
Ready to Get Started?

Start any time, it never ends. Design it your way.

The Numbers

The ds106 flow includes syndicated 92635 distributed blog posts created by our participants since December 2010 when Jim Groom blogged the idea of ds106 as an open and online experiment.

Stuff to Try

Assignment Bank

Explore more than 400 800 media assignments created for and by members of ds106. Try one at random or add your own.

The Daily Create

Each day you get a new creative challenge in photo, drawing, audio, video, or writing form, that you can do in 20 minutes or less. Every day since January 8, 2012. Want a taste? Try one at random.

ds106 Radio

Our own open free form internet-based radio station, broadcasting shared music, recordings, cross casts from other stations, as well as live broadcasts from community members. Learn how to tune in and how to grab the mic.

Remix Machine

And now for something completely different! Interpret a random remix of the ds106 assignments. Make a new twist on an existing ds106 assignment.


The best of ds106! A site designed by ds106 students to showcase the works of others. Nominate anyone’s creations in ds106 that inspires you or explore it to become inspired.

DS106 Never Parked

DS106 just keeps going and going… See where it’s been before.

They’re Here… The Open ds106 Course

ds106 poster by Jim Groom

ds106 poster by Jim Groom

Random Sampling the Past ds106 Flow

  1. My Radio Show & Lex’s Life

    Spend my entire Friday eve doing it, but got it done, not too shabby might I add. Would’ve been better, but everything takes time. I’ve decided to do a video podcast for  my digital story, just telling abt the highlights of my day w/ random n cool twists on it. Below is a  copy of &hellip Continue reading »
  2. Week 4 in The Books

    Audio Storytelling Audio Storytelling-What’s Up With It? Ira Glass and Jad Abumrad videos bring about some very good points in their videos. While Ira explains the main components of a good audio story, Jad delves into what makes audio so powerful. I enjoyed listening to the thoughts of two leaders in the radio industry. Listening ...
see full blog flow…