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What Are Grapes? (Assignment Bank #3)

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Google Draw Something!

Use Google’s drawing game to create art and have Google guess what it is! You will be given 6 items to draw and in under 20 seconds Google will try to answer it. Go to and start right away. In the end, share your art on twitter with the rest of the class.


I made these six doodles. A neural network guessed five of them correctly.

what do grapes look like?



I chose this particular assignment from the assignment bank because it looked really fun! I love drawing, especially doodling, and I thought it would be a unique and interesting challenge to try and draw things identifiable in under 20 seconds. In some ways I really struggled, as you can see with those grapes, but in some I really excelled, like with the ceiling fan!

It goes to show that I will take any excuse to draw, and I will take any challenge that looks fun to me. This not only helped me flex my muscles, but helped me tackle doodles more strategically while under a time-limit.



— Connected my Wacom Bamboo tablet to my MAC.

— Clicked the link above to visit Google Draw

— Drew out the six doodles while a bot guessed each drawing.

— Tweeted out my results

— I screenshot my results for the purpose of this assignment.

— I wrote directly into the textbox of WordPress for this assignment.

That’s really all there was to it! It was a fun, easy assignment that I wouldn’t have qualms with doing again. Thank you for the opportunity!

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