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  1. Alex Spangler


    Okay, this exercise was a lot of fun.  The creativity from the assignments that we are doing is just mind-blowing in my opinion.  I haven’t run across another course where the assignments have been this refreshingly fun. Let’s start off with my Flickr photos.  Rather than embed them and take up a ton of space, ...
  2. Alex Spangler

    Week 4 Summary

    I would really like to get at least a video up at some point as a reflection like I did for week 1 but I’m not able to do it this week either.  It’s been crazy with all of the things going on so I just haven’t had time :-/ Audio Storytelling Reflection — So, ...
  3. Alex Spangler

    Week 4 Daily Creates

    Three Daily Creates this week! Week 4 Daily Create #1 Today’s Daily Create was to take a picture of three something.  I just pulled three cups out of the cupboard and decided to use those.  Nothing really too meaningful about them, but the countertop is nice to look at Week 4 Daily Create #2 Today’s ...
  4. Alex Spangler

    DS106 Radio Bumper

    Okay, so I wasn’t really sure as to what we were supposed to be doing for this assignment so I just kind of looked at some of my other classmates work and kind of got inspiration that way.  Thanks to all of the other blogs for giving me the help to make this Radio Bumper! ...
  5. Alex Spangler

    5 Sound Story: Heart Attack

    Okay, this assignment started off to be a pain in my ass (excuse my language) but I managed to fight through it and learn to love Audacity.  I’ve never used it before but had a BLAST making this clip.  I started out with about fifteen different types of clips from Freesound, but narrowed my selection ...
  6. Alex Spangler

    My First DS106 Radio Experience

    Okay, I cannot stop laughing.  Whoever is running the DS106 Radio is absolutely hilarious.  On multiple occasions whoever runs it was snapping their fingers and hitting the keyboard and saying stuff like, “NICE!” or “GREAT SONG!”  As awesome as that is, I feel kind of like a creep because I was more interesting in what ...
  7. Alex Spangler

    The Ghost of Bobby Dunbar

    For my audio reflection, I’m choosing to reflect on The Ghost of Bobby Dunbar.  The reason that I chose this one is because of the title.  I love ghost stories and all of the other titles didn’t seem to captivate me as much as this one did. Interestingly, the introduction of the story is actually ...
  8. Alex Spangler

    Audio Storytelling Reflection

    After watching both Ira Glass’ On Storytelling and Jad Abumrad on How Radio Creates Empathy, I actually learned a lot.  I’ve never been a big fan of radio before.  I’ve always listened to music in my car, but I have listened to NPR every now and then.  I’ve never really taken too much consideration into the ...
  9. Alex Spangler

    Week 3 Summary

    So, this week isn’t going to include a video from me (sad, I know).  Unfortunately, I’m not going to have time to make one before this weekend!  Since I’ve been waiting to do my summary until after my Daily Create’s are in, I won’t have time.  Maybe next week we won’t have to do as ...
  10. Alex Spangler

    Tell a Story in Five Frames

    Tell a story in five frames is a really cool idea.  I bounced around with a couple of ideas, but thought that I would go with something a bit more me. I uploaded my photos to Flickr, but they haven’t shown up yet.  Hopefully that will change later!  I was going to take some pictures ...
  11. Alex Spangler

    Week 3 Daily Creates

    Four Daily Creates this week!  Luckily for me, I’ve got the perfect one for my first Daily Create…  We’ll start this off with some venting! Week 3 Daily Create #1 So, 9/10/12′s DC was to take a picture of anger, or something that makes you angry.  I decided to upload a picture of my wheel ...
  12. Alex Spangler

    Blast from the Past

    After reviewing some of the submissions on in[SPIRE], I found Hugo Meets Inception to be the most compelling to me for many different reasons.  There is one reason why and that reason is that I absolutely LOVE mashup videos.  I go to YouTube sometimes and just view related mashup videos because they are that fun ...
  13. Alex Spangler

    The Shapes of Stories [Breaking Bad]

    Okay guys, it’s BREAKING BAD time!!! Before I start, I just want to say that this is my absolutely FAVORITE show of all time.  Here is a YouTube clip of the Breaking Bad trailer that someone made, just so you can get an idea of the show. If you haven’t seen it, I highly suggest ...
  14. Alex Spangler

    What is Storytelling?

    Storytelling, to me, is when someone recalls on events that have happened to them or someone else with a strong emphasis on detail.  Without the detail, there really isn’t much to the story.  The person listening needs to be able to visualize it the best that they can or else it really doesn’t work the ...
  15. Alex Spangler

    Week 2 Daily Creates

    Week 2 Daily Create #1 So, for my first Daily Create of the week out of three, I’m choosing to do this one.  I found the ability to take a photo of the great outdoors rather interesting because of all the other pictures that were uploaded.  Everyone’s vision of what the outdoors looks like is ...
  16. Alex Spangler

    My First GIF!

    The Avengers!  If you haven’t seen this movie, it’s amazing.  I loved it and laughed so hard when I saw this scene. So, we were given this assignment.  I’ve never created a .gif before and had to do a little bit of digging before I finally figured out how to make one.  I don’t have ...
  17. Alex Spangler

    Creative Commons

      Okay, I’ve always seen the little ‘CC’ symbol on a lot of things, but never really thought to research and see what it’s about. First off, I want to say that I think that it’s amazing that ANYONE can license their work, and for free.  I figured that something like that would cost money. ...
  18. Alex Spangler

    Week 1 Boot Camp, check.

    Twitter: Flickr: YouTube: SoundCloud: So, I think this is definitely going to be my most loved course…  To be able to say that I’ve done the weeks work in two days is definitely a first for me.  It’s odd though knowing that I’m writing the ‘Weekly Summary’ and it’s only Tuesday.  Feels good though! Let’s ...
  19. Alex Spangler

    Introduction & TDC#1

    Since this is my first blog post, I’ll start off by saying that this class is going to be amazing!  I’m looking forward to creating all kinds of cool stuff and hopefully learning a lot from other people as well. Here is my Daily Create: I’ve never actually recorded myself and put it on YouTube ...

ds106 in[SPIRE]