Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92698 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

I Can Do Anything

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I Can Do Anything – 3OH!3. Because changing web pages and creating things on the web, you really can do anything.

Web Design was so much fun to work with. I got to do a lot of things on the web that I never thought was possible. Who knew that someone could take a screen shot of a web page and change it to make it say what you want. It’s actually kind of scary. What are people doing to this web page?? Makes you wonder…

DS106 Radio.

This week kicked off with the live premieres of the radio shows. If you missed the live premieres, don’t worry – they are archived here. Each group was assigned to listen to another group besides their own and write up a blog post about it. Fab Five was assigned to listen to the Dot Commers’ radio show. You can read my blog post about it here.

We also had to write up a blog post evaluating our own group’s radio show. You can read about it in my blog post.

Design Assignments.

Now, it’s time to get to the web designing component of this week!! We all had to complete the Storytelling within the Web assignment and then we got to do five stars of Web Design Assignments from the assignment bank. I really enjoyed creating all of these assignments! You can read about each of my assignments in my blog posts below:

Meet Curly Sue.

Another fun little thing that we had to do was create a fictitious character and give them personality traits. Using these traits, we had to comment on at least five students’ blog posts as this character. How fun! My character’s name was Curly Sue.

Curly Sue is a kind of ditzy girl who loves digital storytelling, almost to an unhealthy level. She really loves audio, for a reason that is beyond me. She is kind of old fashion {stuck in the 1950′s} and that is apparent through her comments she left on my fellow DS106er’s blog posts.

Curly Sue liked Kaitlyn’s weekly summary about the intensive audio weeks. She commented on how “swell” her radio commercial was. Her love for web design is a lot less than audio. She commented on Amber’s blog post about one of her web design activities. I think she might not like web design as much because they didn’t have a “web” in her era! Her comment on Karissa’s post is probably the one that shows her personality the most.

Actually, Curly Sue even interacted with CogDog – which I was a little nervous about. After all, he is my professor. You can see what she said to him here on Sarah’s blog post. She even liked Micaela’s idea about the time travel theme on her radio show. She commented about how she wanted to go back to the 50′s…go figure.

Daily Create Story.

This week, we had to complete three daily creates. However, there is a twist! We had to find a way to connect them together to tell a story. This was a little challenging but I think I managed. You can read about my daily creates and how I connected them here.

Diggin’ in the Trash.

The last thing we had to do was upload four files that we had originally created for DS106 work but never used them, for whatever reason. We had to upload these files in a secret location. I can only tell you the file names that I uploaded: kelsie – design safari, kelsie- perspective, kelsie- color splash, and kelsie – design bumper sticker.

The first two (design safari and perspective) were pictures that lost my vote in including them into my design safari during Design week. The color splash one was from the Splash the Color assignment. And the last one was rejected from the Bumper Sticker assignment.

I don’t know what CogDog has up his sleeve with all of that, all I know is that we will come back to these files in another week. So stay tuned if the suspense is killing you!!

Adios Muchachos!

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