1. @rachelds106

    80’s Pop Culture Photography

    First off, I just want to say that Whoopi Goldberg is a super dope name. I had to do some research on her –I knew she was an actress, but I didn’t know when her breakthrough came. I found out that her role as Celie in The Color Purple (1985) directed by Spielberg was when her career really took off. The first things I noticed about this portrait was the lighting, the contrast and the selection. In the right-hand corner, there’s a “heavenly” lighting shining down on Whoopi, it really creates a stunning and powerful image. The contrast I also noticed; it varies from the left side of the image (darker) to the right (lighter) and creates natural shadows on her body. I also really noticed the contrast when I saw her body nearly disappearing into the bottom of the photo, I think the black shirt was a smart choice.  Everything about the selection of the photo is simple; from the cigarette (which the smoke just looks perfect in my opinion) to the jewelry and shirt she’s wearing, to the emotion on her face. I feel like the selection almost juxtaposes the lighting; everything she is doing is so simple, yet the lighting is so powerful. To me, this picture basically screams: “I’m a badass”. There isn’t much depth to the photo in my […]
  2. @rachelds106

    photography reflection

    I started getting into photography when I was in high school, around the same time I started using social media. I was inspired a lot by famous people’s aesthetically pleasing Instagrams or their blog posts; I really wanted that for myself. I asked for a camera one Christmas and ended up getting the T5 Cannon Rebel, which I still use to this day. I decided not to bring it to school, just because I had fears about it get stolen or not having enough time to use it, but when I’m at home I usually use it to take photos, especially photos and videos of my family members for memories. I also recently just got my dad’s old film camera that I have yet to learn how to use, and a Polaroid camera that I love (the little pictures are just so fun and look great anywhere). Mostly I use my iPhone to take photos (because it’s always on me and convenient) and I think a lot of people underestimate iPhone photography. I usually try to take bright, vibrant photos and stray away from black and white or photos shot in the dark. I think I could learn to implement some different ways to take photos, and now I’m inspired to do more research about photography because I’m mainly self-taught. Being self-taught isn’t necessarily […]
  3. @radicalaurenn

    We’re the Real-Life Talbert Tribe!

    I chose to use my immediate family in my collage mimicking the Brady Bunch. I felt like it would be perfect because everyone pictured, means the world to me! On the top row (left-right), my sister, dad, my parent’s dog, my niece and my dog. On the bottom row, my sister’s dog, my brother, mom, … Continue reading "We’re the Real-Life Talbert Tribe!"
  4. @rachelds106

    20 minute capture

    Black and white photographs are a classic look. Take a picture that reminds you of your childhood Take a picture that represents wildness. Make a picture of death (but don’t kill anything in doing so). llustrate attraction in a photograph today. Make a photo of something you wear coat, gloves, scarf, hat, you name it! Forced perspective – make something small look big, or big look small. My room turned out to be the perfect place for this activity. I was a bit nervous about this assignment at first, because I’m pretty picky and a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to taking photos, but I ended up really loving this assignment specifically because it made me think quickly and challenged me with something I love to do (photography). I also love editing photos; I used VSCO, which is an app I also use for my own personal photos for things such as social media posts. I’ve been using it since middle school and it has never failed me. For nearly all the photos, I edited the contrast, exposure, saturation, highlight, tint, added filters, and I also added grain to the black and white one. I hope you enjoy my photos! (time: 12:51 – 1:07 pm) P.S. – I rearranged them from the original list and started with my most favorite photo to […]
  5. @V20Kai

    Photo Phrenzy

    What a week! The tips on Becoming a Better Photographer really got me thinking about being more intentional about the photos I take. Of course, it will be a work in progress. I started out Week 4 with a daily create asking what ice cream flavor we’d be and why. I initially took a quiz […]

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