Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Tonya Tyrrell

    Do You Know What’s Expected?

    It has been found that with the rise of the use of technology within classrooms around the United States, digital citizenship is being taught more and more to students. Before incorporating technology into the classroom, teachers need to decide what various kinds of elements of digital citizenship they want their students to have in the ...
  2. Tonya Tyrrell

    Are you fluent in Information?

      Information fluency was a term that I had not heard of prior to reading these different websites. Internally, I knew what it meant, but I didn’t know there was a term to describe it until now. Information fluency is the ability to find, evaluate, and use digital technology efficiently and effectively. As pre-service teachers, ...
  3. Tonya Tyrrell

    Twitter Chat!

    Last night I participated in my first ever Twitter Chat. I had tried to participate in two different chats before, but each chat had either gotten moved forward to another time, or had simply not occurred. While scrolling through the many different chats, #BlackEdu caught my eye. Since I am in the CURE Program here ...
  4. Tonya Tyrrell

    Online Collaboration

    Online collaboration is becoming more and more popular in classrooms around the world. Most classes have also become hybrid classes, where most of the work is done online, and then students meet together in the classroom to discuss what they have been doing online, as well as further their discussions. Collaboration leads to students exploring ...
  5. Tonya Tyrrell

    Self-reflection on Radio Show

    Surprisingly, I have found that I don’t mind audio clips. Usually I hate the sound of my own voice, and I have found that I can’t replay the clip, or I’ll delete it. The good thing about audio though, is that you don’t have to be dolled-up and pretty in order to record something. Honestly, ...
  6. Tonya Tyrrell

    Daily Create: Leap

      Happy Leap Day! Today’s assignment was to take a picture of a leap, or a leaping photo. This photo was taken last summer while I was in Michigan with my best friend. We got a little bored, so we decided to have a photo shoot with her awesome camera. I do have some good ...
  7. Tonya Tyrrell

    Ordering at McDonalds

    I actually enjoyed completing this audio assignment because it was pretty straightforward. It was simple and easy, and you just had to rely on the sound of your voice and accent to complete the assignment. Here is my order for McDonalds with a somewhat Southern accent (not a very good one). My family tends to be pretty ...
  8. Tonya Tyrrell

    Cover of my Autobiography

    When thinking about my life, I immediately thought of an old country road. I’m from a very small town, and live on a dirt road. I also wanted to somehow incorporate a “no regrets” sort of thing into it, so I found the phrase “U-turns, detours, and forks in the road” which just incorporates it ...
  9. Tonya Tyrrell

    Expression of Myself

      This picture just says it all. When I was a senior in high school, my best friend and I found a bunch of her old dance costumes and decided to have a dance-off. I am never embarrassed to do anything, even if I may look stupid. I love to laugh and have a good ...
  10. Tonya Tyrrell

    DS106 Post Secret

      Granted my brother is a senior in high school, but when I called to tell him I set-up my website, he knew exactly what I was talking about, and was asking me questions about my website that seemed like they were in another language. I’m pretty sure he started making his own websites when ...
  11. Tonya Tyrrell

    The Big Caption

      To complete this assignment, I looked on The Big Picture, and saw that they were featuring Fashion Week. This is actually a picture of a girl getting her hair dried. The caption I placed on the picture says “First we’re going to give you a brain, and then we’ll go from there ok?”   ...
  12. Tonya Tyrrell

    Daily Create Thoughts

    For the past week, I have put up responses to the following prompts: Got tats? Toy in Action How old I’m feeling     For most of my life I have lived by Peace and Love, and music has always been a major part of my life. This tattoo embodies all three aspects. I love ...
  13. Tonya Tyrrell

    Visual Assignments: Buddy Photo

      This is my Ugly Doll whom I call Jack. This picture is taken in front of the lake in my town to signify how much we travel from school to home. I always bring him wherever we happen to be going, especially if I have to sleep somewhere strange for the night.
  14. Tonya Tyrrell

    Visual Assignments: Newspaper Blackout Poetry

        You probably can’t read the poem that I created with the newspaper, but it reads:   After we post and record your notice. The end among others, order connection with You. This was a fairly simple project of just grabbing the nearest newspaper, and making art out of it by blacking out unnecessary ...
  15. Tonya Tyrrell

    Playing, Fiddling, Working It Out

    After finally getting my blog set-up after being hacked, I was able to finally able to set my theme and play around with my Menus. I have created a place where you can view my Daily Creates (haven’t completed that yet), and a place where I hope to upload different pictures, videos, and quotes that ...

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