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Digital Dynamite Radio Show

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I was assigned to listen to the Digital Dynamite show this week and make comments/suggestions on their show.  Not sure how to link the individual thing, but you can scroll down and find it.

I thought this show was pretty well done, with all individual parts coming into a reasonably consistent whole.  Everything was consistently done like a background noise, stories, and everything. However, I often found myself spacing out, probably because the topics weren’t very interesting to me.  Sewing isn’t really my thing, nor is speaking Mandarin (I don;t know any), or voice overs.  The bumpers were really well done.  I found the splitting of the stories a little hard to follow because there was a lot going on in each section.

The sewing section confused me and there was a weird sound sometimes when she spoke.  It wasn’t an echo or anything but it threw me off.  The section was well done and static free.  I did find it a little staged at some points but, for the most part, the section was good at not sounding staged.

The section about speaking Mandarin was probably the most interesting for me.  I had similar experiences in high school–being bad at all languages–and it was probably the most interesting for that.  The background noise was very fitting with the mandarin playing.

The one section talking about handwriting annoyed me a little bit because the speaker echoed the whole time, which I found to be very annoying.  I was also kind of confused about why there was a commercial in the middle of the piece.  I feel like having it between would have made more sense. I loved all the sound effects that went along with it, however.  There was a random parts of pen scratching that fit in well and sounded just like handwriting or something like that.

I would give the show 4.75 stars out of 5.

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