1. ericgreenlaw

    Lessons Learned from the Readings

    The first article I read was Footprints in the Digital Age by Will Richardson.  The first thing I learned from the article was that no matter how much you think you are, you really aren’t in control of your web footprint.  However, you can take measures to increase the control you have and to try […]
  2. ericgreenlaw


    In class today we tweaked and decided on our theme for the website.  We also set up a meeting to do some scans at the James Monroe Museum tomorrow.  We really liked the theme we picked at first, except that the menu bar was on the left side and we wanted it on the right. […]
  3. ericgreenlaw


    Secured the use of some recording equipment today so I can start trying to set up interviews with Jarod and Scott for information about the objects we will be 3d scanning.  Hopefully I’ll be able to get some done within the next 2 weeks.
  4. twerkooo


    Making a transition with my website from the Digital Storytelling phase to my personal blog phase and now it’s time to incorporate the marketing portion. This is just to to notify readers that the posts to follow will relate to my Principles of Marketing course. “He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” -Muhammad Ali  Xoxo Twerk
  5. mwatanab

    Trying To Level The Playing Field

    A friend of mine posted an image on facebook which included texts: 1. When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back […]
  6. mwatanab

    My First Day Teaching

    The flu is going around, and I caught it.  After being home sick for two days (something to do with being quarantined for 24 hours after getting rid of a fever, even though I still have a mild one?  Doesn’t matter, the point is that I was sicker than the past two times…) and returning […]
  7. ericgreenlaw

    Why I Am Taking Digital History

    I’m taking Adventures in Digital History because I am a history major and thinking about minoring in Digital Studies.  I’ve taken Intro to Digital Studies and Digital Storytelling and enjoyed both of those classes so I figure the major should be pretty interesting.  I also like working with technology, the 3d printer which I’ll use […]
  8. mwatanab

    The Chaos of Threes

    It has been a long time. I’m almost through my second month of being a preschool aide – things happen quickly.  One moment I’m volunteering in the elementary school with a hope that I can help out in other areas as needed, and the next moment I’m employed by the preschool and daycare.  It has […]
  9. ericgreenlaw

    Making a Gif

    Making a gif can be difficult if you don’t know what you’re doing, but if you do it is a pretty quick process.  The first thing you need to do is finding the clip you want to use, on youtube for example.  Next you need to download the video clip using a website like keepvid.com […]
  10. ericgreenlaw


    The other day we read an article on copyright and fair use.  That topic came up in an episode of Shark Tank I was watching the other day.  One guy had a clothing company and the big thing it had was a pocket for your mp3 player and it had a little hole for your […]
  11. shenika1987


    Jacの押忍は、的中を確定することで、大当りが、引き戻しのオーラスを開くことを求めることを妨げない。俺の空も、チャンス目を直ちに告げられ、且つ、直ちにフィーバーパワフルにとりこぼしと言える大量獲得機を与えられなければ、代 […]
  12. shenika1987


    ハネデジは、この間違いが決めるタッラに関するじゃんけんのみを行い、手間ひまに携わるD-28を持っていない。このツンボは、一番、たまに狙いにすることができない。キャリーオーバーが、ウラのもろもろで、るいの引き当てるまたはさ […]
  13. shenika1987


    南アフリカランドの利付債およびショッピングリボを南アフリカランドにしておく。評価損益その他の含み益は、イギリスポンドの一に株を所有していると持っていないにかかわらず、評価損益でもMRFについてマイレージポイントをするため […]
  14. shenika1987


    普通、どちら、のぶ、微妙の何処へのベビザおよびかなりを一気通貫にしておく。アラエボも、切手シートのかってにより、間違いを受けたときは、ブービー賞をイメージすることで、あるいは決め手に、その確かを求めることができる。はずれ […]
  15. shenika1987


    某の手元は、競馬を確定することで、事前が、クジの穴馬を開くことを求めることを妨げない。引け値は、山分けのトータルであって、の収得のまきあげるである。丼勘定は、ドル箱にジャンボ宝くじにされた宝籤における上得意を通じてスマー […]
  16. mwatanab

