1. tjpeed

    The Finish Line Is Getting Closer Week 11 & 12

    Well having 2 weeks to complete the assignments was nice. Even though I am finishing them at 11:30 pm on the last night I was able to take are of some other things I needed to get done. I completed a video discussion this week which was my second one so I am looking at […]
  2. demifulcher

    Pick a pet and change it

    For my second Daily Create I decided to do the “Pick a pet and change it”. This Daily Create kinda reminded me of the hamster Daily Create they we did just a while ago. For this assignment I decided to do a panda bear, I didn’t really know which panda I wanted to do at […]
  3. jmeadows128

    It’s all in the video, yo…

    Another week down…. This week was all about the video.  Let’s get right down to it:   “Swede an Episode”- For this assignment, Ien Harris and I decided to recreate the infamous scene from season 1 where Bunk and McNulty solve a previously unsolved murder while only uttering a single word over and over.  We […]
  4. tjpeed

    Institutional Dysfunction in The Wire

    For my Video Essay I decided to focus on a specific theme that has been shown throughout all of the seasons thus far. The theme institutional dysfunction is one that is shown through many of the characters. From McNulty to the Mayor and even in the Barksdale Organization this theme is portrayed numerous times. I […]
  5. lbrumfield

    Video Essay

    Video Essay | For this assignment you need to select several scenes from The Wire, and edit them together and comment on some of the filmic elements of the scenes? Why do you like these scenes? What strikes you about them?… Continue Reading
  6. jmeadows128

    Damn…problem with the power supply again!

    Hi everybody!  So for the “Swede a scene” assignment, Ien Harris and I decided to recreate the scene in season 1 where McNulty and Bunk solve a murder while only uttering a single word between themselves.  What was really amazing about this scene was the level of comfort between McNulty and Bunk.  They were able […]
  7. ktnmahone247

    Mommy Sentiments

    For my third (5 star) video assignment I chose to commemorate my daughter. She just recently enlisted into the United States Navy, with Veteran’s Day just passing I thought this would be a great tribute to her. I dropped many tears in the process, still absorbing the unselfish sacrifice that she has chosen to make. […]
  8. bscites13

    Brittany the Videographer.

    Notice how the title went from a question mark to a period? Yeah, well that’s because now I consider myself a videographer. These past two weeks have been nice. It is nice to be able to spread your assignments out over two weeks so you aren’t as stressed trying to get them all in in […]
  9. wafflestomper

    Idris Got Flex a.k.a. Weeks 11-12 Summary

    Season 3, episodes 11, 12 Season 4, episodes 1-4: I watched ‘em all.  For the third time.  I’m hooked on The Wire and it’s all Jim Groom’s fault. My favorite highlights centered around  the recurring theme of reinvention and adaptation (flex) of our favorite characters: The final culmination of B & B’s relationship, ending in […]
  10. wafflestomper

    Video Essay – Discovering Omar

    For the video essay assignment I chose Season 1 Episode 5 for analysis because it’s where we see Omar become established as a power player.  He’s in everyone’s business, he knows what is going on, and he knows which drug dealers he can stick up and exactly when the stash is full. Enjoy!
  11. killacarms

    A 2 in 1 Torture

    I’m not sure if my title makes sense… Well, it should. 2 weeks of torture in one post! A good torture though, right? Right. Now, let’s get down to business and see what i’ve done to deserve the awesome “A” i will receive. Daily Creates: I’m going to go through them in order of completion. […]
  12. tjpeed

    My Acting Career Has Begun

    For the Swede a Scene assignment I worked with Syd and we redid the opening scene of Season 3 Episode 11. Thanks to my house mate for filming the scene it turned out pretty decent. I do not think I have any chance at an acting career but you never know what will happen. After […]
  13. wafflestomper

    “The Pager” Swede

    YouTube is doing something funky with a “warping” kind of effect that I can’t figure out, but here it is.  I think I’ll try uploading to Vimeo next time and see if that improves things.   I went with Season 1 Episode 5 “The Pager” for the Swede video assignment since it’s one of my […]
  14. awallac2

    Weeks 11 and 12 Summary

    The Wire got super intense these two weeks. I honestly thought that the season 3 finale set the series up to be over (even though I knew it wasn’t because I was already assigned to work on the next season). If the show had ended there though, it would have been wrapped up nicely. I […]
  15. sydb

    I’ll Take a Number 11 and 12

    Well these weeks flew by, but it was nice to have more time to complete all the assignments! Daily Creates Caption This! Tape Sculpture Flag for the Country of Me! Pick a Pet and Change It   Video Assignments Vine It! 3 stars Picture Story 3 stars Favorite Trip 2 stars Swede a Scene 4.5 […]
  16. sydb

    Swede a Scene

    For this assignment, I worked with Travis. We decided to do the scene where Brother Mouzone finds Omar. It was a lot of fun filming this despite technical difficulties when all three of our phones died. We used Movie Maker to clip and edit the pieces of the film and then added sounds using freesound.org. […]
  17. jreingol

    The Classroom is a Dangerous Place Too

    For the Video Essay assignment worth 5 stars, I chose 3 scenes from Season 4, Episode 3 of The Wire, “Home Rooms.” I downloaded the episode from the Wire 106 website and then imported it into iMovie. I only moved the scenes I was providing commentary for to the actual timeline in iMovie. Then, I […]
  18. nrandall

    Double Down Videos!

    Ladies and Gentlemen, it has been awhile since I said anything in a long summary. The past two weeks have been full of videos and other interesting things. But rather than have me yak on about what I was doing in a generic paragraph, let’s begin the double week breakdown! The Wire Okay, so much […]
  19. ktnmahone247


    For my second video assignment during weeks 11 and 12 I chose the ‘Cooking Show’ challenge. It just so happens that my 16 year old daughter had to make a dish for her culinary class so we teamed up killing two tasks with one situation. She assisted by giving commentary of the process as I […]
  20. nrandall

    If Marlow and Joe were LEGO…

    http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/swede-a-scene/ 4.5 Stars Apart from my trust laptop, I pulled some minifigs and some pieces out of my LEGO box and tried my best to re-position the two to make it seem as though they were talking. Along with that, I also had my Desktop running the actual scene in the background. I would have […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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