1. sydb

    Even the Baltimore Police Department Does It!

    This Mashed Up Children’s Book assignment made me chuckle. I am studying to be a teacher so I loved this idea. It took me awhile to choose the book I wanted to do. At first, I was going to do something like Charlotte’s Wire (Charlotte’s Web) or No, McNulty! (No, David!) I then decided to go […]
  2. athoet


    This is my daily create of my shoefie! My friend and I did a project on our own where we decorated our own shoes and now I get to use it for this daily create, which is pretty cool.
  3. dniepoko

    Military DS106 Wallpaper

    This assignment was a remix. This was actually a lot of fun, and not nearly as hard as I thought it would be! For this assignment, I had to create a ds106 wallpaper, but boot camp it as the remix. So I just thought of ideas as a flag in the background with camo around it.   Process: I downloaded the flag
  4. athoet

    The last one

    For my first daily create I made a short writing piece to the prompt “the one who got away.” As I am wholly unromantic, I decided to write my piece about something I really care about: candy. You were the one that got away. The others, brown, red, green and blue, they stayed in their […]
  5. sydb

    Consumer Mashup

    Every Sunday at noon, my friends and I go to Chipotle for burritos! To complete this assignment, I googled pictures of the Chipotle sign and a burrito and used Photoshop to put the two together. It was actually a pretty simple assignment!
  6. sydb

    The Evolution of Luke Dunphy

    One of my favorite TV shows is Modern Family. It is a fantastic sitcom that can always give me a good laugh. Throughout the series, I have noticed the changes in Luke’s appearance, voice, and overall personality. When the show began, Luke was a young boy. He is still young, but he has hit puberty […]
  7. ktnmahone247

    11 and 12 = 3

    Or at least it should have; that is equal three weeks that I at least needed to complete these weeks! Working from behind, I had the task of completing weeks 10, 11, and 12 with time running out at the moment. Video Assignments I managed to complete 13 stars with the exception of my video […]
  8. jbrazelt

    The Wire Sweded with G.I. Joes

    The Wire Sweded With G.I. Joe’s So I thought about what would be a unique way to swede an episode of The Wire.  As student we were challenged to  Swede a Scene from the show The Wire.  I chose the Season 3 Episode 11 scene of Stringer Bells death. This particular assignment was particularly challenging …
  9. iharris

    Weeks 11 + 12: Double Combo Wombo

    Two weeks in one! For the past two weeks we not only wrapped up video week, but we began preparations towards our final projects. My subject of choice was Howard “Bunny” Colvin from The Wire, and I’ll be creating a fictional narrative for him over various social media sites. At this point, I have plenty […]
  10. nixmem

    “You need therapy and shit.”

    The Wire Sweded The scene that I decided to swede from The Wire was from Season 2. I’ve talked about this scene during my group’s radio show and am including it again because I love the dialogue in it so much. The scene involves Ziggy and his infamous Italian leather…
  11. nixmem

    Cassryn Jane’s First Year in the World

    For my first video assignment, I chose the Special Person Montage because it immediately made me think of how much I miss my niece. My niece, whom my brother and sister-in-law named Cassryn Jane, was my brother’s first child and the light of me and my family’s life. She’s the…
  12. smreutter15

    Video X 2

    I’ve really been enjoying the Video Assignments. I think these have been my favorite weeks.I read the warning label to this class, but it seriously was not a joke that this class would be a lot of work! But it’s fun work. And it is really rewarding when I create something to be proud of.Here’s… Read More

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

Student Blogs

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