Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94981 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Jessica Masulli

    Y Tu Mamá También

    For the fandom assignment, I decided to put together all my favorite scenes from the movie Y Tu Mamá También.  It is a great movie about two teenage boys in Mexico who go on a road trip to the beach with an older woman.  Along the way, all three learn about various aspects of life. ...»
  2. Jessica Masulli

    Dear Future DS106ers

    Dear Future DS106ers, This class could be either one of the best or one of the worst classes you take at UMW.  It all depends on what you decide to put in to the class.  For me, it has been one of the best because it has taught me real tools that I have used ...
  3. Jessica Masulli

    Way Back Machine Assignment

    I have been playing with the way back time machine on the Internet Archive.  I decided to create a web assignment where you pick a particular website to look at overtime.  I picked the New York Times to look at since 1996.  For the assignment, you provide screen shots of the website overtime, and then...»
  4. Jessica Masulli

    Name Change=Byline Change

    Recently, I have been trying to figure out what I’m going to change my name to when I get married.  There are certainly many choices, such as the hyphened last name, the two last names, just your husband’s last name, etc.  But, what makes this more challenging for me, is that changing my name means ...
  5. Jessica Masulli

    The Evil Apple

    Dear DS106, Don’t be afraid of the takeover of Google.  A far greater threat to our world is the evil, all powerful Apple.  You see, money is the root of all evil, and Apple has a few billion more than Google. Back in the 1990s, Apple was a sad place.  The computers were awful and ...
  6. Jessica Masulli

    The Future of My Blog

    The last few days I have been thinking about what to do with this blog after I graduate in a month.  I have to pay for it until at least my wedding in October because my wedding blog is currently a subdomain of this site.  Originally, I thought that I would just keep it until ...
  7. Jessica Masulli

    Widget on Only One Page

    I have been working on small things on the wedding website for my final project. One section of the website is for guests to know which hotels to stay at in the area. Although I am providing the recommended hotels in the page, I wanted to have a widget that people can search for other ...
  8. Jessica Masulli

    Video Essay: Life is Beautiful

    Here is my video essay on the movie Life is Beautiful.  I downloaded the movie from youtube.  This was difficult because the video is originally in Italian, but I wanted it in English or with English subtitles.  Most of the clips I found are in English, but it is not the best quality.  Then, some ...
  9. Jessica Masulli

    NASA Web Story

    Here is my web story.  Click it to make the larger size.  It is the NASA website’s story about the super moon.  I changed it to make it so that the super moon is actually ending the world with various natural disasters and changes.  Here are some step by step things I did. 1. Initially, ...
  10. Jessica Masulli

    New Idea: Super Moon

    So I have been working on my web story all morning and it just hasn’t been working very well.  I was trying to use PolitiFact, but my main problem is the advertisements.  When I inspect the element for the rotating ads, it cannot find them.  Then, when I save the PolitiFact page with any changes, ...
  11. Jessica Masulli

    UMW PolitiFact

    For my Web Storytelling project, I am going to change PolitiFact.  PolitiFact is a St. Petersburg Times fact checker.  Basically, they search for the truth it what politicians say.  If Obama says: Then, PolitiFact checks to see if this is true.  They give ratings such as promise broken, mostly true, true, false and pants on ...
  12. Jessica Masulli

    Playing Music on Blogs

    For my final project, I am working on making my wedding website better. Here I want to describe how to get a nice audio player in a blog post, like I did in the below post for the decades radio bumpers and like I did on the homepage of my wedding website. I took a ...
  13. Jessica Masulli

    FINAL Project

    I have been having a lot of ideas for my final project, but I have finally settled on one topic.  In the beginning of the semester, I created a wedding website to share with family and friends.  I created it as a subdomain off of the websites we created for this class.  I figured that ...
  14. Jessica Masulli

    Of Course I Love My Own Work

    Now that I gave love to everyone else, I get to showcase what I have loved about my own work.  Here are my favorite four photos from Daily Shoots (click to make larger): For some reason, I like the converse photo.  My fiance was packing his suitcase at the time and I took some pictures ...
  15. Jessica Masulli

    Love it or Hate it

    There has been a lot of stuff I have loved about this class that I want to showcase here.  Constantly my classmates and roommates are showing me up by coming up with even better design projects.  I am also amazed at what people came up with for assignments for others to do.  Here are some ...
  16. Jessica Masulli

    Dear DS106

    I just listened to Stephanie’s “10 Things I Hate About DS106″ audio and loved it.  I liked the idea of bitching about DS106, but through a movie poem.  This prompted me to make my own.  It is the poem from Little Rascals, but adapted for DS106. I am going to upload it to the radio ...
  17. Jessica Masulli

    Forrest’s Fortune

    Here is my attempt at using Aviary and doing the movie fortune cookies assignment.  For the assignment, you have to design a hypothetical fortune cookie for a movie.  I picked Forrest Gump and made the fortune say “She still loves you ”.  I did this because Forrest is waiting for the bus to go visit ...
  18. Jessica Masulli

    Last Day of Daily Shoot Fail

    So today is the last day of daily shoot and here is my photo.  I really liked it.  I was driving up in Arlington, and I pulled over to take this quick shot.  However, for some reason this photo isn’t pulling into the daily shoot page today.  I don’t know why after 12 days of ...
  19. Jessica Masulli

    Darby and Dylan: A Five Card Story

    Five Card Story: Darby and Dylan a Five Card Flickr story created by Jessica Masulli flickr photo by cogdogblog flickr photo by bionicteaching flickr photo by bionicteaching flickr photo by krutscjo flickr photo by cogdogblog Every morning, Darby the dog wakes up at sunrise and waits on the porch for his best friend to wake ...
  20. Jessica Masulli

    Frogger 4D

    I just did two assignments for the big caption.  I found the photos on this website.  These were pretty simple and fun to do.  I will do more, but I don’t have Photoshop.  I have to use the Photoshop at the Bullet office, but Jordan just told me about a program that is similar to ...
  21. Jessica Masulli

    Punxsutawney Phil says Spring!

    The last two days of daily shoots have made me incredibly anxious for spring.  On Wednesday, it was almost 60 degrees and all the daily shoots were outside minus jackets.  Then today, the daily shoot photo was about taking sky/horizon pictures.  All my pictures were just so colorless since the sky was gray and the ...
  22. Jessica Masulli

    Crashing My Site

    I crashed my wedding blog today because I tried to add a password plugin.  I wanted the entire site to be password protected, but this plugin must not have been good.  At first, I freaked out that my site was completely gone.  Then, I troubleshooted.  Here is how to fix a crashed site if this ...
  23. Jessica Masulli

    Real News

    I already had found my daily shoot photo at the immigration protest early in the day, but this picture came up later at the Bullet office.  I still wanted to post it since it is part of a common theme of ds106 Bullet staff taking photos of ourselves trying to do page layout, and thus ...
  24. Jessica Masulli

    A Day Early: Daily Shoot

    At first, I thought today’s daily shoot photo prompt was too hard so I figured I would just start tomorrow.  However, within a few minutes, I thought of this picture and played around with the ring/light/flower.  Here is my first one.  I am still waiting to see if I tweeted it right so that it ...
  25. Jessica Masulli

    Getting Ready for Daily Shoot

    I just got my Flickr photos to link to the widget on the side here.  I am going to use this for the Daily Shoot assignments so people can also see my photos here.  The plugin is called Quick Flickr and is very easy to use (after trying other ones that were not so easy). ...

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