I thoroughly enjoyed the 11th episode of the third season of The Wire. One of the things that grabbed my attention came immediately at the beginning of the episode. The
For my first daily create of the week I decided to the Safe Haven collage. My safe haven is definitely my bedroom. When I was doing this daily create I
I conquered 5 of the 7 1/2 stars left to complete in week 10 of video with the assignment ‘That Bleeping Censor’. Finally after trial and error with first grasping use of Movie Maker and then technology problems only fixable through the help of IT, I successfully completed this assignment by my lonesome! I imported […]
For my final project on the Bunk Moreland, I created four different social media outlets for him, a bio to start my ideas flowing and created an avatar that is the same on each site. I also started planning out some ideas for the final project. Bunk’s biography: “My name is William Moreland, but I […]
For my next video assignment this week I did “Dear 16 Year Old Me” (4 stars). At first I was like eh, I don’t really know about this one. It seems interesting but I don’t know how much I would have to say. Then I realized that I actually would have a lot to say. […]
For my second video assignment for these two weeks I decided to do the “Activity Time Lapse” (3.5 stars). I thought it would be fun to do. I especially wish I had more time this week to do an art project and do a time lapse of that, but of course I don’t so I […]
Sorry, I have been slacking a little. I have been way overwhelmed in my other classes. Luckily I was able to watch all this week’s episodes of The Wire already but I need to catch up on blogging about what I have been up to. Here is my post about my final daily create from […]
It’s Vacation Time! | What was your favorite vacation? Don’t you wish you could relive it over and over? Create a video, sharing with us where you went! 2 stars After high school graduation, my parents and I were invited to a… Continue Reading →
I chose to do the 5 star That Bleeping Censor assignment. Immediately after reading the assignment my thoughts jumped straight to the scene where McNulty and Bunk are in an apartment investigating a murder and had a not-so-colorful choice of words for the entire scene. Instead of simply putting a bleeping censor, I thought I… Read More
This is the flag for the United States of Jeremy’s America. I chose powder blue and yellow because the colors look nice….yes I ripped off the Denver Nuggets basketball team colors. If you look closely you can see my Initials JWH
The first daily create i did this week was the “What’s Your Flag?” create. Flags are important symbols of a country. It’s not like the people were like “i really like blue and white.. so let’s go with that and some stars.” They really had to think about what it mean. I’m a big advocate […]
Daily Create | What’s Your Flag? If you owned a country, what would your flag look like? Draw a flag for The Country of Me. I did this assignment by layering images on photoshop and then messing around with the so-called ‘kind’… Continue Reading →
For today’s daily create I made a map of canva for myself. I have the newspaper in the background and then used the photo from my website logo of books as the lines. I got both of my majors in my flag and lots of color!
Name that book! | For this assignment, use the app Vine to visually create a book title. 2.5 stars Hey everyone! I made a vine with hints (only 2 actually) that represent the title of a book. Can you guess what it… Continue Reading →
Chipmunk Style | Take a clip from a film and either speed up the action or raise the pitch on the audio track for some high-pitched laughs. 2.5 stars For this assignment, I chose my scene based off of the elements that… Continue Reading →
Strangely enough, I always have had a flag (it now has a name thankfully). This has always been a strange emblem that I have liked, and I can’t really say why (no seriously, I haven’t a clue). It always looked rather mythical to me. This was for today’s TDC. Hope you enjoyed!
Today’s Daily Create – My Flag I took inspiration from my favorite flag (the Welsh flag), and my lifelong love of fiction with dragons. Also, purple is just my favorite color. I got the dragon here.
I decided to complete the bleeping assignment during week 11/12. It was a fun assignment but took some patience and time to make it good. First I decided what scene to use. I used the opening scene from season 4 episode one. This was when Snoop went to the fake home depot to find a […]
Daily Create | A geek magnetic poem, please? Whoever came up with this Daily Create idea was genius– I had so much fun with this one!! Not sure why.. maybe it was because I had never heard of the Geek Magnetic… Continue Reading →
Hello again folks! Today I decided to do the daily create “A geek magnetic poem, please?” This was a perfect assignment for me, seeing as how in my research lab we have a set of “geeky science” magnets on our whiteboard. I spent a few minutes playing around with combinations, and settled on this one. […]
For my 2 1/2 stars of the 10 required for week 10 I decided to do Chipmunk Style featuring Omar as Alvin! Through the use of Windows Movie Maker, compliments of great tutoring from James at the ITC Digital Knowledge Center, I was able to download this clip from YouTube and convert through YTD converter […]
November 5th- Experimental Water Photo I absolutely love this picture with the sunset reflecting on the water. This was as Smith Mountain Lake, by far the most beautiful place I’ve been. November 7th- Sound Map For this daily create, we had to listen to what was around us. I was in my dorm, listening to music. It was such a
For the Video Essay assignment, I decided to discuss scenes from The Wire season 3, episode 12 and how they show the characters dealing with Stringer’s death and comprehending how they understood him and where they go from here. I downloaded the episode and rewatched the scenes I wanted to cover, taking … Continue reading
For today’s TDC I decided to let my inner geek flow while creating this. I sure as hell would have this on my fridge if I could find the pieces! Let me know what you think! P.S. – For those of you who aren’t coders, while(true) is an infinite loop meaning “I = the greatest” […]
Last Friday I had a few run-ins with the Wire outside of this class. I went to see the movie “Interstellar” and saw two very important characters from the Wire in two different movie trailers. See if you can recognize them! It’s Omar and Bunk! I was also in a store later on Friday and […]
Here is my Lyric Video Snippet assignment worth 3 stars. I used Audio Copy to clip a segment out of one of my favorite songs that always makes me think of my babies and transferred into iMovie. Then I … Continue reading →