Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. jwhipple

    Weekly Summary 4

    Link to Daily Create Page: Link to Basic of Audio Storytelling, Radio Story, and ds106 Radio Reflections: Link to Audio Assignments: This week I learned more than anything there is no one way to compose audio storytelling. From Glass and Abumrad I learned you have to keep the …

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  2. jwhipple

    Funny 911 Call

    For one of my audio assignments I created a audio clip of a fake 911 call. You can view the full assignment here. I feel like this situation has probably actually happened. People are always calling about trivial things or just plain calling by mistake. I imagined in this situation, …

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  3. jwhipple

    Extreme Burpees

    For todays daily create, which you can view the assignment here, I chose to make a GIF to represent how to do a burpee. I thought this was pretty funny, because its taking a burpee too far. At this point its almost parkour. Don’t get me wrong I’m very impressed …

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  4. jwhipple

    Listening to Stories

    I listened to the podcast from RadioLab labeled Talking to Machines. I have to admit it was a very odd style. I personally found it distracting and a bit overbearing. They introduced various background music, sound effects, and odd transitions. They constantly despite what was going on kept some form of background music …

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  5. jwhipple

    Happy Late National Dog Day

    Happy late national dog day! This is my bud Rusty. He’s a Golden Retriever and the best dog I’ve ever had. He is extremely loyal, smart, and never ceases to make you feel like the most loved person in the world. I’m always greeted by his panting face when I pull …

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  6. jwhipple

    Daily Create Book Stack into ME

    This daily create was not meant to be difficult, but was for me. The basic goal was to make a photo collage out of three different stacks of books that represent who you are. You can read the full assignment and see other submissions here. I had trouble with the assignment, because I’m …

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  7. jwhipple

    Weekly Summary 3

    Links to my work this week are posted here –> What’s in a Story: Daily Create 976: Daily Create 977: Daily Create 979: Daily Create 980: Shape of Stories: Appreciating DS106 Past: Two Picture Story: This week was a little more difficult than last week. As …

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  8. jwhipple

    Daily Create 980

    Summer is fading away; School buses fill the roads; So many memories made; Summer camp making friends; Swimming in the lake and friends pools; Sadly it all must end; Lets just say this daily create is not my strong point. I have no clue what I’m doing when it comes …

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  9. jwhipple

    What the Pictures Don’t Say

    —> The story between these two pictures is there was a fallout between friends after the man on the left’s design for a major corporation was picked by the corporate office. They had both been designing for months unaware that the other had been applying for the same design job. …

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  10. jwhipple

    Appreciating the Past

    For this assignment we are to look at ds106 assignments of the past, and write about what makes it special. Here’s post from the past I chose: click here for post I thought it was very inspired posting. For one, I wasn’t overly impressed with the original work he was …

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  11. jwhipple

    Stress Self Help Daily Create 979

    self-help-managing-stress For today’s daily create we were assigned to create a voice recording of a self-help topic. I chose stress, because its something everyone is dealing with, and something I’m struggling with recently. I really hope this means something to whoever listens and helps ease their mind. In it I …

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  12. jwhipple

    Ohhhhh Thats a Lune….

    The prompt for today’s daily create was to create a lune based on something you do everyday. Starting this I had no idea what a lune was. For those who still don’t know its similar to a haiku, but its only based on number of words and doesn’t have to …

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  13. jwhipple

    Whats in a Story?

    When I think of storytelling I think of someone else sitting you and captivating your mind with a tale. I visualize a grandparent telling his grandchild a story about the old days in front of a fireplace. I see myself hanging on to every word my dad speaks as he tells a funny story from …

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  14. jwhipple

    Week 2 Summary

    I can’t express how much better this week was. Sure there was a lot more to do in terms of assignments, but I didn’t have near the number of technical issues I had in the first week. The other part that made this week better was that the assignments were …

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  15. jwhipple

    Micheal Wesch Reflection

    I strongly agree with Wesch’s point about being able to discern between good and bad stimulus in media today. There so much false and unnecessary information that people growing up today have to develop the ability to sort out what is reliable and useful information. I’m also happy to hear someone talk about what is wrong with …

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  16. jwhipple

    Personal Cyberinfrastructure Reflection

    After reading Gardener Campbell’s article, I agree that the use of technology, more specifically student’s digit identity, has been in a standstill in recent years. Its something I hadn’t thought about. There hasn’t really been a big jump since the start of online discussion boards and other outside managed sites. In …

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  17. jwhipple

    Thoughts on DS 106 zone Lo Down

    While short, I think Scotts podcast accomplished its goal. I actually commend it for its brevity, because it stays to the point without adding extra unnecessary or redundant information. I also thought the podcast was well put together. The voice quality was clear and he was well spoken. He definitely had the typically …

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  18. jwhipple

    1st Weekly Summary

    Heres the links to my other various sites: Flickr: Twitter: Soundcloud: Youtube: Learn about ME: Although WordPress gave me a little hassle, once it settled down I discovered there was a lot more I could do than I had experimented last year. This blog uses …

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