Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @Maggieo_13

    Recommendations for next year!

    For this class there are a few things to know. First thing to know is this class is a lot of work, but it id do able. Second this class is a lot of fun and you will push yourself to learn to use different online methods to create and design. Third you should not […]
  2. @Maggieo_13

    Final Project

    Lilah and I were able to create a multimedia final project. We first created the Youtube channel Wonder Women. Then I created a logo for it which was a design project. Next Lilah and I used our superheros from this course and created intros. In these videos we used music and voice overs. I also […]
  3. @Maggieo_13

    Final Project Update!

    For the final project I am working with Lilah Beebe. We first tested each other for interest and then set a time to meet through a google doc. From there we discussed what we wanted to do for the project, how we wanted to do it, and when to have it done by. For the […]
  4. @Maggieo_13

    Week 12!

    This week was a more difficult week for me. The mash ups we different. I had to get creative and push myself on learning certain technology. I had to learn how to really use audacity and find new ways to edit and mash up photos. Overall this week was fun and challenging. I have learned […]
  5. @Maggieo_13

    Assignments Week 12!

    MashupAssignments, MashupAssignments2151   For this assignment I used snap chat to create superman holding up the UC! It was a pretty quick one and I enjoyed making it! This was worth 3 stars. MashupAssignments2037 For this assigment I also used snap chat! I had to create a mashup of two actors that looked like they […]
  6. @Maggieo_13

    Daily Creates!

    #tdc2137 #ds106 — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) November 16, 2017 #tdc2138#ds106 Once upon a time a small mouse wanted to be in a running race. So he created a race for himself. — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) November 16, 2017
  7. @Maggieo_13


    Last week I chose to do the VideoAssignments2148! It was fun! I felt like a YouTuber. The first thing that you should do while contemplating doing this project is get over any nerves of film in front of people and talking to the camera. Over everything else in this project that was the most difficult thing […]
  8. @Maggieo_13

    Week 11!

    This week we had to work on movies and videos. Though I have never created movies before. Film is a large part of our society and my daily life. i can’t remember the last time I went through a full day with out at least seeing an advertisement for a movie. This week was fun. […]
  9. @Maggieo_13


    I am honestly not sure what to put. But I was thinking for a final project idea was creating a short video or movie for our superheros. I think it would be fun and entertaining. It would also tie in out superheros. I’m not entirely sure what the teacher meant by crisis. Maybe there is […]
  10. @Maggieo_13

    Daily Creates!

    #tdc2130 #ds106 — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) November 9, 2017 #ds106 #tdc2131 — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) November 10, 2017 #ds106 #tdc2132 — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) November 10, 2017
  11. @Maggieo_13

    Week 10!

    This week we working on a lot of different video assignments. Also we read quite a bit about film and video analysis. I struggled with this week. My working with video was minimal just the occasional Imovie. So reading about it was very interesting. I was able to do 10 star assignments. These assignment where […]
  12. @Maggieo_13

    Reading Movies!

    I used something called bandicam to record the video and then I movie to record the voice over. I honestly struggled with this project. I struggled because I found it hard to focus on things with the clip going by so fast. I watched it multiple times and still was having difficulty focusing on the […]
  13. @Maggieo_13

    Audio Radio Comments!

    So I messed up! I had work during the time for both radio shows! But the second night I was able to catch the last show! I also miss read the instructions and though the radio schedule had my radio show starting first at 8:30. Well it didn’t and the radio show I got to […]
  14. @Maggieo_13

    Daily Create Week 9!

    #ds106 #tdc2114 — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) October 24, 2017 #ds106 #tdc2115 — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) October 24, 2017 #tdc2116 #ds106 — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) October 26, 2017 The story to these Daily Create is there was a student athlete named Mark who was preparing for a new warm up for his football […]
  15. @Maggieo_13

    Web Storytelling!

    by I chose to use an article from last year. The article I chose to change was the on the Golden State Warriors game verse the Raptors. I am a fan of the Golden State Warriors, but I thought it would be fun to poke some fun at the program. I edited text on the […]
  16. @Maggieo_13

    Week 8 Daily Creates!

    I would’ve finished this daily create earlier but my nap was calling me #icanteven #tdc2108 — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) October 18, 2017 #ds106 #tdc2110 — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) October 19, 2017
  17. @Maggieo_13

    Radio Post Update!

    My group and I were able to meet Wednesday at 7 pm to discuss our project! We were able to come to the decision to do origin stories for all of our superheros we created. Then we would a discuss how our super hero is applicable to today’s society. We were then able to designate […]
  18. @Maggieo_13

    Daily Creates Week 7!

    Me blogging #ds106 #tdc2100 — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) October 10, 2017 Definitely a camera in this! #ds106 #tdc2101 — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) October 11, 2017 #ds106 #tdc2103 — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) October 12, 2017
  19. @Maggieo_13

    Radio Show Design Project!

    Above is my poster for the radio show my group will be putting on. We have named our radio station KLLM Radio. Our show will be about the origin stories of our characters and then applying them to modern day issues. We have decided to me open the show with the welcome bumper. The transition […]

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