Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94972 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @kevinjfrance

    Advice Incoming!

    Heyo prospective ds106 students! Here’s some critical things you should know before taking this class: Your quality of work and pride in your work will be directly proportional to the amount of time you put into this class. If you want to skate by and not actually make anything cool or anything you’re really proud … Continue reading "Advice Incoming!"
  2. @kevinjfrance


    This remix was just really funny to me. I personally don’t like cats much, which made it cringe worthy to me, and in addition to that, I hate lime-green and sappy quotes. Not a big Shakespeare guy. This was really simple to make, but still fun as always. I first searched for some short Shakespeare … Continue reading "REEEEEMIX"
  3. @kevinjfrance

    Spy Emoji Mashup

    This photo was taken while at a top secret spy meeting. This is my colleague, Agent 00009. This shot of him is currently classified and is by no means allowed to be seen by any outsider of the organization for fear of recognition. During this picture, we were discussing the potential outcomes and risks associated … Continue reading "Spy Emoji Mashup"
  4. @kevinjfrance

    Consumer Mashup

    These two logo mashups were great. The North Face is one of many people’s, including my own, favorite brands and is known for it’s really simple text logo. The cliff logo is from Prudential Financial and is also relatively clean and simple. Choosing all black made things really simple and made the overall design and … Continue reading "Consumer Mashup"
  5. @kevinjfrance

    Logo Mashup

    Originally, my family and I are from Cleveland and we’re all into sports. So naturally, I knew which couple of teams I could pick from for this assignment. This logo is the Cleveland Cavaliers sword logo, mashed up with the Cleveland Browns name and colors. Turned out really cool actually! I was surprised. I would … Continue reading "Logo Mashup"
  6. @kevinjfrance

    The Mission.

    I’m honestly not sure what sort of mission we need… Sooooo I’m gonna assume a theme for the upcoming year…? I personally liked the spy theme! However, I’m a huge fan of magic, and I personally think there is even more creativity in that sort of “field” if you will. While there are countless spy … Continue reading "The Mission."
  7. @kevinjfrance

    How I Made It

    Here’s a simple video talking about some of the Vimeo shots I took here. That’s is a Flickr link to all of what I’ve posted, but there are a few in particular that I mention, such as the sunglasses shots, the bat shots and the ground-level shots. Those are definitely some of my favorites that … Continue reading "How I Made It"
  8. @kevinjfrance

    Just a Few of My Favorite Things

    I made a poor quality video about just a few of my favorite things: Cars, videogames and Youtube videos. This was definitely a joke video which was fun. I was actually attempting to drift a suped-up SUV which clearly didn’t have any control. Fun nonetheless!
  9. @kevinjfrance

    Sleuth Summary 9

        This week I was very strained on time and didn’t particularly enjoy the web assignments as much, and there wasn’t as large of a selection of them either which was disappointing. Here’s my work from the week! Assignments: Google Translate FAIL Google Maps Trip Google Draw Something My best of the best assignments: … Continue reading "Sleuth Summary 9"
  10. @kevinjfrance

    Digital Sleuth 2017-03-24 22:34:53

    This was the Chinese version of the magical wolf shirt on Amazon. I translated this ad and the English translation is really weird honestly, I can’t quite follow all of it. For example, the “Suitable for: Too large” was an interesting translation. The version is “loose version” and it uses “3D effect printing, super vision … Continue reading ""
  11. @kevinjfrance

    Google Draw Something

    This is a game on google that is similar to Draw Something. You attempt to draw a picture that you’re told to and Google will guess it if the picture is accurate enough! This was really surprising to me because it worked so well. Here’s the game.
  12. @kevinjfrance

    Sleuth Summary 7

    This week wasn’t too bad. I enjoyed the assignments because I enjoy working with audio and producing cool sounds and beats and such. Here are my daily creates: @ds106dc #tdc1880 — Kevin France (@kevinjfrance) March 3, 2017 @ds106dc #tdc1879 — Kevin France (@kevinjfrance) March 3, 2017 @ds106dc #tdc1881 — Kevin France (@kevinjfrance) … Continue reading "Sleuth Summary 7"
  13. @kevinjfrance

    Voice Over Beat

    This was a beat that I had previously made for an assignment and just voiced over with a deepened pitch. I wasn’t really sure what to say over such a short, high bpm beat so I just went a little simple.

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