1. @BegaKayla

    Blitz Fun

    Welcome to my photo blitz! At first I was very confused with this assignment but upon talking to others in the class I decided it could be fun! (1) Confusion- Take a picture of confusion: Here’s a picture of my friend Emily when she was confused about an assignment. HCC doesn’t have the best lighting …

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  2. @VhudschNor2

    20 minute Photoblitz

    Initial Assignments: Red as in Washington Redskins for assignment #1: The straight lines and edge of a lined paper for assignment # 2: A picture of grass growing in the rain at 6:00 in the morning for assignment #3: Assignment #4, the boundary/wall that blocks my room from the outside: It is an abstract, blurred […]
  3. @V20Kai

    Photography Phanatic?

    During high school, I would see my friends post aesthetic photos, but every time I tried to emulate them, they never turned out as well as I’d like. When I went on a trip to Europe with the arts school I attended, I took many pictures of the landscape and towns, but when I look […]
  4. @V20Kai

    Blitz Blastin’

    Today I finally got around to photoblitz, and here is the list of tasks I was assigned to do along with the pictures and my thought process: (1) Fabric: we wear it, sleep on it, decorate with it. An interesting cloth design or texture. For this picture, I did a selfie focusing on the sleeve […]
  5. @cpsc106

    Week 4 – Weekly Summary

    Here are all my posts for the week – Telling Stories with Photographs Photo Reflection Photoblitz Summarize A Movie With Animated Gifs Multiply Yourself Design To Shock Assignment Write-Ups…Photoshop is hard. That’s a lot of posts! This week was the most time consuming for me so far, even over last week. However, I did better at managing my time and I was finally able to accomplishment goal (which I failed
  6. @cpsc106

    Week 4 Assignment Write-Ups…Photoshop is hard.

    For this week’s visual assignments, I chose 3 different 4 star assignments. All of them were very straightforward, and like my photoblitz, I want my work to speak for itself, because isn’t that sort of the point of visual storytelling? The first assignment i did was Summarize A Movie With Animated GIFs. I chose Monsters Inc, and picked all of my favorite parts of the movie and put them in
  7. @cpsc106

    Week 4 – Photoblitz

    I am choosing not to write about any of these photos because I want the photos to tell the story on their own. They’re all around. Make a photograph of a wheel near you. Take a photo of something that you are envious of (physical or metaphorical).  Make a monochrome photo (monochrome doesn’t have to mean black and white) Take a photo showing the wide open space, the great outdoors.
  8. @cpsc106

    Week 4 – Photo Reflection

    I have taken a lot of photos of the years. I started as a kid, when I was gifted a disposable camera and taken on a hike by my Grandpa. I took photos of trees, water, and animals. I had a great time, I was proud of my work, and it was a great introduction into photography. I still have these photos today. My next camera was part of Nintendo
  9. @cpsc106

    Week 4 – Telling Stories with Photographs

    David Griffin’s Ted Talk made me realize that I am using my camera how I want to. Griffin did a fantastic job of explaining how photos can tell a story, be educational, and lead to change. My favorite part of the talk was the story of how the photographer found a new way of looking at the slums of Mumbai, India. After browsing the four links Professor Bond provided, I

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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