -everything has become 'Yokrow' (an infusion between my nickname 'Yoko' and 'Crow' on the count of there were a lot of crows where I used to live) I had only recently decided that with my 'debut' on youtub...
  8. Sakamoto

    Demotivate me!

    Sometimes we look for something to inspire us. Words, phrases, or objects. Motivational posters have been around for a while. But not until recently have we begun to see DE motivational posters. These are posters that are completely the opposite. They ...
  9. Kozue Miura

    Weekly Blog #4

    Recent study from Milan Uviversity reported that old report of there being sex degrees of separation is no longer correct and it is now four degrees of separation on facebook.That is, a friend of your frinend probably knows a friend of their frein...
  10. Sakamoto

    Politics in the internet

      picture from this site.Nowadays, politics and the internet seem to go hand in hand. But, because of this they also play a negative part in how the Government see the use of the internet. The internet has become a very powerful tool. The power...
  11. avalostuj

    CopyRight and Politcs – Blog # 5

    The average citizen being prosecuted for copyrighting?  The hard working artist loosing money from pirating of their work? Can government policies really help?Expanding my weekly blog posts #4 and 5 on this topic.Part 2Just what exactly is a cop...
  12. avalostuj

    CopyRight and Politcs – Blog # 5

    The average citizen being prosecuted for copyrighting?  The hard working artist loosing money from pirating of their work? Can government policies really help?

    Expanding my weekly blog posts #4 and 5 on this topic.

    Part 2

    Just what exactly is a copyright, and how does it fit into democratic societies' doctrines? An individual's intellectual property and work is for the most part subject to copyright. You cannot plagiarize others' writing, steal their music, or copy their artwork--for profits. After all, it is the American dream to work hard and be happy; enjoying your liberties as long as they do not harm the liberties of others.

    Copyright Philosophizing

    But how much of this work can be measured and how would it infringe liberties? Mika LaVaque-Manty an Associate Professor of Political Science and Philosophy at the University of Michigan tackles this question by speculating on the opinions from "The Father of Liberalism" Himself, John Locke. Any undergrad taking the core requirement of a political science course (such myself) knows John Locke's philosophies on Human Rights and government interventions. Our noble nation of America was founded on these theories.


    LaVague-Manty ponders on how Locke's philosophy about people having rights over their hard labor--and being compensated for violations of that labor--fit with the internet and copyrights. As an American this is most intriguing. To specify Copyrights, Simon Whaley details how, as soon as you write something or create an artwork, it is yours and copyrighted to do as you please. He points out how confusing this can get.

     Copyrighting Organizations

    Creative Commons preaches on how they build a network of instructors and students to share and edit learning materials and copyright them, Open Education Resources, (OER) as it were. Along with CK-12 and other organizations, they have indeed limit the cost of Textbooks to schools Kinder through 12 grade, and made extraordinary use of the internet.

    Aside from that positivity, Creative Commons is not all that wonderful. One most develop opinions through research. For serious writers meaning to profit from their creative work, Creative Commons is a back fire. Tony Lawrence (PCUnix) warns us how CC jeopardizes our--in accordance with Simon Whaley--already copyrighted work.

    He explains how sticking Creative Commons into your copyrighted-for profit-work, you are telling the whole world it is OK to "Copy and Remix" your original work.
    Proceed with Caution.

     Laws Hampering Creativity

    The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is a bill that pushes laws to punish those profiting from pirating others' work and copyrighted material, thus ending piracy. They preach:
    "To promote prosperity, creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation by combating the theft of U.S. property, and for other purposes." —H.R. 3261
    Basically, they are protecting the work of the big companies such as Disney, Universal, and 21st Century fox, along with the big record label companies, from being exploited by foreign nations hosting Bit Torrent servers, which ironically get downloaded by us Americans.

    For these big companies, it works quite well. They get to keep all the profit they make from selling their artists work. But do SOPA laws really promote creativity and innovation into entrepreneurship?
    Let's refer back to LaVague-Manty's speculation on human philosophies. Thinking outside the box on Politics: There are certain levels of rights an individual is entitled to.

