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Radio Shows!

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This week our radio shows finally went live!! You can see all of them archived here.  After working on them for a couple weeks now, I can say I am THRILLED to share them with everyone.

My group’s show was called Serial Dater.  I explained a lot about how our radio show was organized and created in my weekly summary last week, but here I am mainly going to talk about how it turned out.

Kelsie and I hosted our show when it went live.  We were both a bit nervous ahead of time but other than not know when each of us should talk, it ended up going really well.  It was fun to talk about what he had done and how we had put everything together.

Overall I was thrilled how our show turned out.  I feel like our volume level was inappropriate and even through out the whole thing.  At times in the interviews the interviewee was louder or quieter than the interviewer but I don’t think it was all that noticeable.  I was thrilled with how our editing turned out.  Brooke was the one who put everything together in the end and I couldn’t have been happier with the job she did.  It all flowed well.  I also think it helped that we made sure to have built in transitions that we recorded to introduce each others sections.   I may be biased, but I also feel like we used our music well.  We made sure to use music that fit well with the person we were interviewing, and when we didn’t have an appropriated song we used  a commercial as our transition instead.

We also were thrilled with the responses we got on twitter.  Here was my favorite:

Overall I’d give our show 4.5 out of 5 stars.

My group was also assigned to review the Dot Commers radio show The Science of Group Projects.

Overall I loved their show.  I thought it was so hysterical and so relevant to college students.  I love how they made their characters seem realistic and over the top at the same time.  I could totally picture a person who resembled each of the characters in their show.  One of my favorite parts of their show is that they used the Law and Order theme for their intro.  When I heard it I started laughing right away.  Such a great idea.

The volume of this show was nice and consistent   I didn’t find myself having to adjust the volume on my computer at all during the show.  I also thought that they did a great job blending their sounds in with their voices.  Adding in the bleep sound when they cursed was a great touch.  It flowed naturally and was a great way to add in more than just voices.   I also thought the structure of this show was really great.  Their story flowed well.  I found myself really wanting to find out what was going to come next.  I was so interested in seeing how the group would end up doing in the long run.

Overall I’d give their show 4 our of 5 stars.

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