1. @Logan P

    Response to “New Literacies” Chapter 1

    I’m reading New Literacies: Everyday Practices and Social Learning by Colin Lankshear and Michele Knobel for one of my classes, and I’m producing a series of blog posts to discuss some thoughts on the work chapter by chapter. Chapter 1: In essence, Lankshear and Knobel dive into discussing, at length, the development of the term […]
  2. @Logan P

    Daily Create Activities #1

    I’m doing “Daily Create” activities as part of my instructional design class. This week’s  activity was for people to “Make a tweet of Western kindness for someone you don’t know.” So, I addressed a lesser-known point of Colorado culture for people’s benefit: It’s true. Just go ahead and wear cowboy boots if you think they’re […]
  3. @marsbars610

    Weekly Summary (week two)

    Once again when I saw the syllabus I got scared, it just looked like so much work. But after I started doing it, it got easier and easier. I first started with the assignment banks, and I loved them. I thought it was such a unique way to get your creativity out, and there is […]
  4. dogtrax

    The Wide Open Aural Landscapes of Chris Whitley

    flickr photo shared by WilliamMarlow under a Creative Commons ( BY-NC ) license Here, in the #Western106 open course, we are tackling into the idea of the Western narrative and genre. I am an East Coaster, so as the saying goes in the hashtag, Everything is West of Here. But I have traveled a little […]
  5. iamtalkytina

    The DS106 Coloured Cow

    Well, Jerome my DS106 Cow was out wandering in the back 40 and he must have come across one of my secret projects and got his self all prettied up with the paint colours. But he still looks nice. So I made a picture of him for today’s The Daily Create one, tdc1473, which said […]
  6. @stherria1

    Design Assignment – Most Wanted Outlaws

    For my second assignment, I decided to create a wanted poster for Jesse James. I used the website mobile fish and read up on the famous outlaw. Jesse James was a Confederate soldier who, following the wars end, created the James-Younger Gang. They robbed banks, stagecoaches and trains. He murdered a county clerk on accident, thinking it … Continue reading "Design Assignment – Most Wanted Outlaws"
  7. @julianna_proc

    Week two (1/22/16) is done!

    Time for my second weekly summery! This week I was able to post on my blog a lot more.  First off, I wanted to start the week off early and try to get everything done as soon as I could for two reasons- my MCAT (test to get into medical school) is this upcoming saturday […]
  8. @julianna_proc

    This cow is not aMOOsed

    Well everyone that just walked past me in the library while I was using paint to color a coloring book page of a cow probably thought I had SERIOUS issues haha. Today’s dailycreate was to wildly paint a cow and post it to twitter. For this I googled “coloring page of cow” and then uploaded that into […]
  9. @profCaritat

    New England Pie (Mark Twain)

    A joke in the newspaper in Darlington on august 25 1880. This Pie is a cruel punishment for the cook and for the enemy who must eat the pie. I guess this Mr Twain has had a very sad experience with New England or with a Pie from New England.   ht...
  10. @Untertacker

    some tweets to #ds106

    I will put my tweets to #ds106 and western106 into this blog. This here is one of them. It is a colored flower, but in black and white mode it changed into a white flower. And white lilies are  for graves and burials.  

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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