    We The People...Die For Freedom.
    Starting at the basic level, there are Human Rights under UN charter. Next comes some idealistic American rights to liberty, which Americans continue to value and fight for. What comes after that? Should the Government guarantee their citizens Employment? Guaranteed Medical benefits? Guarantee most amenities that require hard work and planning?

    The answers to those questions can be answered by the Billionaire who limits his decedents their inheritance, down to the bare necessities, rather than having them born into riches, thus spoiling their would-be accomplishments. This is because, by human nature, if we are given everything, we do not develop our talents or work our minds into their fullest potential; since there is no immediate need. After all, "Necessity is the Mother of Invention."


    So if we develop our best through immediate motivation, does a copyright on intangible goods we create really helps us grow? The most intriguing article I have read that my professor has provided me in this Cyberspace in Society class, has got to be David Bradly's "What's wrong with copyright" article. He definitely presents empirical evidence from outside the box.

    His writing should really be read and considered. He begins stating that it's well-known that the big labels have made a lot of money and hardly compensating their artist, in the past. After criticizing the music charts, he expands on Denis Borges Barbosa's critique of the state of copyright in the world of music. The Brazilian musician looks back at the 18th century publishing of music. He accounts Mozart's, Vivaldi's, Telemann's, and their contemporaries' numerous master pieces.

    Back then, there were not such copyright laws guaranteeing the artists patent sales of their work. Therefore, the artists kept motivated and inspired to continue working hard and creating their best, while their previous work was being recomposed by others. In theory, these others did not possess the talent, and would never produce at the level of the original composer. Ergo; The brilliant composers would continue publishing and staying on top. The genius of all these composers can surely be heard and felt through their gorgeous master pieces. 

    Samuel Barber, contemporary genius
    Artists post-twentieth century have had copyright laws guaranteeing them sole benefits from their creations. Barbosa points out how this is what has limited contemporary artists' work. Three Symphonies and two operas will suffice the successful career of a modern composer; juxtaposed to the hundreds  and thousands of concertos and symphonies from the enlightenment period. Copyright laws have certainly hampered our current artists full potential, and cheated human culture out of possible masterpieces.

    If Samuel Barber made such a remarkable classic as "Adagio for Strings," why isn't his other work as potent and famous? It's as if Mozart would only have his 40th symphony, no 21st, 25th, Eine kleine Nachtmusik, Rondo Alla Turca, and certainly no Requiem.
    Only aficionados would know the rest of Samuel Barber's work. It's this Copyrighting that, in theory according to Barbosa, has hindered contemporary artists from becoming workaholics of what they enjoy and are good at.

    Governing humans has never been an easy task, and the internet certainly doesn't help. However, it is a tool that helps us grow to our potential--if used properly. If an artist's work is truly great, why would there be a need for a record company and copyrighting? Surely money; However, how much is humanity loosing to greed?

    Final Questions Regarding Copyright and Politics:

    1. When is a person's work subject to copyright?
    a) After signing in with a record deal
    b) After petitioning for a patent
    c) As soon as the work is created.
    d) After the FBI confirms it is an original work.
    Answer: C



    2. What does Creative Commons do?
    a) Copy other peoples work and makes it available to the common public
    b) Pays people for copyrights to their work to distribute it for everyone in the Internet
    c) By individuals' consent, builds a network of shared work in the internet which others can use and edit as long as is not for commercial profit
    d) Allows people to copy others' work as long as it's for commercial profit in the internet.
    Answer: C


  13. Kozue Miura

    The places I want to go for sure.

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  17. Kozue Miura

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  19. Caio Lima

    Third ds106: 1 Quote a Day

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  20. avalostuj

    CopyRight and Politcs – Blog # 4

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  21. avalostuj

    CopyRight and Politcs – Blog # 4

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  22. Sakamoto

    peace and relaxation

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    Ds 106 #4 "Writing"

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UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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