Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94972 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @libcal3

    The Final Update

    This week was the final of the final weeks of DS106. It’s been an exciting a crazy semester. My advice for future DS106 students post really captures the spirit of anything I could say about this course. Amari and I worked together to create a interesting and multimedia filled project that we are proud of […]
  2. @libcal3

    Explaining Everything

    Creative Warning: This blog post is the explanation the full on summary of everything, and I do mean everything (or as close to as possible) that went into the creation of the final project created by Agent Amari and I. So! If you haven’t viewed our final project please go do that first! Everything in […]
  3. @libcal3

    The Directorate’s Spy

    Agent Zero is on a mission. Director Bond of DS106 Headquarters asked Zero for her help in finding out who has been spying on the DS106 agents for the Directorate. The Directorate recently interviewed DS106 agents and concerns sparked that she had a secret mole among the operatives. Agent Zero enlisted the help of Agent […]
  4. @libcal3

    Tips, Tricks, and How to DS106

    Advice any future DS106 student should know The number one advice any future DS106 student should know is that you should never underestimate this class.  Now I mean this in a few ways, in terms of time,  in what you can get out of this course at the end, and in terms of commitment. Let’s […]
  5. @libcal3

    The Final Mission mission idea

    For the final mission we received four missions that we could choose to take. Agent Amari contacted me to see if I was interested in teaming up again so we decided to work together to solve our final mission. We met up in a shared google doc and hashed out which mission to take on […]
  6. @libcal3

    Polling Polls

    This is a post about both making and taking polls this week. I was excited about the idea of shaping narratives about the class characters with this weeks polls. I’m going to start off talking about then talk about the ones I took part it and then talk about the five polls I made for […]
  7. @libcal3

    Remashmix Week

    This week was mashups and remixes! Some how it felt like even more work then other weeks have been. (Maybe because it is just that crazy time in the semester.) This week all my mashups and remixes related back to spies and our class theme, focusing mainly on action in storytelling.   Daily Creates   […]
  8. @libcal3

    How to find a Agent: a book remix

    For my second remix of the week I did the Mashedup Children’s Book remixed with Turn Up the Cheese. Now I know we were supposed to try and have a remix or mashup using previous work done in the DS106 and I tried to do that. However it felt really uncomfortable when I tried it. Kinda like […]
  9. @libcal3

    3 movies 1 poster

    My final mashup of the week was the Mashup Those Movies mashup for 3 1/2 stars. For this assignment you needed to take 3 different films and put them together in a believable movie poster. At first I started by just looking up spy movie posters to see what the general trends were and how […]
  10. @libcal3

    How to combine video

    Tutorial Time! This is a tutorial for the mashup assignment Two Movies, One Line. I am going to go step by step with images to explain one way to tackle this assignment. (Fully acknowledging that there are other programs and options at your disposal.) I am also using a Mac for this tutorial so my […]
  11. @libcal3

    A mission bond mashup

    One of the mashups I took on this week was the Two Movies, One Line for 3 1/2 stars. I was excited by this one because it had a cool premise about combining different films. (Also I knew the person who originally put out the assignment so I thought it’d be fun to try it […]
  12. @libcal3

    Disaster and Impossible

    For 4 stars I did the Ready for my close up mash up. I’ve been going real strong this week with keeping assignments on theme for the class so I wanted to continue with that trend. So I know that this picture has been used a lot since it turned into a meme but I […]
  13. @libcal3

    Mission Remix

    So I remixed the Movie Mash up with the 106er’s remix style. Originally I had just been planning on just doing the mash up version of the assignment but while I was doing it I had a sudden idea and decided to remix it. So when i started the movie mash up I wanted to […]
  14. @libcal3

    Magnifying Bond

    I took on the assignment This Doesn’t Belong here mashup worth 4 stars. So at first I read this assignment wrong so I did a totally different assignment. I thought it said combine an iconic film scene with something that does belong subtly. (Not combine two iconic scenes.) So I did that instead at first. […]
  15. @libcal3

