1. justinealexis993

    Digital Story- 26 Years & Counting

    My digital story about the relationship between my parents who are my personal heroes. The story took so many turns as I filmed them and found it so hard to pick out 3 minutes from all of the clips. In the end I was happy with the product which I felt was genuine and an […]
  2. alyssarae

    Digital Story: Identity, Authorship, Access

    View my digital story, based on my thesis study, “Identity, Authorship, Access: Undergraduates’ Definitions of Research in the Academy”: http://prezi.com/pvzqic0x1wec/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy&rc=ex0shareFiled under: Uncategorized Tagged: digital story, thesis, undergraduate research
  3. travisj

    On Poems and Pixels

    On Poems and Pixels Looking forward to seeing everyone’s projects on Monday.  Link your story to your blog and send the blog to me to post.   Here is an essay on technology and writing that you might find interesting…
  4. cjkoenderman

    Movie Maker Demo

    My test experiment with Movie Maker. I will be using Movie Maker to make my digital story. (Please excuse the corny nature of the video and, remember, it’s just a test!!) -K  
  5. asanchez92

    Daily Create: Lucky 7s

    It’s like time slows down and your life flashes before your eyes.

    All the things, big and little that brought you to where you are right now in that moment goes by in little spurts: Past jobs, past purchases, past decisions, the most recent of them being to spontaneously come to the casino and blow your last two hundred dollars. Who cares about rent? Or getting a plane ride back home? Why not let loose? Got to live in the moment right?

    Live in the moment. The mantra for half the stupid crap you've done, particularly the stuff that caused you to end up in the hospital with a broken limb. The mantra that got you to ask out that one girl at that one bar at that one time, along with four shots of tequila for an extra boost of confidence. God help you if you actually remembered her name now. The mantra that reverberated through your mind as you lost dollar after dollar, whether it be to drinks, craps, or blackjack. You decide to spend your last bit on cheap beer and the slots, the only thing you could afford after the beer.

    You wondered, as the world went back to normal speed, the past going back to being to the past, and the last red seven slid in to place, black line running through it and its brothers, how many more times you’d utter live in the moment, with a moment as bright and golden as this coming in to focus, into reality, before it all became more moments to flash by. 
  6. asanchez92

    Daily Create: What Matters Least?

    Reality Television

    “Did you see what she did on last night’s episode of…”
    I sigh, turning on the volume to a level that could probably deafen me, but I still hear them. It’s “this celebrity did this or this one fought with that one and this one called the other a no good ratchet…, well you get the idea.

    This is totally not what I come to work to talk about.  Like really, what is the point to watching one woman pull the weave out of another woman’s head? Or see one washed-up rapper’s ex become another’s baby mama. Like really? What makes reality TV so interesting? Where’s the substance? Where’s the role models?

    What’s so wrong with watching a good scripted TV show? What’s wrong with watching fiction? Why should the good shows be canceled to make room for another show about America’s next whatever?
    “Oh and I don’t know how she thought she could stay when she…”
    Ugh. Time to turn the volume up louder. Hopefully my ears can take it.

    Reality TV, I really care not for thee. 
  7. alyssarae

    Digital Story Storyboard

    I’ve decided to change the digital story I will create this week. Instead of telling the story of going to the Conference on College Composition and Communication last year, I will tell the story of my thesis project–its evolution, development, process, and (pending) results.Filed under: Daily Create Tagged: CCCC, conference on college composition and communication, […]
  8. asanchez92

    Daily Create: The Most Famous Novel No One Has Ever Heard of

    The Sorcerer’s Touch

    Ella and Caleb made it through and back the Sea of Mirage by the skin of their teeth and the Jewel of Sight barely in their grasp, but their journey is still far from over. With tension and differing ideals growing between them, they now must come face to face with the Sorcerer of Melarn; one of the most powerful men in all of the Tales combined, and hopefully persuades him to join their cause. That’s if they can manage to pull together past their issues and pass his tests. It’s either that, or risk turning into extra ingredients for his spells, while simultaneously plunging all of Melarn into chaos.  Hey, who said getting back home was going to be easy?  

