Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94986 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Devin Lert

    Character Bird Call

    This assignment is called “Character Bird Call” by CogDog. Essentially we have to create an audio clip that would attract a character from our favorite tv show or movie, much like a whistle would attract birds. For this assignment I chose one of my favorite characters of all time, Homer Simpson: Simpson Bird Call The …

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  2. Devin Lert

    Sound Effects Story

    The first assignment required for the week is the “Sound Effects Story” created by Jim Groom. The purpose of this assignment is to create an audio story of just sound effects, no verbal communication. For this story I decided to do a typical war scene you may see in movies. As part of the assignment, …

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  3. Devin Lert

    This Weeks Daily Creates (2/13-2/19)

    This week our DS106 class completed the Design assignments along with one daily create per day.   Monday TDC (2-13-12) Take a photo of a food being served or eaten in an unconventional way ( Unconventional   Banana and protein powder… mmmmm   Tuesday TDC (2-14-12) Photograph a toy in action ( Toy of Champions …

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  4. Devin Lert

    Pop Culture .GIF

    My last assignment for the week was Pop Culture Gif by TUJournal. Like last week, I wanted to end my set of assignments on a fun one. For this one we were required to pick something or someone from recent pop-culture and create a GIF of it/them.  When thinking about what I wanted to do, …

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  5. Devin Lert

    Really Reality TV

    Really Reality TV by Alan Levine is an assignment that involves creating your own reality TV show to air on DS106 TV. The steps of the assignment go as follows: 1) Use the Reality TV Show name generator ( to get the name of your show, 2) Google search the title of your show, take …

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  6. Devin Lert

    Spreadsheet Invasion

    This assignment is called “Spreadsheet Invasion” by Tom Woodward. The purpose of the assignment is to make an animation using only the capabilities of Microsoft Excel. I personally like working in Excel and I’ll most likely be using it a lot in my job after I graduate. However most of my knowledge and experience in …

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  7. Devin Lert

    If Movie Posters Told The Truth

    This assignment, “If Movie Posters Told The Truth” by NoiseProfessor, involves editing a movie poster to display a caption that better represents what the movie is about. I chose to edit the poster of one of my favorite movie, Man On Fire. The movie is about a personal security guard (Denzel Washington) who protects a …

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  8. Devin Lert

    Re-Brand ‘Em

    Re-Brand ‘Em, by Chris Randles, requires you to find a popular company brand and make a remix. I chose the world renowned symbol of Apple, Inc.  Their slogan is “Think Different.” This inspired me to take the assignment one step further, and create a slogan for the DS106 class.  The new slogan is, “Think Different …

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  9. Devin Lert

    Re-Brand ‘Em

    Re-Brand ‘Em, by Chris Randles, requires you to find a popular company brand and make a remix. I chose the world renowned symbol of Apple, Inc.  Their slogan is “Think Different.” This inspired me to take the assignment one step further, and create a slogan for the DS106 class.  The new slogan is, “Think Different …

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  10. Devin Lert

    This Weeks Daily Creates (2/6-2/12)

    This week our class started the Visual assignments, which involves creating and manipulating photography (see previous 4 posts). We also created at least one Daily Create per day.   Monday TDC (2-6-12) Make a photo of something upside down that is never seen in that way ( Upside Down Stairs   Tuesday TDC (2-7-12) Share …

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  11. Devin Lert

    This Weeks Daily Creates (2/6-2/12)

    This week our class started the Visual assignments, which involves creating and manipulating photography (see previous 4 posts). We also created at least one Daily Create per day.   Monday TDC (2-6-12) Make a photo of something upside down that is never seen in that way ( Upside Down Stairs   Tuesday TDC (2-7-12) Share …

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  12. Devin Lert

    Demotivate Yourself!

    My last assignment for the week was Demotivate Yourself create by mome. I enjoyed doing this assignment because it involved looking at a lot of funny/interesting pictures and trying to create a good caption. For anyone not familiar with these posters, check out For those of who want to make your own, it’s easy. …

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  13. Devin Lert

    Demotivate Yourself!

