1. travisj

    Sad news about a Wikipedia pioneer and…presentation list…

    Here is scholar who embodied the spirit of “cognitive surplus.” Wadewitz spent countless hours editing and vastly improving Wikipedia. If you haven’t read her piece that I posted to links (or bibliography) titled “What I learned as the Worst Student in the Class” you may be interested to check it out. Here is her obituary: […]
  2. jaelen_31

    Final project

    I have created a Facebook group called Going Transparent where we can chat about my live streaming and vlogging. To join the group go to the Facebook.com enter Going Transparent in the search box. Here is the link to the group https://www.facebook.com/...
  3. strictlymari


    If this goes through.. I an going to cry of joy.. 2months of something eating my computer and all its information alive. No blogging or vlogs, or emails.. On the semester where one of my classes is graded on this blog .-. Pleaseeee work. The next ...
  4. ngubelli

    Finito! (kinda)



    There’s the link to what I believe will be my final project.  I’m currently working on another piece that is a bit more story-like and I’m sort of thinking about using that one instead.  I’m not entirely sure yet. 

    Honestly, this platform is a lot more difficult that I initially anticipated.  I discovered that it is a lot easier to write the whole thing out first rather than type as you go along because your thoughts tend to just a bit jumbled up and such.  I’m probably going to share this on tomorrow, but like I said I don’t think I’m going to be using this one as my final project, it was just a bit more experimental than anything.

    I’m also working on my final paper to coincide with my final project.  I’m working on word but I’m not entirely sure what platform I want to use for this either.  I would like to make it very interactive with link and pictures and such but we’ll have to see!

  5. nadia tahreem

    Daily Create

    I do not own a kindle. But I saw my friend reading a James Baldwin piece on her tablet. She kept complaining how she could not get the pages right, but it was easy to carry a tablet in her purse and I had to admit, the device was pretty cool. But I could feel […]
  6. nadia tahreem

    daily create

    I googled myself. Unsurprisingly, only a few things showed up. Some silly Myspace photos from high school and a link to my facebook page. That just proves that I do not expose myself to the internet too much. I was considering a career on Youtube, but now I think better of it. I value privacy […]
  7. nadia tahreem

    Daily Create

    Since I intend on writing a research paper, the tools I’ am considering are ebsco host, Jstor, and googling other things. There is a lot that I wish to say bout this topic, but I intend to back it up some by doing research.
  8. nadia tahreem

    Daily Create

    I was thinking that perhaps researching the concept of privacy might be a good topic to write about. We read The Circle, and it emphasized a lot on privacy as something bad. A question for me is: what si privacy and What Are the factors of privacy? I intend to also conduct research on social […]
  9. thetsar


    I know I’m a little late on this, and I haven’t really kept up on posting with this blog, but I AM excited for this project.  I want to do the creative option. I haven’t really talked about it in class because I have bounced ideas back and forth in my head trying to figure […]
  10. ngubelli

    Final Progress


    I’ve been working on my final project.  Like I said, I was going to use the platform telescopic text… and boy is this stuff difficult! It makes you think in all different and distorted ways.  It’s difficult, because you can’t really write as you’re going along. I think that what may be best is to write the whole thing out, then type is out and make almost like a tree with it.  I’m not sure yet… it’s all so experimental but I’m enjoying it so far!

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