1. bscites13

    Hello to the world of #ds106

    Hello World Wide Web, this is Brittany coming at you from #ds106. If you’d like to get to know me better you can watch a video of me through the years (minus the embarrassing middle school years, of course) below: For more recent (or not) events in my life, you can look to my flickr. […]
  2. jreingol

    Week 1 Summary


    The first week of classes is always pretty hectic, mostly because I’m just trying to figure out a routine to get into. Nevertheless, I still managed to do my four introductions for this and watch episodes 7-9 of The Wire, as well as complete some daily creates! I already had a domain and blog set up for this course, and accounts with… Read more →

  3. Reverend

    Clowny Ass Troll Quotes

    While not a distinguished Triple Troll Wire Epigraph, I couldn’t resist doing an old gold Troll Quote assignment—and this quote from D’Angelo‘s treatise on power, capital and reward was hard to get out of my head. Interestingly enough, Rawls very well could … Continue reading
  4. Reverend

    Surveillance Society

    Images of surveillance from the first episode of season 1 of The Wire, “The Target.” I mentioned the prevalence of surveillance camera shots  in the first episode of The Wire in my previous post. Above are six GIFs capturing what I believe is every surveillance … Continue reading
  5. lbrumfield

    Photoshop Course Projects

    Transformation GIF | Remember how I did this little assignment in class to get the hang of creating animated GIFs on photoshop? Well here’s my final project! BAND POSTER | The assignment was to create a poster on photoshop for a band that we created. Here’s what I came up with: // CLASSIFICATION | The class went on a vacation […]
  6. lbrumfield

    Researched Artists from Photoshop Class

    Before the beginning of the semester, I wanted to go through and get everything set up on this website for my new round of classes. Below are the artists that I researched over the summer during my Photoshop class. // Matt Siber | Matt Siber, born in 1972, now lives in Chicago with a BA in […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

Student Blogs

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