Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. bparsons

    Adding to the #ds106

    It’s Monday. This means I was looking through the Week 5 Assignments, writing them down, and mapping out my DS106 week. When I was reading the summary, I came across in the daily creates to try and submit your own. This was so cool to me! I had no idea you could add to the ...
  2. bparsons

    Summzarization #4

    This week has gone by so fast it’s unbelievable! All of my DS106 work caught up with me by the end of the week. Audio was something that kind of scared me, so I tried avoiding it at all costs. But in the end, I knew I needed to get it done. It turned out ...
  3. bparsons

    Groovin’ to ds106 radio

    I really wanted to tune into a live show to see what it is like, but I was never on my computer when one came up! Until, Thursday afternoon. I just happened to log onto twitter and see that a live show was happening! I ended up tweeting @onepercentyellow that I was listening and she ...
  4. bparsons

    Bumpin’ ds106 style

    Again, I had been dreading the whole audio thing and AGAIN it was pretty simple. This took a little longer than the 5 sound story, but it wasn’t that hard. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, but I knew I wanted to incorporate “ds106″ into my bumper. I finally found a sound that ...
  5. bparsons

    The Sounds of the Infamous Chase

    I have been dreading doing these sound assignments all week. The thought of having to download and learn how to use new software made me cringe. I finally got the guts to take a hack at one of the projects. I’m so glad I did! It was so simple! I feel so silly for worrying ...
  6. bparsons

    Listening to Sherlock Holmes

    Out of the list of stories, I was compelled to pick Sherlock Holmes. I have always been a big fan of mystery and have watched numerous movies and read many of Sherlock Holmes’ books. The first story I listened to was the 1954 version of A case of Identity. It was the second story on ...
  7. bparsons

    Listening to Digital Storytelling?

    These days I am not much on listening to the radio. We now have iPods and things to listen to just music. I’m the type of person who has never really cared too much for radio talk shows. If by chance I am listening to the radio I always change the station when the morning ...
  8. bparsons

    Summarization #3

    Another week of ds106 has successfully gone by.   I still agree with all of my ideas about storytelling and what it means to add digital to the word. In fact, reading other people’s blogs has only confirmed my beliefs more.   I really enjoyed this video! It was quite entertaining and I love the ...
  9. bparsons

    The Shape of Bambi

    I never really thought about all stories having a specific shape. But as I listened to the video below by Kurt Vonnegut many stories passed through my head as he described patterns and how they correlate with the shape. I chose the story of Bambi to illustrate a shape of a story. Everything starts out ...
  10. bparsons

    The Past: Otis minus Milo

    As I looked onto the ds106 inspire site I was immediately drawn to a picture of Milo and Otis. This is one of my all time favorite movies. I love the story of two animals ,whom are normally supposed to be enemies, making friends and going on an adventure together. They get separated in the ...
  11. bparsons

    Storytelling + digital=?

    When I first think of storytelling a few words that come to my mind are: bedtime, legends, myths, ancient, folklore, and campfires. When I was a child I always loved stories before I went to bed. I was a bookworm and loved my bedtime stories (especially involving princesses). As I grew up, stories by the ...
  12. bparsons

    Summarization #2

    So I survived the first week  of Bootcamp! The daily creates this week were really cool! I loved all three of mine that I did: This first one is of a wide open space. It is at a family river house on the Rappahannock. I think the view is gorgeous, especially with the rainbow across ...
  13. bparsons

    Let’s Work Together!

    I have never really heard of a creative commons, So as I started researching I decided to go straight to the source, I figured that was the best source to get the most legitimate information. It told me the best way to introduce myself to this subject was to watch this video:     ...
  14. bparsons

    Doing the wave/spin

    So I just think this is a pretty cool picture…especially since it was taken on my phone. The bottle looks more like it is doing the wave than spinning. And I love the bottle…its Herding Cats wine!
  15. bparsons

    Frustrations Resolved…somewhat

    Making a gif proved to be one of the most frustrating things for me. For some reason or another I cannot grasp how to make one. I tried many online sources and all proved to fail me. I tried to find photoshop, but wasn’t willing to spend the money on it. I finally came across ...
  16. bparsons

    The day we celebrate work!!

    As Labor day approaches I always get excited about it’s festivities! I love barbecues and parades and the parties it brings with it. It has always been a big family celebration for me. But for some reason (and please don’t judge my not knowing) I have never really known what the true meaning of Labor ...
  17. bparsons

    Summarization #1

    So to start out the first weekly summary I am going to post the links to all of my sites. So here they are: I wasn’t really sure what to put on my new about page, but I decided to just go with the flow and attempt to explain myself…which apparently ...
  18. bparsons

    Weekly Reflections #1

    1.) So I first looked at the video of Robert Hughes on creating art. I honestly had to watch this video a few times to get what he was truly saying. It didn’t really stick with me. His monotone voice and lack of personality and creativity didn’t connect with what his purpose was.However, I do ...
  19. bparsons

    Here goes nothing…

    Hi yall! Here is my first Daily Create: It was a bit challenging since this is my first youtube video I have ever made. I am also a bit camera shy. I really loved the assignment though! I think my keys explain a lot about me and what I enjoy. I also really like keychains ...

ds106 in[SPIRE]