Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @IezziHannah

    Week 14

    Since I have last updated you all I have been working on my final project. As I detailed in my final project write up I have created a multi media channel called the 80’s Ladies. This involved creating a subdomain and linking it to our class blog. This process allowed me to create digital, design, […]
  2. @IezziHannah

    The Final Product

    Welcome to my new subdomain for my final project! Before reading more about this project I suggest you read my first draft where I outline how this project connects. I hope you are able to look around my domain and see all the media I have created specifically for this project. This project best connects […]
  3. @IezziHannah

    Week 13: The Finale

    This week was the first week we were solely assigned to think about our final project. As I have discussed in my project ideas 1 & 2 posts, I chose to try and tell the story of an 80’s girl throughout this class. When we started this class I had no idea how I was […]
  4. @IezziHannah

    Week 12

    This week I created 3 digital creates  I completed 2 different remixes. I remixed a visual and design assignment. The visual assignment was an assignment I have never done and the design assignment was recreated from the minimalist movie poster for E.T. I added a sidekick to the minimalist poster and completed the other assignment […]
  5. @IezziHannah

    Remix Part 2

    For my second remix assignment I remixed an assignment that I already created. This assignment is the Minimalist Tv Poster. When I originally created this assignment I only used the E.T finger to stick to the minimalism part of the assignment. Now I added a bit more to coincide with the remix. This remix asks […]
  6. @IezziHannah

    Week 11

    This week I created 3 digital creates.  Along with creating more videos we were asked to think a little further about our future project ideas. So based on my last post about project ideas I was able to expand on that. And thanks to this weeks video assignments I was able to further expand the […]
  7. @IezziHannah

    Project Ideas Part 2

    As I look back at my previous post about project ideas, I only feel more strongly about this idea. I have used the past weeks since to cultivate this character and I have used this week to even create a trailer introducing her.  Looking at it from a holistic perspective, I have noticed that I […]
  8. @IezziHannah

    Week 10

    This week I created 2 digital creates. I also created 10 stars of video assignments which I found to be a lot of fun. I read and watched some videos about all that goes into productions and factors that can be noticed in certain videos/ scenes. Then I observed a scene myself and weighed in […]
  9. @IezziHannah

    Video Essay

    If you didn’t know yet, Golden Girls is my favorite 80s show. So naturally I chose to observe this show for my video essay. I previously watched/ read the articles regarding how to read a scene but I decided to re watch/ read them to make sure that I was hitting all the points I […]
  10. @IezziHannah

    Week 9

    Welcome back all! This week has been a pretty laid back week to allow for us to think about the rest of this class. How will we finish our stories? How will we connect our assignments and tie up all the loose ends? This week I did my very best to make sure each of […]
  11. @IezziHannah

    Recreated Assignments

    This week we were asked to recreate 2 of our past assignments. I chose to use this as an opportunity to continue on creating my 80’s girl persona but altering my ds106 finsta; to function as her fashion blog. It also provides visuals to some of the examples she sites in the radio show. Check […]
  12. @IezziHannah

    Connecting my Daily Creates

    This week we were assigned to complete 3 daily creates and find a way to connect them into a story. And, as I mentioned in my previous post about my future assignments; I am cultivating an 80’s girl persona based on the character I was in my previous radio show. I hope you were able […]
  13. @IezziHannah

    Project Ideas

    This week I am looking forward at the upcoming assignments in this class and deciding what direction I want to complete my story. I have thought of a lot of ideas but because of the storytelling aspect of this class I want to do my best to connect all of the assignments I have created […]
  14. @IezziHannah

    Radio Listen

    If you have been following my blog you might know about the radio shows we created in groups. This week these shows were aired on DS106 radio, so I am kind of a big deal now. I listened to 3 radio shows this week, including my own, and I have a few thoughts on the […]
  15. @IezziHannah

    Week 8

    This week I created my radio show with my group mates. Here is my finished radio show, and here is the planning for our show. It was a fun process and I really have enjoyed the skills it has taught me. But that was the majority of my work for the week. This week I […]
  16. @IezziHannah

    Radio Show Week 2

    Here it is ladies and gentlemen, what you have all been waiting for… Riding the Radio Waves is complete. I created this show with 3 other classmates. We decided to create a show that discusses trends that are created by 80’s movies. I discussed the trends created by Back to the Future from the perspective […]
  17. @IezziHannah

    Riding the Radio Waves

    Welcome! I would like to introduce to you all my upcoming radio show. This show will be broadcast on the ds106 radio at the end of next week. I will be doing this show with 3 of my classmates Mariam, Sophia, and Madelyn. This week we have spent some time brainstorming and coming up with […]

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