1. bscites13

    Triple Troll Epigraph

    From the time I saw this assignment on the Visual page, I knew I had to do it. And then I thought about this quote and I knew it would be perfect because there were so many people who could have said it. I chose the quote from Season 2, Episode 2 when Bunk is […]
  2. bscites13

    Shameless Plug or Visual Assignment?

    Well, I may or may not use this as one of my visual assignments because for one, I kind of feel like I’m copying Groom’s idea, and for two this scene isn’t specific to any of the particular episodes, but it looked fun and I saw something that made me think of The Wire anyway. […]
  3. athoet

    Trolling Quotes

    I decided to do a visual assignment for my third assignment this week. I chose to do a troll quote and confuse some people. I wanted to highlight the notion of “the game” in the show and did so with this, as every aspect of my troll quote deals with someone in the drug dealing […]
  4. bscites13

    Loony Lunes?

    I did today’s daily create. I expected it to be harder when I first looked at some other people’s but when I saw that there was a lune-maker that made my decision to do it easy. When it said think about what you’ve done today I was like, “Hmm, well I’ve watched two wire episodes […]
  5. killacarms

    They’re Earrings, guys. TDC

    So today’s daily create was interesting. I wasn’t aware what a Lune was so after reading the instructions, i gave it a shot. One thing I always do in the morning is put my pearl earrings on. I find them to be the one accessary to match EVERYTHING. So here’s my Lune! Enjoy!
  6. athoet

    Rated R

    The Wire (9-10 p.m., HBO) R-Two gangs wage war on a chessboard set in the streets of a post-apocalyptic city where it constantly snows, and the kings sit unharmed in their thrones atop mountains. This writing assignment was to “Take an existing movie or television show and change the writing of the synopsis in a […]
  7. demifulcher

    The Creative Mashup

                          The picture below is a Mashup of a Classical Painting and a painting depicting a scene in “The Wire”.  “The Wire” Season Ep. 2 . I made this Assignment from the Submit an Assignment link on the #ds106 page.  
  8. jmeadows128

    Daily create (9/10/14): A Lune Poem…

      My normal daily routine is to wake up to a blaring alarm, and then sleep for another 20 minutes or so.  After that, I slowly get up, check my emails, and resentfully take a shower.  This morning, I saw the daily create email and instantly knew this is what I would be submitting.  I […]
  9. athoet

    Telling Stories Around the Computer

    According to Alexander in The New Digital Storytelling chapter we read for this week, there are many different outlets for webs storytelling. My personal favorite, and the most simplistic, is blogging. Alexander goes into great detail about blogging and discusses the notion of blogs as internet diaries, which I found very thought-provoking; you can tell own […]
  10. tjpeed

    An Unforgettable Name

    What’s in a Name? Your name is with you forever. Whether it’s your first or last. It is what people hear first when you introduce yourself. It is on all of your papers, projects, assignments, mail, accounts, job application, and much more. Some people may not like theirs and want to change it others wear […]
  11. jmeadows128

    What did Omar do before The Wire?

    Before The Wire, Omar was a biology professor at a small community college in Colorado.  He had spent some time in prison for an undisclosed white-collar crime, and had gotten his teaching license in the clink.  Unfortunately, Omar couldn’t support himself on the measly salary of a professor.  Thus, he was forced to turn to […]
  12. athoet

    Emailed Lune

    This morning I did the Flickr Lune daily create. It was so easy and fun because I could vent a little about the millions of emails I get every day and just want to ignore. I found the perfect picture to go with my poem, too!
  13. jreingol

    Pixlr Tutorial


    For about 2 years I have been using this image editor called Pixlr, and so I thought I’d share it with you all that way you can keep it in mind throughout the semester. Right off the bat there are pros and cons to Pixlr. Pros: Free to use even without an account You can save images to your Google Drive… Read more →

  14. athoet

    Contradictory Tones

    I thought the juxtaposition of the phrases “drugs” and “family business” highlighted a major theme in the Wire. In my post about episode 13 of the Wire that will be up later this week, I discuss D’Angelo’s outcry at how this is his family business. He grew up in this, the dealing, the money, the killing. “Ya’ll don’t […]
  15. killacarms

    PNG IS The Way To Go!

    Wow. That is the only word that is appropriate for this assignment. So I was eager to start on these assignment through the assignment bank! I always like pictures, who doesn’t? I was looking through the visual assignments and stumbled upon the word “Bae”. I was a little sad, yes. Only because I find it […]
  16. jreingol

    If You Give a Donkey a Waffle


    Mashup Children’s Book: Mashup a children’s book based on another cultural artifact. I really wanted to do something with If You Give a Mouse a Cookie since it was one of my favorite books growing up. Since the author made numerous sequels about pigs and pancakes and moose and muffins, I knew I had to keep the pattern of having sweet food… Read more →

  17. tjpeed

    Tap Tap Tap….

    When I saw the assignment “What Wanders Outside Your Window?” it was right after I watched Episode 13 of season 1. I immediately thought of D’Angelo telling the detectives about how Deirdre Kresson was killed. I thought it was only appropriate to put Wee-Bey in the window like he was when he shot Deirdre Kresson. […]
  18. athoet

    Shapes of the Wire

    The spectrum Vonnegut creates is so simple yet so applicable to so many different stories. The curve spectrum is a newer and simpler version of the story plot we learn in grade school (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, conclusion), but the curve somehow easily represents an entire story in itself. Vonnegut breaks a story […]
  19. lbrumfield


    DAILY CREATE: Write a little story and read it out loud…in the dark. Use only your voice to make it come alive for your audience. Simultaneously writing a short story for a creative writing fiction course. This is a little… Continue Reading

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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