Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @lkds106

    Node #2 Reflection and Summary

    Impressions of AI: A Progression (1) As we have started talking about AI my first thought was of an old website my siblings and I used to play on called I believe that this website would be considered a form of AI because like Shane talks about in the reading, it cannot itself understand […]
  2. @lkds106

    Gaming Journal #2

    Oh boy. Firstly, this week was exciting because I was finally got to dive into some serious gameplay!!! I have been playing BioShock throughout the week and wow – if my anxiety wasn’t bad before it sure is now. I am playing on Easy mode because although I have played some first-person shooter games before, […]
  3. @lkds106

    Final Project: The Plan

    For my final project, I decided on doing a podcast style presentation, however I want to include images throughout the presentation so I either will do a voiceover with changing images or do a podcast and then create an additional post as a resource page where you can see images of what is talked about […]
  4. @lkds106

    Visualize With Me (Week 4 Summary)

    Daily Creates: Week 4 Welcome back to this week’s edition of Weekly Summary! Starting off our show tonight are the one and only Daily Creates. In accordance with this unit, all of the Daily Creates this week were very focused on visual experiences. This weeks daily creates included kaleidoscope drawings, caption contests, and inserting ourselves […]
  5. @lkds106

    Hello, Nice to Meet You

    Week 1 Reflections This week was full of learning new things and practicing the fine art of patience. Setting up the Twitter, Instagram, and Soundcloud accounts was more accessible and a little easier than discovering and navigating WordPress and my own domain for the first time. I actually had some trouble even submitting this blog […]

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