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  1. B. Short

    #HypeTrain: Captain Marvel, the Comics Part 1

    Marvel comics reimagined Ms. as Woman Magazine, a subsidiary publication of the media corporation run by long-time Spider-Man nemesis J. Jonah Jameson. And the character that they chose to run Woman Magazine was a former love interest of a not super recognizable character, Captain Marvel, whose name was Carol Danvers.
  2. B. Short

    Ant-Men and the Wasps inā€¦QUANTUM FORCE

    So if I were going to pitch a comic to Marvel that somehow related to Ant-Man and the Wasp or one or the other, I'd give them something called Quantum Force. That name doesn't refer to anything in the Marvel universe yet--at least, I don't think it does--but it does have a super cheesy, late 1990s New Universe kind of vibe to it.
  3. B. Short

    Original Recipe Ant-Man and the Wasp

    Further complicating the "Are these really Ant-Man's stories?" question is the fact that, in Tales to Astonish #49, Ant-Man changed his suit, broadened his power set to include size increase as well as size decrease, and became Giant-Man. And although he was always Giant-Man on the cover of the comic, Hank often shrank down to Ant-Man size in the pages of his adventures, meaning that effectively categorizing these stories is just slightly bothersome.
  4. B. Short

    A Giant-Sized List of Pint-Sized Ant-Man Stories

    Every fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) prepares for a new movie in their own way. Some flip off their internet and hide under the covers, hoping to avoid spoilers. Others rewatch all of the other MCU movies to remind themselves of the stories that have come before. Me? I read comics.
  5. B. Short

    Alternate Origins of the Ant-Man and the Wasp

    The first real retelling of Hank's origin story doesn't in 2002, almost 40 years after the original, in the Mark Millar-written and David Finch-penciled The Ultimates, a classic of Marvel's Ultimate Universe line. In it, Hank is a petty, jealous, competitive, violent scientist obsessed with proving himself smarter than Bruce Banner.
  6. B. Short

    The Irredeemable Ant-Man by Robert Kirkman and Phil Hester

    Published in 2005 and 2006, The Irredeemable Ant-Man lasted 12 issues, introducing Eric O'Grady, the third Ant-Man after Pym and Lang whose defining characteristics moral turpitude and terrible social skills. O'Grady claimed his friend was cheating on his girlfriend so that he could make a pass at the girlfriend. Then, when that friend died, he tried to seduce the girlfriend multiple times, including once on top of his friend's grave.
  7. B. Short

    The Lives and Deaths of Scott and Cassie Lang

    Throughout the years, as marketing and editorial needs needs dictated it, the characters of Scott and Cassie Lang, as the superheroes Ant-Man and Stature and two of the main characters in this summer's Ant-Man and the Wasp, have been occasionally had their lives altered or ended to give a story having not that much to do with them some higher stakes. Which feels cold, but that's the soap opera part of comic books.
  8. B. Short

    Nick Spencer and Ramon Rosanasā€™s Astonishing Ant-Man

    On the surface, there’s a lot in common between the Scott Lang we meet on the comic book’s pages and the one we see on the screen. They’re both ex-cons. They’re both having trouble getting over their pasts. They both have a cute kid named Cassie. The points of Scott Lang's life that are getting highlighted on the screen are very present on the pages of the book. If you went into a comic shop looking for more of the feeling that you found in the film, you probably weren't disappointed.
  9. B. Short

    600 Years Ago There Were No Surnames

    This is a post in an ongoing series exploring one family’s adventure through genealogical storytelling. The article below was written by Bri-Bri, and features lists and statements of gratitude.      The plan at the beginning of this year was to post an article by my dad and an article by myself every week this year. That should put us at about 24 or so if we had kept up with it, but we’re only up to about 10. But I’m still really excited!   I’m really happy doing this project. I’ve been re-reading some of the earlier posts in the series—in addition to being a contributor to this site, I also manage a lot of its web content, and I’ve been working...
  10. B. Short

    A Son Elaborates and Clarifies

    Dad’s last post encapsulates a lot of what I loved listening to while he was doing all of that research. First, it included a lot of the crazy, insane-seeming, ultra-detail-oriented fine-tooth-comb gumshoeing that dad always seemed so good at. Sorting through handwritten census records to find a name that had been misspelled (sort of!) a […]
  11. B. Short

    A Dad Reflects on the Research Process

    So at this point in our adventure we know that my wife’s ancestor Robert Morrison got a degree and a doctorate from the University of Edinburgh (so now we can refer to him as Dr. Robert Morrison). We also know that he was born in St. Thomas, USVI, which stands for United States Virgin Islands. […]
  12. B. Short

    A Son Remembers Scotland

    I didn’t really know much about Scotland before we went there. Or I knew what everybody knew. I knew Braveheart and I knew Trainspotting and I knew, what, Macbeth, I guess. I had read Irvine Welsh’s breakout novel in college when it was recommended to me by a friend as “the greatest novel ever written.” After […]
  13. B. Short

    A Dad Solves One Mystery and Discovers Another

    This post is continuing the story from Ed’s last post. Our family headed to Edinburgh, Scotland, for a two-week vacation partly to find out if my wife’s ancestor Robert Morrison had a bust in the lobby of the University of Edinburgh. The bust’s existence was according to family lore. The 1891 Winnipeg Canada census showed […]
  14. B. Short

    Wider Horizons: The Comic Book Medium Evolves (Comics Studies 003)

    Random Thoughts on the Syllabus For me, it was tough figuring out where to start reading the best comics of 2016, where to even start looking for them. I had heard of the Eisner Awards, but I didn’t think to look there because what I knew of the Eisners mostly featured mainstream action and superhero comics. […]
  15. B. Short

    Prehistory of Comics Part 5: A Harlotā€™s Progress and A Rakeā€™s Progress

    The Splash Page Two series of paintings by British painter William Hogarth done in the 1730s are exemplary of the ways that sequential visual storytelling would eventually function in comics and graphic novels in the 20th century (and beyond!!!). Past the Page Turn So the 18th century seems like it was very much. There’s the religious […]
  16. B. Short

    Prehistory of Comics Part 4: The Bayeux Tapestry

    The Splash Page A 230-foot-long (over that, really) wool-on-linen artifact commemorating the 11th-century Battle of Hastings brings our tour of proto-comics into the second millennium. Past the Page Turn When Edward the Confessor died in 1066, the English crown was claimed by his brother, Harold Godwinson, the most powerful of the English lords at the […]
  17. B. Short

    Prehistory of Comics Part 3: Trajanā€™s Column

    The Splash Page One of the major monuments to survive the fall of the Roman empire, Trajan’s Column commemorates two wars fought by Emperor Trajan and the Roman armies against the Dacians in what is modern-day Romania. The column features a massive, single frieze including scenes of construction, diplomacy, warfare, and enslavement. Past the Page […]

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