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End of Headless? Never! Join us Dec 13 for TWO Major Events

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Of course nothing ends in ds106, but this Friday we are pausing for two major live events. Both were broadcasted live to ds106 radio.

GAC Launch
Link to GIFaChrome promo video

The emergence of the GIFaChrome phenomena and its interest amount ds106ers has enabled us to be part of a major product announcement; rumors are it is a new camera model. Join us December 13 at 11AM PST / 7:00 PM GMT (check for local time).

You can expect the announcement about the new camera, some interviews with lead engineer John Johnston, endorsements from GIFaChrome users, live party music from the Inkspots, and a few more surprises. See the event listing on Google Plus and look for broadcast links in the Twitter.

Show Archives

ds106 Radio Archive for GIFaChrome Launch (featuring Alan Levine, Christina Hendricks, David Kernohan, Mariana Funes, Rochelle Lockridge)
Links to additional info and material referenced during the broadcast.

cc licensed ( BY NC SA ) flickr photo shared by Giulia Forsythe

Join us around the digital campfire on December 13 at 12P PST / 8:00 PM GMT (check for local time) when we celebrate the ending (not that it ends) of headless ds106. Come ready to share stories of your nest moments and those of others.

If you have works you would like to highlight, tweet a link out and tag them #ds106headlessbest.

You know you want to swim in the water…

Show Archives

ds106 Radio Archive Campfire Discussion (featuring Alan Levine, Christina Hendricks, Talk Tina, Todd Conaway, Mariana Funes, Rochelle Lockridge)


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