    Alana Watson’s fourth novel, The Sorcerer’s Touch, is a thrilling and suspenseful follow up to Voyage of Visions and their predecessor, The Diamond Force. Readers will enjoy the exciting and darker twists that have yet to be seen in the Tales Saga. 
  9. nadia tahreem

    Daily Create

    Ok, I’m starting to master the concept of digital storytelling. Please bear with me, I totally suck at drawing, and drawing with a mouse and keyboard is a tough challenge and requires bravery at it’s best level to present it. Also, try not to take notice of the nasty man voice. I’m no Taylor Swift, […]
  10. nadia tahreem

    Daily Create

    The only internet go to I have is FaceBook and Youtube. Watching music videos are fun, and it is always good to keep up with what your friends and family are up to. Some of the posts on FaceBook are so stupid, like silly pictures of coke bottles and certain rubbish obscene things, but FaceBook […]
  11. nadia tahreem

    Daily Create

    Leah Price thinks that we are what we read. Well, I’m not too sure that I think I’m a book, but nonetheless reading is a favorite pastime of mine. The scent of pages bound together in a novel can’t possibly be replaced by the sliding of a Kindle. If I were an author, I’d much rather have published, […]
  12. nadia tahreem

    Daily Create

    Technology and me??? Unfortunately, (yes, truly sadly it is unfortunate) I am not the best of friends with technology. I stick to old school things, and dislike any kind of hi tech stuff, like kindles, iPads, iPhones, iPods, you name it, I don’t have it. It sucks, but I seriously lack the confidence in moving […]
  13. travisj

    Digital Storytelling Topics

    Hi Everyone: Just a reminder that digital stories are due after the break. Here is a link to a site with some ideas for digital stories, if you are still working on your topic or just want to take a peak: Digital Storytelling Topics Have a great bre...
  14. alyssarae

    Tips for Troubleshooting Your Computer, Courtesy of The Onion

    Tips for Troubleshooting Your Computer, Courtesy of The Onion Even the most experienced user can run into error messages, software crashes, hardware malfunctions, and other issues with their computer. Here are some tips for keeping your machine running smoothly: Unexplained crashes are a common problem with electronic devices. If your computer freezes, it never hurts […]
  15. justinealexis993

    Digital Storytelling

    Last week I had no idea where to start with my digital storytelling. After class discussion last week, I decided to do my digital story on the people who inspire me the most- my parents. The thing I find most interesting about my parents is the difference between their upbringings, and how they met. My […]
  16. travisj

    Stories, Tools, and More

    Tomorrow we will talk more about what makes a good digital story. Please come prepared with an example you would like to share. We will discuss your recommended tools for making a digital story, and we will look in more depth at our storyboards. Please come to class ready to share, discuss, and invent! Short […]
  17. sumaira

    Daily Create 2/6


    I have an unhealthy relationship with my social media outlets. I have a knack for constantly checking for updates on my phone or any computer device I get my hands on. My daily routine consists of checking Facebook multiple times a day and, now, mindlessly re-tweeting others on Twitter.

    So I took matters in to my own hands and deactivated Facebook to withdraw myself from my internet social life. It’s a much needed break for my own perception of my outward image to the rest of my peers. Life without Facebook allows me to retract from the unconscious desire to please others and to be well-liked.

  18. sumaira

    Daily Create 1/30

    If I am what I read, then I am a stylist and a servant of God. I read articles that show up on my Twitter newsfeed that relate to the fashion world and the huge events that have a lot of media coverage. New York Fashion Week and London Fashion week are...
  19. sumaira

    This picture encapsulates my relationship with technology. A…


    This picture encapsulates my relationship with technology. A photograph taken with a hand-held device with the use of the front-view camera; otherwise now widely known as a ‘selfie.’ I am always taking snapshots of my adventures with my friends or checking into locations and restaurants whenever I am at any sort of social outing. These records are always update either on Facebook or on Twitter, which I have a poor habit of constantly checking on either my smartphone or laptop.

  20. sumaira

    This picture encapsulates my relationship with technology. A…


    This picture encapsulates my relationship with technology. A photograph taken with a hand-held device with the use of the front-view camera; otherwise now widely known as a ‘selfie.’ I am always taking snapshots of my adventures with my friends or checking into locations and restaurants whenever I am at any sort of social outing. These records are always update either on Facebook or on Twitter, which I have a poor habit of constantly checking on either my smartphone or laptop.

  21. sumaira

    Daily Create 2/6


    I have an unhealthy relationship with my social media outlets. I have a knack for constantly checking for updates on my phone or any computer device I get my hands on. My daily routine consists of checking Facebook multiple times a day and, now, mindlessly re-tweeting others on Twitter.

    So I took matters in to my own hands and deactivated Facebook to withdraw myself from my internet social life. It’s a much needed break for my own perception of my outward image to the rest of my peers. Life without Facebook allows me to retract from the unconscious desire to please others and to be well-liked.

  22. sumaira

    Daily Create 1/30

    If I am what I read, then I am a stylist and a servant of God. I read articles that show up on my Twitter newsfeed that relate to the fashion world and the huge events that have a lot of media coverage. New York Fashion Week and London Fashion week are...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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