    My last assignment for the week was Demotivate Yourself create by mome. I enjoyed doing this assignment because it involved looking at a lot of funny/interesting pictures and trying to create a good caption. For anyone not familiar with these posters, check out For those of who want to make your own, it’s easy. …

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  14. Devin Lert

    ReImagined Road Sign

    This assignment is called ReImagined Road Signs by Cheryl Colan. The purpose is to find road signs and create an image representing the possible backgrounds of what is depicted. After searching for street signs, I came across a photo of a cow, obviously warning drivers of cows walking on the road. However what if you saw …

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  15. Devin Lert

    Stop Frame Photography

    My second visual assignment was “Stop Frame Photography” originally created by Elizabeth Castillo. The purpose of the assignment is to take still photos of an object in motion and put them side-by-side to show its movement. The reason behind choosing a water balloon is that I had seen a slow motion video of it once …

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  16. Devin Lert

    Stop Frame Photography

    My second visual assignment was “Stop Frame Photography” originally created by Elizabeth Castillo. The purpose of the assignment is to take still photos of an object in motion and put them side-by-side to show its movement. The reason behind choosing a water balloon is that I had seen a slow motion video of it once …

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  17. Devin Lert

    ReCaptcha Illustrated

    For my first visual assignment, I created an image which represented a reCaptcha phrase. This assignment is called “ReCaptcha Illustrated” by Alan Levine. For those of you who are not familiar with it, reCaptcha is a tool that generates random, distorted phrases that ensure an internet user is human. The problem is that the tool …

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  18. Devin Lert

    Daily Creates (1/30-2/5)

    TDC (1/30/12) Take a photo of two related objects of drastically different sizes (   TDC (2/3/12) Take a picture of your feet that shows what kind of day your having ( TDC (2/4/12) Take a picture that represents something loud (
  19. Devin Lert

    Daily Creates (1/30-2/5)

    TDC (1/30/12) Take a photo of two related objects of drastically different sizes (   TDC (2/3/12) Take a picture of your feet that shows what kind of day your having ( TDC (2/4/12) Take a picture that represents something loud (
  20. Devin Lert

    Re: Web 2.0

    This week for digital storytelling 106, we were given two reading assignments about the web 2.0 concept. The first of which was Tim O’Reilly’s article titled “What Is Web 2.0″ which depicted the evolution of the internet. O’Reilly used specific examples of web applications, such as Netscape and Google, which demonstrate how advancements have made …

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  21. Devin Lert

    Blog Experiment

    So this is blogging? I have to say I was pretty skeptical that I would be able to keep up with all the requirements of ds106 but I guess so far so good. This weeks assignment was to experiment with your blog, make it your own. The first part was to pick a theme and …

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  22. Devin Lert

    Re: Gardner Campbell’s “Personal Cyberinfrastructure”

    Gardner Campbell’s article “A Personal Cyberinfrastructure” discusses the possibility of students utilizing the internet, more specifically webhosting capabilities, to create a personal identity and supplement their college education. This idea is in sharp contrast to current academia, which mostly facilitates learning through teacher lectures and written, graded assignments. As a graduating senior in the class …

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  23. Devin Lert

    Daily Creates (1/17-1/22)

    TDC (1/19/12) 1 Take Tongue Twister – Record the following tongue twister in one take (   TDC (1/20/12) Create a 30 second update of something has happened to you today (   TDC (1/21/12) Compose a photo that has a “finished product” and at least one of it’s “raw materials” (       …

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  24. Devin Lert

    Daily Creates (1/17-1/22)

    TDC (1/19/12) 1 Take Tongue Twister – Record the following tongue twister in one take (   TDC (1/20/12) Create a 30 second update of something has happened to you today (   TDC (1/21/12) Compose a photo that has a “finished product” and at least one of it’s “raw materials” (       …

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