Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92934 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. kchase27

    Are you BLIND?!

    DS106 Radio Commercial Create a commercial featuring an item that you have invented that would be extremely useful to your favorite movie or TV Show character. Try to be as creative and abstract as possible. Must include sound effects or background music and be at least 20 seconds in length.   I worked with my ...
  2. kchase27

    Weekly Summary #2

    Thoughts & Ideas Scottlo Cast: See my reflections here! Creative Commons: I thought that I had CC all figured out until Jim Groom encouraged me to look at the criticism of the Creative Commons. There is so much more than meets the eye. You can find my review of the Creative Commons here! Design Safari: ...
  3. kchase27

    Week 2 Reflections

    Week 2 Reflections So I dropped the ball big time and I listened and took notes on the podcasts but didn’t have time to post comments every night! Episode 7: The play idea sounds very interesting! I can see how it might become a large time commitment but I think the end result would be ...
  4. kchase27

    Bemis can HEAR books!

    Daily Create #510 In the sequel we discover that the catastrophe was caused by a radioactive explosion. As a bizarre response to the radioactivity in the air the books begin to speak for themselves. Bemis need only open to the correct page and the book will begin to read itself. There is, in fact, time ...
  5. kchase27

    Tequila Shots with Talky!

    Daily Create #511 @IamTalkyTina wants to be everyone’s friend. Make a photo that represents that kind of friendship After a long work week Talky Tina and I like to unwind with a tequila shot! (For the record I am 21+) How would you celebrate your friendship?    
  6. kchase27

    Excellent Marketing for Nike Products

    Taking Back Spam Find some spam. Could be email spam, could be comment spam, whatever you want. Read it aloud. Make it your own. Try to make sense of it or make it more absurd than it already is. This spam came from the comments section on my blog! Wow doesn’t Nike shoes sound AMAZING? ...
  7. kchase27

    Guess that story!

    Sound Effects Story Tell a story using nothing but sound effects. There can be no verbal communication, only sound effects. Use at least five different sounds that you find online. The story can be no longer than 90 seconds. Another example (by a UMW student): I used GarageBand to try to recreate the scene ...
  8. kchase27

    Janet just got AutoTuned!

    Autotune Something You’ve heard Carl Sagan. You’ve heard Bed Intruder. You’ve even heard Gardner Campbell autotuned. Now it’s your turn. Take something not typically musical and autotune it. I decided to AutoTune my voicemail for Janet Tyler because I have lost my voice and I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to inflect enough ...
  9. kchase27

    Who is up for a SAFARI?!

    DESIGN SAFARI For this assignment I chose to look at color, typography, balance, minimalism and function/purpose. This is a photo of the last remaining flower pen at the SAE Office. We originally had five pens and thought that such a vibrant color would help keep people for taking them. We were wrong. This is a ...
  10. kchase27

    Are Lettuce Fries a Thing?!

    May I take your order? Using your best accent (whether it be Australian, British or southern, ect), pretend you are at McDondalds and order something off of their menu. Be picky! For example, a coke with no ice. This particular assignment makes me laugh for a few reasons: 1. Over the course of this weekend ...
  11. kchase27

    Do WORK!

    You’ve made my GIFlist To-do lists can help us get stuff done. An animated gif of your completed to-list is evidence of your awesome ability to get stuff done. 1) Use software on your computer, an app on your phone or an old fashioned pen and paper to create a to-do list of tasks or ...
  12. kchase27

    A day in the life…

    Daily Create: Write a story from the point of view of your favorite food, but don’t say what it is. Make us guess. You know we started from the bottom and now we’re here. We were covered in dirt, never saw the light of day, alone and sad. Idaho, born and raised. We are proud ...
  13. kchase27

    Leave a Message in the Twilight Zone!

    Movie Voice Machines Create a voice mail message for a character in a film or tv show. Use samples, impressions, and/or music to create your message. See a video version of Cheech and Chong doing a message I chose to create Janet Tyler’s voicemail message for when she is in the hospital. It is too ...
  14. kchase27

    Time Enough At Last

    Adventure in a Day! Use whatever camera option you have (photobooth, instagram, etc.) and go on an adventure for the day! Many photobooths on the computer have the option to get different backgrounds and pretend you’re somewhere else. Use them and try to create a story around that photo. An extra star if you can ...
  15. kchase27

    Duas Piadas Curtas em Português

    Make ‘em Laugh! Find a good, brief joke in a language other than your mother tongue; if you don’t know any other languages this might be a good way to start learning. Record your voice telling the joke focusing on pronunciation and try to make it sound as natural as you can with appropriate vocal ...
  16. kchase27

    Careful, the storm is coming!!

