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  1. @Darth_Pipe

    Driving Safety

    We make things a little more serious with this post on driving safety. My oldest daughter is 16. With her learner’s permit acquired in September, we’ve practiced driving since. I forgot how strange learning to drive was. It’s all coming back. Nothing teaches you to do something like teaching it to others, and I’ve spent …

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  2. @Darth_Pipe

    War Slug

    Just saying the phrase spirit animal conjures the narrator’s exploits in Fight Club. Today’s Daily Create called for creating your dream animal, forcing one to ask ‘what qualities represent me?’ Well, laziness, for sure, combined with hatred of the outside world. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, War Slug. Most of these images were fairly easy to manipulate, a …

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  3. @Darth_Pipe

    Weekly Roundup!

    I started this week with (of course) a Daily Create. @ds106dc Okay, so maybe this doesn't follow the assignment to the letter, but … #tdc2345 — Bryce Piper (@Darth_Pipe) June 11, 2018 Yes, perhaps it didn’t follow the assignment exactly, but once I saw the Thunderbirds (never heard of ’em) I couldn’t stop thinking …

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  4. @Darth_Pipe


    Today’s Daily Create had me outside enjoying nature.  It says poetry is an option. Between that and the photo subject I chose, I couldn’t stop thinking of a sketch by The Kids In The Hall. How’d I make this? After taking a dozen photos or so, I chose this one for the framing and the …

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  5. @Darth_Pipe

    Old Hitch’

    I love how you really notice things after someone points out the obvious. I’m a Tarantino fan, but watching the video example, I noticed his use of low camera angles really conveyed meaning in many scenes. With the exception of Daryl Hannah’s deadly assassin character gasping for air in a toilet, they each conveyed the …

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  6. @Darth_Pipe


    One of the first classes I took at UMW was Professor Mathur’s Shakespeare in Film. On more than one occasion during discussion, I stressed to my fellow students that everything — everything — on the screen is there for a reason. My arguments were met with quiet derision. Well, pearls before swine.   But now …

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  7. @Darth_Pipe

    Chugging along

    Okay! You know that feeling when you’re on a long, arduous journey and you keep thinking ‘we’ve got to almost be there by now’ and you look up and realize you’re just more than halfway there. Yeah, that. So, my first project since Wednesday was this Daily Create.  Pen crafting is something I started doing …

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  8. @Darth_Pipe

    The good, the bad and the polished

    Moon Graffiti presented an excellent example of using sound as an integral part of storytelling. The producers effectively  used recorded audio, sound effects, and background music woven with a compelling narrative of mixed fact and fantasy. The audio pushes the imagination, bringing the adventure of a lunar visit and subsequent crash to life in the listener’s …

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  9. @Darth_Pipe

    Week 2, Week 6, What’s the Difference?

    Wanting to start with something easily palatable, I began with the Question of the Week. The family brainstormed some ideas, then laughed as we continually came back to ‘what if Spain defeated England‘ during its 1588 attempted invasion. Spain, then the dominant world power with its wealth re-invigorated by colonies and exploitation in South America, …

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