Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94983 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.
I just finished the whole archiving process for this blog with DS106. Not sure how much I will still use this after this class, but I guess we will just have to see.
For our final exam we were supposed to make a video on our final thoughts about DS106, so here’s mine. DS106 has definitely been my most favorite class that I’ve taken so far at Mary Washington. I enjoyed getting to … Continue reading →
For my video assignments I decided to do the movie trailer mashup and the digital story compilation. For the movie trailer mashup I took the trailer from Inception and the audio from the trailer for who framed roger rabbit. I … Continue reading →
For my webstory I decided to make a page on Amazon for a private island. I used firebug on firefox just like Martha had told us. It was all pretty easy once I figured out how to use everything. … Continue reading →
After some good quality comments about my Spanish Joke audio assignment I decided to get back in the lab to spice it up a little bit. I kept the same basic track that I had before but added a little … Continue reading →
For my last two audio assignments I decided to do “Autotune Something” and “Make ‘em Laugh”. For my “Autotune Something” I decided to try and autotune a segment of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have A Dream Speech”. I … Continue reading →
Here’s my sound effects story. All of the sounds that I used I got off of I made it by setting up all of the sounds in garage band and then just either lengthening them or shortening them depending … Continue reading →
For these last two design assignments I decided to do the “Iconic You” assignment and “The Big Hip Hop Assignment”. For the “Iconic You” assignment I made my icon an image of what you would use when making the template … Continue reading →
For my warning sign assignment I wanted to do a warning sign for Gizmo from the movie Gremlins. I got a warning sign jpg off of google and put it in MS Paint, then I found an outline of Gizmos … Continue reading →
Here’s my DailyShoot for yesterday, sorry that it’s late everyone. After some helpful constructive feedback from my classmates, I decided that I should probably try to have more fun with these pictures, and try to be more creative. When I … Continue reading →
For my design assignment I decided to do the minimalist movie travel poster. My first choice was to do Shawshank Prison from the Shawshank Redemption, but I couldn’t find a very good picture of the prison to try and edit. … Continue reading →
For this daily shoot we were supposed to take a picture of a subject that was predominantly white. So I decided to take a picture of a stuffed snow owl. I think it looks cool and it fits the description … Continue reading →
“Make a photograph with around the number three today. Three objects. Three colors. The number three.” When I read today’s daily shoot I was at the beach, and when I was looking of things to take the picture of I … Continue reading →
On this dailyshoot we were supposed to take a monochromatic picture of something. So I used the greyscale effect on my phone and took a picture of a sombraro and some other stuff that my friend had on his wall … Continue reading →
For my daily shoot assignment on something that shows attraction I decided to focus on the idea of magnetic attraction. I thought lots of people would do something dealing with attraction based on other people or something like that (not … Continue reading →
For the visual assignment for making a missing poster for dr.oblivion, I thought it would be cool to try and make an old school milk carton wanted add for this assignment. I wanted to make it look pretty realistic, but … Continue reading →
Here’s my first visual assignment. I wanted to do the album cover because I thought it would be neat to see what you could get when you combine three random things together. The random wikipedia article gods decided that my band name should be synochoneura, and all though I don’t know how to pronounce it ...
Although seeing a peacock might not be a ordinary scene to most people, when you work at a zoo some different things start to fit the description of ordinary.
What I saw from installing all these plugins and other things like themes is that it’s actually pretty easy. All you really need is to know what you want, or even an idea of what you want and there is probably already a plugin made for that specific need. All I did was follow Professor ...
Posting both of these at once is kind of ironic in my opinion
All of the information given in these videos and the reading pretty much hit home for be because I want to be a teacher one day. I really like and agree with the statement that Gardner Campbell made during his talk, in which he stated that there is a “new age of education is programmed ...