    Spy Video time

    This week was a bit crazy full of video filming and editing. But it was also a lot of learning. Video Show Progress Posts Filming in Action – We did the bulk of our filming all together at once to try and get it started and working so that we would have more time for editing. […]
  16. @libcal3

    The Final Progress show

    The video show was/is much harder than the radio show was. Since it was video we had to meet up more and get more done in short condensed times to make sure everything got done in time. It was also a lot of learning of what we could and could not do with our original […]
  17. @libcal3

    Mission within a Mission

    So part of this week we are supposed to come up with an idea about a mission the whole class could potentially take on together. I think it could be interesting if maybe we split the spies up into groups all taking on the same mission all competing. Now I do not necessarily mean it […]
  18. @libcal3

    How the video show goes

    Today Agents Katey and Amari and I got together to film the bulk of our video project. We met in the Hurley Convergence Center and went to the media production studio to record ourselves. When setting up the space we decided to go with a low back lights to obscure our faces from the camera. […]
  19. @libcal3

    The end of the start of video week

    This week was the start of video for this course. We were given the option of either doing 10 stars of video each week or forming a group and making a 15-30 minute video show. I really enjoyed working on the radio show in my room so when Amari suggested we team up again I […]
  20. @libcal3

    The infamous interview

    This week Agent Fawn was interviewed by top ds106 leaders. The following video is a segment of some of the remotely done interview.   The resume question in particular was great because Agent Fawn actually already had a resume created in a previous week so her story lines up with the rest of her narrative. She […]
  21. @libcal3

    Mission Impossible in movement

    For this week’s scene analysis I chose a scene from Mission Impossible. In particular this scene comes at the films climax as the character crawl along the top of a moving train. I used the critical thinking methods from Tony Zhou’s videos as the primary element I drew on for understanding this scene. From Roger […]
  22. @libcal3

    Trailer: Your Guide to being a Spy

    Coming up to DS 106 soon is the new video show Your Guide to being a Spy. Since the show will include a portion done with moving cut outs I decided to incorporate cut outs in stop motion for the trailer.  I hand wrote out each word I was going to use and then photographed […]
  23. @libcal3

    Taking on the Video

    For this week we were given two options for what to do with video weeks. While I was reading through the options I got a message from Amari (who was part of our Agents on Air group) about coming together again and doing the group project option. I was interested so we started a google […]
  24. @libcal3

    Web Weekly Summary

    This week started off with live listen in to the radio shows everyone worked so hard on the last two weeks. I was very impressed by the variety of shows people had created and that each show was so difficult. I was proud of how my groups show went (even if listening again I found […]
  25. @libcal3

    DS106 Showcase

    Deciding what projects have been the best so far was incredibly difficult. There have been lots of really cool and interesting projects that I have gotten to see and I’m sure some I missed as well! I try to frequently go through the site and check to see what people are up to but sometimes […]
  26. @libcal3

    Writing the Web my way

    So the main assignment for this week was to write a story using the web I usedMozilla X-Ray Goggles tool to complete the project. I wanted to try and pick a website I did not think a lot of people would pick but also one that was not completely obscure. So I decided to remix the […]
  27. @libcal3

    A daily create story

    As secret agents much of what we do is about deception and blending in to gain information. At least much of what I do certainly fits in that category. As all agents know the stakes are high in the intelligence community and one wrong move… well there are different outcomes possible but none of them […]
  28. @libcal3

    Radio Shows are Great

    I was super excited at the start of this week to see what kinds of shows my fellow classmates groups had created I was also super excited to have people hear my groups show. Although I had read people’s blog posts about their shows listening to them was a completely different expierence. Cloak and Dagger […]
  29. @libcal3

    How the show began

    For 4 (1/2) stars I completed the How It All Began Assignment. I decided to talk about the origins of the radio show group I had been a part of these past two weeks. I went through and created a page dedicated to the members of the show, the shows content, and how the group […]
  30. @libcal3

    Agent Resume

    For some of my stars this week I decided to do that Character Resume (3 1/2 stars) and create a resume for my secret agent. I created the resume in google docs but uploaded it as a PDF. I also decided that I would host the final product as it’s own page on my site […]

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