    Imitate some weather Using only your voice and things within arm’s reach of your computer, imitate some kind of weather. It doesn’t have to be long, but make it sound as real as possible. I got this idea from a lesson I did about weather with a second grade class. Everyone in the class had ...
  17. kchase27

    Get Readin or die Tryin’

    Create a READ poster Since 1985, the American Library Association (ALA) has tried to sell reading books as cool by showing celebrities reading their favorite books. You can read about the history of this promotional campaign here. Experiment with this tradition, introduce a celebrity with a book who hasn’t been recognized yet, but should be. ...
  18. kchase27

    Creative what? CREATIVE COMMONS!

    What is the Creative Commons? The creative commons is a non-profit organization that allows for the sharing of creativity and knowledge through “free, legal tools”. This organization was created in 2001 by founder Lawrence Lessig. This free license gives permission to the public to share personal work in a standardized way. The CC license allows ...
  19. kchase27

    I just want to be BEAUTIFUL

    Six-Word memoir “As an autobiographical challenge, the six-word limitation forces us to pinpoint who we are and what matters most — at least in the moment. The constraint fuels rather than limits our creativity.” -Larry Smith How would you tell your life’s story if you could only use six words? I chose to write the memoir ...
  20. kchase27

    Honk if you’re horrified!

    Bumper Sticker This goal of this design assignment is to create a bumper sticker, and I decided to use this activity for the “Eye of the Beholder” Episode of the Twilight Zone. Just think, if your car is less than new this sticker might be just the thing you need! I used GIMP to create ...
  21. kchase27

    Hairy Situation Ahead

    Caution Ahead Fellow Adventurers!!                  I seem to have encountered some sort of cavernous entity located at the foot of what I have named Hair Mountain. There seems to be a giant eyeball attached to the side of the mountain and I am certain that it is watching my every move. Occasionally hair ...
  22. kchase27

    Podcast #5 and #6

    Episode 5 Reflection I found today to be especially helpful because I was able to directly communicate with Scottlo through twitter afterwards along with TinaTalky. I really appreciated the help with setting up my blog! I also benefited from the 6 Pointers for Newbie Bloggers. Listen to the podcast here! Episode 6 Reflection I liked ...
  23. kchase27

    The Relationships They are A Changin

    Michael Wesch’s Knowledgeable to Knowledge-able: New Learning Environments for New Media Environment Reflection For this assignment I am focusing on what I consider to be three of his biggest points in his lecture: Media changes relationships Simple individual actions can become global actions The potential for global collaboration I was moved when he mentioned that technology ...
  24. kchase27

    Can I get a K-A-T-Y?!

     Acrostic Pictures Make an acrostic poem collage.  Use each letter from your name and go onto flickr and search for a picture that represents you.  Then you any photoediting to make it a collage. Edit it to make it fun and creative.  See if people can figure out what your name is! All of the ...
  25. kchase27

    Like OMG yay the Twilight Zone!!

    What A Crappy Font will Do Fonts say much more than the text they display. Fonts are full of style and meaning. It’s an assignment based on this: Take a well know logo and remix it using a different font. The crappier the font, the better. Or maybe you think a different font might ...
  26. kchase27

    Putting Twilight Zone into Focus

    Putting Disney into Focus Put a famous object from any Disney movie into focus. Blur everything around it, make the color pop out, BE CREATIVE! In your blog post, explain why you picked that object to focus on. I decided to take some liberty with this assignment and move the Disney focus towards the Invaders ...
  27. kchase27

    Oh Agnes that Pink Really Makes your Eyes POP(art)

    Warhol Something Andy Warhol was an iconic pop art mastermind. Now you can be one too! Take a photograph, or use an existing one, and create a piece of pop art. You can use something ordinary, like Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup can, or do a portrait, like Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe. This can be done in Photoshop, ...
  28. kchase27

    Rose Lies Everytime!

    If Movie Posters Told The Truth Improve movie posters to make them more accurately reflect the content of the film. Inspired entirely by This was a fun assignment and really easy with the use of GIMP! Again I just layed a text box over the original text and used the airbrush tool to remove ...
  29. kchase27

    Who is the REAL Alien??

    Cartoon the Head! Take any person, thing, or animal and apply a cartoon character head to it. Be creative! I decided to dedicate this Design assignment to the Twilight Zone episode that we watched, “The Invaders”. I used Agnes Moorehead as my inspiration…. This is a fairly easy project to do if you use GIMP. ...

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