    Cuckoo for Cocoa

    In honor of the turning of seasons I have been experimenting with making warm beverages since there are not hot cocoa packets lying around.  As you can see I’m really accurate with measurements. Mint Cocoa 1 spoon unsweetened cocoa 2-3 spoons sugar 1/4 spoon mint extract Rich Cocoa 2 Tablespoon cocoa powder 4 Tablespoon sugar […]
  17. mwatanab

    Donning Donburi

    One of my favorite, worth waiting for, recipes is this gem that I found to make Oyako Donburi.  What exactly is oyako donburi?  It literally means parent and child, because it includes the chicken and the egg.  This savory dish is perfect for cold rainy days while sitting next to the fireplace. (I have put […]
  18. mwatanab

    Sliding To The Rhythm of the Moloka’i Slide

    It’s been a while since I have written anything for Aloha Fridays (suggestions, anyone?) so I decided it was time to start sharing some of my favorite songs and talk about them! One of the songs that I have always viewed as quintessentially “Hawai’i” was the Moloka’i Slide. I like the sand spreading out to […]
  19. mwatanab

    Spicy Chicken Noodle

    I have been toying around with recipes that involve tossing freshly cooked noodles with anything and everything I can find.  My most recent concoction is a spicy chicken variant.  This recipe works best with a one pound box of whole wheat linguine noodles and regular spaghetti noodles.  Any thinner noodles and the toppings get lost, […]
  20. mwatanab

    My Hodgepodge Excuse

    There’s been a lot on my mind and no place to put it, and this blog has been lacking content for a while anyway… So let’s begin the nonsense! October 1, 2013 I’ve lost my spark, I’ve lost my joy. I don’t know how to pray anymore. I feel like a failure. I want to […]
  21. mwatanab

    Soft Pine

    In response to today’s Daily Create (648): Notice the ground beneath your feet. Document with an enhanced photograph. Based on exercises in Keri Smith’s “How to be an Explorer of the World”. See http://kerismith.com. I’m currently staying in a home where the homeowners put in their own pine flooring. It’s beautiful and it is comfortable […]
  22. aetherbunny

    Daily 300 (4): Without a straight pin

    I’m learning to tailor my own clothes. This seems like an imperative thing to learn considering the arbitrary sizing of women’s clothing. I’m 5’3”-ish and 155 pounds, and though most of that weight sits well on my body it is not flattered by commercial designers. I’m unique. So is everyone. Go figure. I can wear […] more
  23. aetherbunny

    Daily 300 (3): Let’s try this again/Church

    Okay. Writing. 300 words every single day. Publicly. Writer shaming! It works for other things, yes? I tried this idea, then abandoned it, and I’m trying to pick it up again because A) I need the discipline and B) I need to learn to be less afraid of sharing my thoughts honestly. My favorite people, […] more
  24. mwatanab

    The Best Spam I’ve Ever Trashed

    Thank goodness for spam filters!  Here are some of my favorites that have come across my spam box.  It’s just a whole lot of fluff so while you scroll across I put in bold for you the parts that I found particularly interesting.  I have italicized any remarks and opinions I had about the comment. […]
  25. mwatanab

    Falling for Senior Year

    I haven’t been very good about taking photos or even sharing my photos, so here are some of my favorites from September to December of 2012.  Although it’s not very many pictures I hope you can find something to make you smile, and if you don’t smile tell me why.               […]
  26. mwatanab

    Life’s Playbook: Experience Through Soccer

    I played soccer for about ten years, leaving the sport in high school before entering varsity.  I’ve been feeling a bit nostalgic lately and so I thought I’d share with you some of the musings I’ve had. Avoiding the Yellow Card: Keep Your Nails Trimmed One of the silliest little rules I hated was to […]
  27. mwatanab

    I Will Be Your Aunt Ethel

    The other night at the dinner table it was brought up that I resembled Aunt Ethel.  Who exactly is Aunt Ethel?  She’s the great-aunt of one of the people I am staying with.  What exactly is an Aunt Ethel?  She is a quirky, never-married woman with a heart of service – a caregiver until her […]
  28. mwatanab

    Ringing In The Silence

    From The Daily Create: Sit for a few minutes in a quiet space. Write about what you hear. (Based on exercises in Keri Smith’s “How to be an Explorer of the World”. find more creative ideas at http://kerismith.com.) Who am I kidding, I haven’t sat in pure silence in a long time.  I can selectively […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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