Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92914 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @mwolfindale

    ds106 ‘Make Noise from a Normal Sample’ #2

    I recently joined ds106 as an open participant, whilst conducting a very small scale micro-ethnographic study of ds106 as part of the Education and Digital Cultures (EDC) course (#mscedc). This is my second try at Make Noise from a Normal Sample. I recorded the original myself on my phone (although technically it’s kind of a sample of a sample)…can …

    Continue reading "ds106 ‘Make Noise from a Normal Sample’ #2"

  2. @mwolfindale

    ds106 ‘Make Noise from a Normal Sample’ #1

    I recently joined ds106 as an open participant, whilst conducting a very small scale micro-ethnographic study of ds106 as part of the Education and Digital Cultures (EDC) course (#mscedc). I’m new to all this, but trying my hand at a few of the assignments, such as Make Noise from a Normal Sample. I recorded the original sample myself …

    Continue reading "ds106 ‘Make Noise from a Normal Sample’ #1"

  3. @mwolfindale

    ds106radio bumper

    I recently joined ds106 as an open participant, whilst conducting a very small scale micro-ethnographic study of ds106 as part of the Education and Digital Cultures (EDC) course (#mscedc). I have been following along with week five of UMW Spring 2020 and was inspired while listening to ds106radio this week, and hearing everyone’s radio bumpers, to try my hand at the …

    Continue reading "ds106radio bumper"

  4. @mwolfindale

    Joining ds106 as an open participant…

    Hello ds106! I’m Michael Wolfindale and work as an Instructional Designer at King’s College London. I’m very interested in digital storytelling and ds106. I am also conducting a micro-ethnography of ds106 as part of an MSc in Digital Education at the University of Edinburgh, specifically the Education and Digital Cultures (EDC) course (#mscedc), of which many …

    Continue reading "Joining ds106 as an open participant…"

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